Did you play your favorite video game girl's game today?
Did you play your favorite video game girl's game today?
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Sup Forums has been more normalfag than ever in the past few weeks, just let it go already Marisabro
Mine's is Neph and no, because I don't actually like her game that much. It's only OK.
I simply make these threads because I enjoy making them, user. I never expect them to be busy.
Why not?
marisa has been shit in every touhou game except mountain of faith and that was because she was broken in that game
i don't know where to buy these games so no
No, I've been too busy to play any games thanks to college, but I still love my beautiful Fuuka.
No, I don't have anything against them, I just don't enjoy her games.
Objectively false.
Which games? Touhou?
Well, college is important. Gotta make make your waifu proud.
I'm actually kind of curious, have you ever tried out the vocaloid software? I'm sure it's impossible to navigate if you're not musically inclined, but it's still might be interesting to see.
I know, it just saddens me to see the state Sup Forums is in.
I blame No Man's Sky
>Which games? Touhou?
Yep, and I like to buy physical titles only.
I haven't. I probably should.
Oh, well those you have to buy via online vendors. I think Jbox sells them for a reasonable price.
I wish I could give better advice, but most of the Touhou games I own were either gifts or purchased at that American Touhou con last year.
Eh, if I've learned anything about Sup Forums, it's that it's changing all the time. It might seem bad now, but it's bound to get better as things calm down.
No, I haven't tried any Vocaloid software. I would rarely use it to make Miku say random things. I figure it difficult to justify spending so much money on something I wuldn't use very often. Who knows? Her V4X (youtube.com
Yes. I'm trying to be able to play Mega Black Label Level 999 but it's way above my ability so for now it's really tough going.
seems i found one, ill buy it now. thanks
Go to bed already Harry.
Well, nobody starts as a creator, you know? It could end up being a fun hobby to pick up.
Good luck with that, user. I enjoyed Deathsmiles, personally, but I personally prefer vertical shmups so I haven't really put much time into it.
I mean, I enjoyed that one, and I actually do own a physical copy, but that might not be the best place to start if you're not familiar with the series.
>I mean, I enjoyed that one, and I actually do own a physical copy, but that might not be the best place to start if you're not familiar with the series.
Do you have a suggestion on where to start? I have a bit of cheddar to blow so i might as well use it all.
FE9 is too great a step back from the GBA and SNES titles.
Just played some PoFV today with best girl,but Aya kicked my shit as usual.
I want to take a break from Touhou but I just can't.
Nah, all I did today was play Darius.
>It could end up being a fun hobby
I doubt I would produce anything noteworthy. Still, the idea of actually buying and using the software to hear her say my name or random nice things seems like the next step on my path of madness.
Yeah, AI Aya can be a real menace, especially with how long she can survive thanks to her speed, and how good she is and reflecting bullets (again thanks to her speed).
Just hold on to your charge, only using level 2s when you need to clear bullets. Don't move too much, focus on streaming her attacks. And most importantly, remember that her extra attacks bounce off walls, so you need to adjust your movement to make up for that.
I mean, PoR is still pretty good. Honestly I think it's better than FE7, if only because FE7's forced tutorial is incredibly annoying.
Pic related!
>I personally prefer vertical shmups so I haven't really put much time into it.
I usually do too, but Deathsmiles just really clicks with me. Especially Casper~
Well, there are a few places where you could begin, I suppose.
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is the most straightforward game in the series, with no real gimmicks to worry about. It's not the easiest game, but it'll help you get a hang on the genre. It does, however, lack some of the quality of life changes that the later games added.
Imperishable Night is arguably the easiest game in the series, it has a larger than normal window for death bombing (basically bombing right as a bullet hits you to avoid losing a life), and it has the most content of any Touhou game so you'll be getting your money's worth.
Perfect Cherry Blossom is also pretty straight forward, features a gimmick that makes the game easier to complete while not detracting from the experience, and is my personal favorite game in the series.
Double Dealing Character is a more modern game, and is a bit more gimmicky than the above 3 games, but it strikes a very good balance between the more gimmicky nature of the more recent games, and the more straightforward gameplay of the older Windows games, and could also serve as a solid entry point.
Those are my personal recommendations, make of them as you will.
Oh, who was your favorite character, anyway? It might be worth it to pick up her game to, if she's what got you interested in the series.
Well, if it makes you happy then it's worth the money, right?
Or you could just pirate it I guess.
What the fuck is going on with you slaves, stop worshiping my daughter and get your asses back to the 1cc chamber.
Waifufags need to be fucking gassed.
I haven't played video games for a while
Although I think I'm getting a figure and a game that have my favorite video game girl's voice actress soon
I suppose I'll try Double Dealing Character first, thanks for that.
And I don't know of any of the characters. All i know is that they are bullet hell games with cute girls since ive seen the a little bit over a decade ago
No, and I have to admit I haven't played for a while. I actually wanted to, but I was too tired when I got home. I'll make sure to visit her soon though!
Okay, I have never played FFXIV myself, but isn't it supposed to be super popular?
Why does your waifu only have like 10 images then? Is she a really minor character?
Just curious as to why a character from such a seemingly successful game has virtually no fanart
>I am gonna buy useless weeaboo shit and play my waifu's shitty games in the vain attempt that she will fuck me despite the fact she wouldn't be attracted to me at all!
Why are waifufags such colossal Cuckholds?
Yep, just got back from 1v1s at a friend's house and I won most of my matches with her.
Because I wanna fuck the voice actress
It is but she is inconsequential to the main story and only really relevant to one job's quest line, which I'm sure a large portion of the players who even do it don't read. Most art centers around people's own player characters and when people do draw NPC, it's usually the major ones.
Taokaka is a fun character. If I were better at Blazblue or had a version of the game that wasn't on the 3ds I would probably play as her.
Because I love her, silly. You'll understand when you're older.
But I didn't buy a shitty game for her. I played the game, found it enjoyable and then I found her! Besides, she has no merchandise for me to waste money on Not that I wouldn't.
>Did you play your favorite video game girl's game
>girls game
What did he mean by this
That Raymoo certainly has some nice udders.
seems like a fairly straightforward question
A cow shrine maiden is fine too
Playing FF8 every day would get tiring after a while.
Fuck off.
But I didn't do anything.
fuck you ace
Not really.
Sounds obvious to me
Not you too. Post your wafiu already since your here now.
I guess.
I hope it's Quistis, faggot
You are my waifu, ace
Fine whatever.
What if one doesn't have a favourite girl/boy?
as long as you don't bully anyone you're welcome to stay.
How many pounds do I have to lose to become someone's waifu? Currently at 210, 5' 9''.
I don't think that's how it works.
I have next to no muscle mass so I'm sure I could easily pass as a girl with some make up.
not today
>waifu thread gets overrun with trannies
There's literally one person who has made two posts and then left. What are you even talking about?