>Illidan is a good guy now
lol what?
>Illidan is a good guy now
lol what?
Illidan isn't a good guy
He isn't a bad guy
He's THE guy
Get ready for arthas to be reborn a champion of the light who kept nerzhul from killing everything, too.
More like THAT guy
wasn't he always an edgy anti-hero
I don't know if anti-hero is wholly accurate but he's definitely an edgelord.
Illidan was always and always will be, the good guy. No this isn't fucking sarcasm or an attempt at humour its a stone cold fact.
Don't forget the Naaru scold you for killing him.
This. I know almost nothing about WoW """"lore"""" but I know Illidan just pulled the mother of all short sticks and got fucked over for just trying to do the right thing.
Isn't Illidan's fall and redemption basically the central plot to the entire WoW universe? I don't really pay too much attention to the lore this days I might be wrong.
Reading the books (The one set 10k years ago). He's always been about fighting the Legion.
>good guy bad guy orientation
what are you 5?
there are no good or bad guys.
>what about firemen
what about the firemen in ancient Rome who commited arson so they would have work?
This. His methods are extreme, but he does it for the sole purpose of trying to save the world. He gets so much power to fight the legion, but his power makes him look like a villain. We don't see ANYTHING in the games of his backstory until Legion, and what info they do give us is hidden in fucking books rather than in the correct location; the actual game.
It's not THAT bad of a story, but it's not a good one either. Should've just left him as a villain.
>being a moral relativist
They only burned down the bad guy houses obviously
he was always the good guy cucked by his brother
Is that why he got butthurt that his brother cucked him, so he made another Well of Eternity, you know, the exact same fucking thing that started this whole mess?
i thought he was a fallen hero; or at least that's the impression i got from timekeeper dungeons and the burning crusade raid
>there are no .. bad guys
are you implying that the burning legion could be construed as good?
are u dumb?
sargeras is trying to kill all life to prevent the old gods/void gods from killing all life
hes a good boy
>not sick
>he's not dan either
Honestly, this is the best move Warcraft lore has made in a while. Illidan should have always been a good guy. I don't know why they made him a bad guy.
He was always a "the ends always justify the means" guy and he was demonized (lol) for doing exactly what demon hunters do- using demons to fight demons. I have no idea why they decided they were just going to make him the fucking big bad of TBC especially after his performance in WC3:TFT where he was actively trying to stop the Lich King. Hell, the final cutscene was him fighting Arthas and losing. And what happens? Arthas and Illidan are both lol raid bosses in two different expansions.
The only reason Illidan was ever bad was they needed a fucking big name raid boss in the expansion.
but isnt he doing their job?
Pretty much.
He just thinks his version of killing everything is better than their version.
More like a guy
>"so user you like to read? what kind of stuff do you read?"
>"oh well i really enjoy warcraft novels haha"
He was always the good guy, just all the fucking sjw's and fgts preferred malf because muh faggotry
Illidan was not a bad guy, he was just surrounded by a bunch of faggots.