Be in a dungeon

>be in a dungeon
>be a tank
>run around in circles around the enemy because it's always worked for me before
>whole party dies
>one guy comes down hard on me for screwing up
>somebody else defends me
>"He's probably new"
>starts giving me advice on how to be a good tank
>I say I'm trying
>we make past the first big enemy
>mean guy apologizes
>I /hug him
>he /hugs me
>get to the boss of the dungeon
>they tell me how to beat him before we start
>he's easy peasy
>entire party tells me how good a job I did
>all three give me a player commendation
That went surprisingly well.

Other urls found in this thread:

Generally the community isn't too cancer, really depends on what server you're on. Once you get to endgame bosses though, people will get pretty mad. Especially if you're a bad healer.

you didn't get a victory erp orgy? huh, that's weird

In every possible avenue besides the raid bosses and soundtrack this game goes to shit once you hit the level cap.

I mean I have a lot of fun with Thordan, even if I have to teach a new guy

So how is the PS4 version of the game? Are PC and PS4 servers separate or merged? Does communication work well on PS4? How are the controls? What is the game like population wise?

The servers are merged and PS4 people generally can do as well as PC. For communication you can hook a keyboard to your console, and a good few servers have big populations. If you do buy the game, beware the first 30 or so hours will be very boring, but it get's much better.

As long as we have a FFXIV thread, what's the best way to quickly level up my gladiator to level 15 so I can get the level 35 marauder quest? I'm at level 10 now.

merge, pc players usually tell ps4 players to fuck off

Hunt log is usually your best bet.

Are the Midas Savage bosses considered harder than this asshole?

Thanks, I might buy a copy of the game soon


>>run around in circles around the enemy because it's always worked for me before

Will a WoW-arena player have fun with this game?

But would they be harder than Sephirot with a pug?

It doesn't even compare. Seriously, watch this if you haven't already

It doesn't even compare, Midas Savage is on a completely different level of bullshit

The ffxiv community is no where near as vile and cancerous as other MMOs

Palace of the Dead tbqhwyf

PvP in FFXIV is ELDER GOD-TIER trash mixed with shitty players and SE "balancing". The only good thing is The Feast and even then it's borderline garbage.

Don't bother with it.

I still play it for the PvP tho

Back when I played, I've really never had any bad runs in any 4 man dungeon. I've only had 2 runs fall apart becuase of assholes who intentionally troll or just play the way the want without thinking about the rest of the party.

I had one run in which the tank wasn't new, but didn't know how to play properly. The two other guys really wanted to teach the dude the basic, but we were constantly wiping becuase the guy just couldn't get certain boss mechanics down. That was the only time I've ever experienced a timeout for doing a run.

I didn't mind tagging along, since I had nothing else to do. I pretty much had to be there too, since I had to tank with titan egi most of the time.

I've been wanting to resub for a while, but I always remember hating the end game grind, which I'm not a fan of. I'm not into farming glamour either.

>run around in circles around the enemy because it's always worked for me before
What why the fuck

I guess my parties have just been really good.

Nah senpai, XIV community is absolutely degenerate scum-tier.

ive never seen anyone do that

>PS4 Players have to pay BOTH PSN and FFXIV Subscription

Holy shit why tho

>the daily FFXIV ARR shill thread

fuck off

Actually you don't

I'm pretty sure I was told that this was not actually the case. I thought games with their own subscription ignored that requirement. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Basically, Bahamut was hard. The community was like "make it harder!". They made Gordias. Then the community said "HARDEEEEER" - And from that came Midas. They already said that The Creator is going to be easier.

Actually no. You can play this game without it.

Why do I never see you in the WoW or Overwatch threads blizzard shill?

But 10 overwatch threads are fine amirite?

Actually, they don't. Only if they want to play other stuff online aside from FFXIV.

Why did I not stockpile mhach farthings? Fuck this void ark shit for turning in the pennies.

But midas is considered to be much easier and lax in terms of actual difficulty compared to Gordias. A3s and A4s was the gigantic wall of Fuck You for raid groups. Only pre-nerf a6s or A8s are the hard ones out of idas.

>said goodbye to my FC and sent some goodbye gifts to acquaintances on my old server
>can't transfer to a different server because my alt I just deleted there is still in the system
>have to wait an entire day for it to be cleared
>get home from college and work next day
>okay now I can transfer!
>The World Transfer is unavailable, or the website is currently under maintenance.
>Please wait and try again.


>not able to switch servers whenever you want
>in the current year

How big do you think the 4.0 zones will be when they drop PS3 support?

I fucking hope they aren't any bigger than Heavensward zones. Instead, they should make the zones actually have interesting shit in them.

If dungeons have difficulty 1 and Sephirot Ex has difficulty 10, Midas Savage has difficulty 2000.

For reference, Sephirot Ex was beaten by thousands of players within 5 hours after it went up. Gordias and Midas Savage both took several weeks to get cleared by ANYONE, and that's with many groups going at it full time every day.

I'm a pretty casual player and I beat Seph Ex the first week via party finder. I beat Coil pre-expansion via party finder too. Savage? Absolutely no chance in hell.

Look up a video of Brute Justice (Midas Savage 4) and weep.

>tfw your group almost beat the boss after many wipes
>"Alright guys this is the one!"
>This shit happens

Mid trial repairing when

Yes, I am for smaller, but more interesting zones. Not going to happen though

>You have flying bitch, go fucking use it


You can already do it if you get off your lazy ass and level your crafters to 50.

>Be in dungeon
>Be a tank
>Attacking enemies
>Halfway through the dungeon, I get kicked
>Keep getting kicked in this dungeon for no reason
>Let my sub run out and never play again

your supposed to keep their agro

I did as much as I could.

Doesn't matter though, it's against the rules to kick for that reason anyway. I just reported every player that did this.

>be healer
>tank does his job, heal him like the slut i am
>wait till 2 dps leave
>give tank a good blowjob
>let him fuck me in the ass
>tank leaves as im on the ground with semen in my ass

just doing my job


You sound suicidal

You sound suicidal

No they seem like they're high on life

It's not against the rules, actually. You can kick for "difference in playstyle". Maybe instead of reporting people, you should learn to fucking play the game.

GMs in this game lack coordination. This type of reporting actually depends on whoever you get when you report. I've been told by GMs that you're not allowed to report on behalf of other people, but have seen friends get warnings via reports done on behalf of other people.

Several people have confirmed the "different playstyles" thing though.

>get to endgame bosses though, people will get pretty mad

There are some genuinely shitty people out there. But I hate when the community gets blamed when they're stuck in a game environment that breeds aggravation. Extremely repetitive and exhaustive simon says fights where the tiniest fuckups by a player send things spiraling into a wipe for all. I don't always blame people for cracking eventually.

Y'know I'm really not surprised. I mean if I had to level 6-7 more crafters to 50 I would drink bleach too.

Not even games that require other subscriptions. It's literally any game listed as free to play like smite, never winter, dcuo, war thunder, etc

Yeah, not falling for it, that would imply people actually spoke to you, which simply doesn't happen in that game.

It's not against the rules to kick someone for being a fucking unrepentant shitter.

I guarantee they tried to tell you what to do and you just didn't even respond or try to improve, maybe you didn't even have a keyboard.

No one ever gets kicked from a dungeon if they actually communicate like a non retard and aren't being obnoxious.

Since the day the game came out

Man I'm sure there's more to that story....

>>Be in dungeon
>>Be a tank
>>Attacking enemies

Brilliant storytelling user

Hate when this shit happens to others. Wish I could repair their gear for them while in the instance.

I miss MMOs but really don't. I'm human excrement but I hated the communities and the devs in every one I played, barring the smaller titles that folded for being stupid enough to try to exist in a WoW world.

I miss being a part of world firsts and BG/server firsts in WoW. But I also miss competency and players desiring to get better. The guy who got me into WoW was a terrible tank who had a terrible attitude, and while he sat at T4 gear unable to accomplish T5/6 I got to see Illidan and glaives with the 24 other people.

Is FFXIV good? Nah, it doesn't matter. I couldn't handle another level and gear grind game.

Do it faggot

FF14 has no grinding unless you want to do the hardcore versions of raids. Even then it's minimal.

I beat every single bit of content in the base game before the expansion came out without grinding.

The key is to always hold off on the hardcore content until a couple months after release, when the gear people had to grind for gets handed out as welfare gear. As long as you're okay with always being a patch behind the top-end raiders, you can do everything in the game with almost zero time spent doing repetitive stuff.

i played ff14 for 3 months when heavensward came out, i went trough 90 percent of the content without making a single friend

the 10 percent i missed out on was the really hard stuff where you need to train with a team for

it was a pretty good experience, going to sub again when the next full expansion comes out

for some damn reason i enjoyed fishing, woodcutting and mining in the game, literally could do that for days upon days..

that said in the 3 months i no lifed hard with around 900 hours playtime, i think i had 2 negative experiences as a tank, one was valid as i was being cocky and trying to rush without aggoring enemies decently and letting the healer die multiple times and she got pissed off

another one was where i was top dps as a tank and doing the boss mechanics correctly while the 3 other where doing fuckall and it was obvious they were friends, we got wiped twice to the boss while they did fuckall and they kicked me

Why is it down and up. Why don't we ever say
>one guy comes up hard on me for screwing down

It against the rules. I looked it up. I didn't give them permission to kick me and I'm allowed to play as I please.

You couldn't repair mid battle at 2.0's launch, you still had to switch to a crafter.

Who do you think knows this shit better, you or the people who actually play this game?

You can. Kick. For arbitrary reasons. That's just how it is. As long as no personal insults or slurs were used, the GMs will never punish people for kicking. Sometimes it gets abused by douchebags, but it's very rare to see, and chances are that wasn't the case with you. You probably just refused to play as a team.

No. Stop.

That's a good little healslut.

>I'm allowed to play as I please.
shitter detected
you can definitely be kicked for being a detriment to a group without even listening to advice or being an asshole

you don't just get kicked from dungeons constantly unless you're a jerk