Will Marc Diraison voice Guts in the new game?
Will Marc Diraison voice Guts in the new game?
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i hope so
If they've gotten the 97 dub cast back for the movies, I don't see why they wouldn't get them back for the 2016 dub or the game.
My love for you is like a truck
High chance they will
I dont believe a dub has been mentioned but that'd be great
His voice is the only one I can imagine as Guts
>game comes out with a 97 cast dub
>has an unlockable feature that redoes the outtakes from 97 in the game's engine
Why doesn't the Berserk dub cast get more work?
that's a good question. the 3 main character VA's are all nobodies, but they're all 3 very memorable for a dub.
Who cares, fuck off!
this better be in I swear to god
Such fucking last gen graphics
mah nigga. why doesn't this piece get more recognition? It gives me chill every time.
Heeeeeeeeere we go.
It's because it's being released on PS3. It'll look a fair bit better on PC, I'm sure.
Berserk's dub is fine. The nip cast is definitely better, but the English crew did a good enough job. Quit being so autistic.
Why the fuck are they releasing it on a console that is pretty much dead or dying?
i highly, highly doubt it.
the dub is great, but i really don't think TK would bother.
I don't know much about the game yet, but please tell me this isn't gonna run on Unreal Engine.
Hey guys, just passing by with the obligatory HOLY SHIT, SIGN-3, FORCES 2016 AND A BUNCH OF OTHER SONGS OH MY GOD
berserk english outtake dubs are canon
will sean schemmel do all the background voices?
Schierke gameplay video incoming
>Nip cast is better
The english cast is way better and also is a lot more fitting than listening to oni-chan Guts.
loli witch will win the gutsbowl!
Griffiths va is voicing hisoka in the new hxh dub
Nah, dood. Dubs are terrible. Berserk's is certainly not an exception.
Enjoy your ham acting by performers who read lines for peanuts. You'll all come around someday.
I hope for another song from him for the game.
>Susumu Hirasawa used in the Koei game
>Relegated only to "on the next episode of Berserk" in the new shitty anime
I will never understand this.
>I will never understand this
judging by the quality of everything else with the new anime, they seem to actively be trying to sabotage the franchise tbqh.
Holy hell, is this Dragon Ball Super all over again?
Looks like Panty and stocking doing a parody
its an inbetween frame, you dip. fucking every animated show has QUALITY inbetweens
I know but it's still hilarious.
Me neither. The tradition was that they either used him for an entire OST, or the main intro song was a reserved spot for him.
They now use it as Gut's theme for some reason, which is dumb because he already had a theme in the '97 anime. And not even, because even then they just sort of blast it randomly.
Show the keyframe then.
The anime uses it in some scenes too
here you go pal
That isn't true. A high quality "in between" frame, as you call it, still looks good in stills. It'll still be perceivable as an object in motion. When they turn into low quality clay it's just laziness or lack of skill.
that's how Forces was used in the 97 anime though.
that episode made me stop watching this shitty show
Japanese men are physically incapable of sounding intimidating except for the dude that voices bison and his voice is definitely a villian voice.
Jap guts sounds like a weeny compared to dub guts.
man i dont even remember forces in the old anime. everybody said the english dub had better music and everybody kept getting wet over forces and i dont remember a single instance of it every being used. the only songs i heard was PUT YOUR GRASSES ON, the ending, and that weird soft vocal homo song they used whenever griffith was giving guts a brojob
>Kid born from the corpse of his mother.
>Adopted by a mercenary band.
>Life is hard and shit. Kid Guts is raped in the ass, but he kill the rapist.
>He grow. Now he's a cool strong teenager.
>Meets Griffith, he wants the "D".
>Fast forward. They're good friends now, but Griffith still want his "D".
>Guts help Griffith to become really powerful, and to have some political influence.
>Muh Game of Thrones argument. Stupid nobility dies and Griffith need to have sex with the little daughter of the king, just to get more power.
>Holy fuck, there are some freaks that become monsters. Is this the same world?
>Kiaska wants the "D" too, and she receive it. We have a cool relationship now.
>"Hey bro, I'm leaving. Thanks for the memories and all, but I'm leaving".
>Griffith dissapointed. He turns crazy. Now he have sex with the princess. But he's caught. All the band is now an enemy of the crown.
>Almost all band of the hawk is killed. The survivors and Guts rescue Griffith. He have been tortured for a long time, and he lost it all. He don't even want the "D" anymore.
>More monsters. Griffith is now like a helpless baby.
>The wheel of fate is spinning.
>Almighty gods give to Griffith the chance of becoming a god.
>He accepts, and all his friends are now sacrifices for the demons.
>Almost all die, but Guts and Kiaska. Hard party (the "red wedding" is a joke compared to this).
>Griffith is now called Femto. He's like Batman, but with super-divine powers.
>He rape Kiaska while Guts watch them. During this event Guts lose an arm and his right eye.
>-oh wait! A skull knight save them, but they are still sacrifices for the demons.
>After a few weeks, he's a vengeful badass. Kiaska have amnesia, and don't talk anymore due to the mental trauma.
kill yourself
If you're in here and haven't read the manga I'm objectively a better human being than you are.
Fuck you
This guy is right
Pirate Warriors 3 says otherwise... sadly.
i read the manga, watched the movies and the animes, i read miuras other mangas, i have the artbooks, and i also raped a brown girl
AND she liked it
what now fag boy?
She's not even in the running. You can't win a contest you're not a part of.
You're pretty cool in my books. You're a real human being. I'm probably only subjectively better than you and that's mostly due to my ego.
>She's not even in the running
shes the only contender. guts will never choose farnese because he knows shes a freak. and casca will betray/go away/kill herself next chapter so shes basically out
Guts has never shown even the remotest interest in her in that way. Assuming what you wrote comes true he'll end up alone or with an unintroduced character.
Hell, the hooker from the conviction arc stands a better shot than loli-face.
Where does one do this where they are comfortable posting it on Sup Forums? You in Kazakhstan or something?
Im at volume 36 from a torrent with good scans and translation that some user recommended me in these berserk threads. Where can i get good scans translated from 38 and forward? Or does it end in 37 with a cliffhanger?
he recognizes her importance and knows shes into him. if it comes down to it, he knows hes got her support
lets not pretend like miura isnt setting her up to stay on elf island while the group takes the bigger witch with them
38 hasnt been formed into a big book and 39 just started. you can get what youre missing from evil genius
God damnit. Are the chapters weekly? Monthly?
theyre whenever miura peels himself away from training anal idol to actually work
People actually believe the Golden Age isn't the best arc.
if they do an English dub of the new anime, what do you think Serpico will sound like?
yuri lowenthal
I 100% believe that would be the case
Memes aside, I'm starting to like him.
hes just gonna sound like sasuke and ben 10. its gonna be terrible
pero porque?
>english dub in a musou spin-off
The new guy they have for 2016's show is way too gruff.
But the guys they've got for JP 96 and the guy they got for the movies are pretty on point.
Casca in the movies is just about perfect, though I like Deep-Asuka in the series as well, even though I can hear the VA trying to awkwardly lower pitch.
English Guts never sounded like he had quite enough grit in his voice for my taste. He did manage the screams, which is where alot of dubs fall flat.
>way too gruff
if anything hes not gruff enough
Look up Evil Genius.
Good Translations.
Guts to me seems like he should sound like a 1/2 -> 1/4 octave lower version of Ocarina of time Link IMO.
the CGI sounds like he's trying too hard to gargle gravel
Dragon Quest Heroes got a dub. Maybe that was more SE's doing though.
>he should sound like a 1/2 -> 1/4 octave lower version of Ocarina of time Link
what the hell is wrong with you?
Gut's VA was in One Punch Man As a minor role, but a role none-the-less
Never read Berserk but i have a question
how can guts move his mechanical fingers while there's a gaping hole behind it with no mechanism?
>He did manage the screams
I agree. He fucking nailed this particular part.
>my love for you is like a truck, would you like to making fuck
more romantic than the original lines
>what the hell is wrong with you?
Explain. Do you remember how adult link sounded? Tone ranged from Low to decently high, he's also Viral in TTGL.
That's literally what I was thinking about, the rest of the acting sounds very iffy, hell, Casca sounded like she was lecturing a 1st grade class when she was giving orders.
But that very important part, he nailed.
Actually he usually doesn't, except when he wields his sword, but that's due to magnets.
The recent anime has him moving these fingers, but in the manga it never shows him move them as far as I can recall, but watch someone prove me wrong
official explanation that it's magnetic. More sense to think it's basically Ash Williams's hand from army of darkness
fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
>enjoying phoned in japanese voicework
>Do you remember how adult link sounded?
do you? he sounded like an elf on helium. guts ISNT japanese. remember that. i dont know what kind of shitty, emasculated nip voice you have in mind but it doesnt fit guts. hes white, hes a big man. he should sound rough and gruff
Thanks anons
What about Zoro's dub ?
>yfw they get Troy Baker to voice Guts
I've been rereading from 4, up to 30 now.
They never really explain it, apart from magnets for his hand. I don't recall him using his fingers.
This, he even says "Groovy" when he gets it.
I wonder if that's an accurate translation, and in this case I honestly don't care.
Man, go watch old 1954 Godzilla if you want to hear bad Japanese Acting.
As a kid, yes. As an adult, he had plenty of range, and his voice would START low before going up.
Thats why I said that it should be similar to that, yet around 1/2 and octave lower, hell a full octave. Actually read the post before shitposting idiot.
>guts ISNT japanese
He isn't anything.
>Miura: Things from outside Japan do go into the manga on a superficial level, but the Berserk world is, in terms of the way it feels, essentially Japan. It started from a pretty core Japanese place right from the start.
>–Wait, so you’re saying that while it may not look like it on the outside, Berserk reflects Japan on a mental level?
>Miura: Something like that, yeah.
I want to lick Schierke feet.
>Actually read the post before shitposting
nigger go fucking watch a clip of adult link. even if you lower it, it STILL doesnt sound like a voice fit for guts. you can have you shitty opinion but no one else thinks he should sound like a bitch
>the Berserk world is, in terms of the way it feels, essentially Japan
yeah, thats why the entire world and culture is european in every single aspect and theres nothing japanese in any sense for the sole exception of mustache knight
>It started from a pretty core Japanese place
by this he means his inspirations were all japanese, which they were. he got guts and griffith from fist of the north star and rose of versailles and as he explained in that article, lifted a bunch of concepts from other manga he read
He could also sound like Cecil from FFIV or the Prince of Persia. It'd be fitting for a fancy-pants nobleman like Serpico.
I'm pretty hyped for the next episode desu, even though I already know what's going to happen.
>that bit at the end from the 90s anime
Hey man, feel free to argue with the author himself. I got better shit to do.
>no one else thinks he should sound like a bitch
Which is why I said pitch in the fuck down. He sounds plenty close to what I imagined in the Golden Age movies anyways.
>Berserk reflects Japan on a mental level?
The intro as a while is actually okay, definitely better than the earlier episodes of the show.
you know nothing of my superior japanese rapier, folded over 1000 times
Find it yourself