uhmm back the fuck offf????
Why do people like these games?
They all look the exact same and play the same, it's fucking boring.
>actually playing a fecal hunter game
So I heard the PC port is actually good?
What are the sales?
Best PC port this year boss
But I guess that's not saying much huh?
Otakus will buy it as long as it's from Japan, and Jap knows it.
I swear, isn't this a good thing since it went from PC to PS4? The Japanese developers get access to more sales, while still being accessible to the home market which is dominated by Mobile - Nintendo - Sony in that respective order?
Games have been selling less over there due to gacha mobage. They still have a small PC crowd as well, due to artists / game modders / Visual Novel / ero enthusiasts.
Crack where?
>Very Positive
What's wrong with that?
Silly goy. Just buy the game. It uses Deneuvo
Jokes on you, I'm actually Jewish.
6 months
Yeah it's 60FPS while the consoles are locked to 30.
Yes exclusives are only good for shitposting
>fans of the series x will buy series x
That's some S-class deduction skills, user.
Not all otakus are drooling retards though.
So I should like this if I love MH? From what I get this is 2 games, should I play them in order or is it like MH where the sequel is just an improved game?
so it really has denuvo uh ?
I guess i'll get a key for cheap in a month or 2
torrent? :^)
They kinda wasted money on it desu. Why would you pirate a mostly multiplayer game?
just pay $1 to your russian scammer you ultra cucks.
Kind of like Fallout 4 and Overwatch fans?
PS4 is 60 also.
Vita is the only one locked at 30.
>missed PO
>still buy it because it was just some gay costumes
I am a weak bastard. I hope it good.
i'm not that much of a cuck
believe it or not, the keys i buy are 100% legit
>So I heard the PC port is actually good?
Are you asking us if you heard the PC port is actually good?
Seriously, why do so many people do this?
From your local African american drug dealership.
PS4 is locked to 30 because it has crossplay with Vita.
Nah, these are 100% certified stupid.
is this game even fun? looks like monster hunter with futuristic beasts and explosion skills. doesn't that make it too easy?
If you like anime tropes for story then yes. Just watch the anime though and save $50.
>is this game even fun?
Don't listen to this funposter Anime version is diarrhea. They even had to pull it.
Yes it's fun. Harder than the easymode that is MHG (thanks, styles.)
That sounds good then. I fanboyed every Monster Hunter since I played Freedom 2 on PSP but skipped Generations after playing the demo. Maybe I'll pick it up. PC version or PS4, that is the question though
>PC version or PS4, that is the question though
Most Bandai Namco PC ports are good. Zestiria was extremely good too. The only bad port was Symphonia.
Don't all weeb games have high scores? They are bought almost exclusively by weebs who would like it or rate it high no matter what it is. Like anime on imdb
Final Fantasy Explorers > All
>PC Hunting community
Yeah mate good luck with online missions
hope this ain't true, I love me some 60 fps, can't believe PS4 doesn't offer it tbqh, game doesn't look demanding at all
PC version won't have as big of a community as the PS4/Vita version, but it will run at 60 fps on pc and most likely have mods.
>wanting to play at 30fps
>having to pay to play online
Dude weeb games already had more then deserved scores,I can't find a single weeb related thing on steam with a mixed opinion,and far from because there Is no bad ones.
Locked so it can play with Vita
Dunno. PC had more players for EDF 4.1 and LP2.
MGSV uses Denuvo and is the definitive version for the PC because of this mod
Cry more?
MGSV has tons of mods. Plenty that only work with the latest patch which uses the latest ver of denuvo.
fuck, that actually sounds legit
Its true though since its cross play
Because there are many notoriously shit PC ports in recent years, and most PC ports used to be utter fucking garbage.
How fucking
Deneuvo always gets cracked. Just give it a few months.
I was asking why you phrased that in question form.
It makes no sense, the correct way would be
>So I heard the PC port is actually good, is it?
>Is the PC port actually good?
The sentence you wrote makes no sense with a question mark.
It's as, as I said, you were asking us if you heard the PC port is actually good.
Pretty sure meant how you asked a question if we knew that you heard the thing. Pretty fucking annoying when people use this, are you spanish?
Oh, yes.
That phrasing is fucking retarded.
Funny enough, i'm the one correcting him and i'm the Spanish one, don't know about him.
Underage foreigners use it the most.
Is it recommended to play the first God eater game that comes with GE2 first or can I dive into GE2?
Accidentally posted.
It works colloquially when vocalised due to the raised inquisitive inflection in one's voice.
It makes fuck all difference.
Just emulate the first and see if you like it.
You can skip it.
>Emulate it
You realize it gets bundled right?
Why would I emulate it when I have it already?
So you don't need to buy the second one to see if you actually like it you aspie.
Unless you were going to buy it anyway, which makes you stupider for not even using what you pay for.
I'm glad EDF sold well on PC. Hopefully sandlot can be more ambitious with the sequel to 2025.
watch it on youtube
followed by
Otherwise the grind is gonna burn you out when you start playing GE2
Do i need to play the first one to understand this one?
No. You'll catch up pretty fast.
>fallout and overwatch fans aren't retarded
Denuvo doesn't prohibit modding, you dumb fuck, it prohibits tampering with .exe. If the game has shit mod support so tampering with .exe is required - then blame the devs
Most people already played 2025 on consoles.
This is not your regular gaming console war.
It's a Sony steam vs Xbox win10 tag match.
Are you sad because it's a good port?
If you're looking for something bad, try Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan alongside with Arslan are the best KT ports.
It's really sad when your best port is still so shitty it doesn't even have mouse support
>why do people enjoy things I dont
literally autistic
>Attack on Titan
>bad port
kek time to throw your toaster away
game runs on max at stable 60FPS just fine for me.
>wanna play it and have fun
>devs put denuvo in it
>can't buy it because i don't want to support DRM
i hope devs will soon understand, how badly denuvo affects sales
Alright, thanks.
I think i'll watch the first one on youtube and then proceed to play GE2.
You wouldn't play Dark Souls or Devil May Cry with a mouse. It's simply a control scheme that's designed with a controller in mind. It's not a shitty port.
Never ever cuck
>1 out of 100 000 didnt buy it
woahh such a huge loss. they didnt need your money to be millionaires before and dont need it now either. you dont get how this world works stupid
>kek time to throw your toaster away
I'm talking about the lack of mouse support and 4k resolution you dingus
>i don't want to support DRM
>yet he still has many games on Steam
come on now
Denuvo don't give money to people, so its very doubtful the system will pay itself.
Also if the game NEED some fan patch to be playable, the game is fucked because denuvo cockblocks modding.
>the game is fucked because denuvo cockblocks modding.
Stop it you fucking retard you already said this
Game is shit desu, well at least GEB is. But hey, I at least tried the game before calling it shit. I'd give this a try also to see if it's better than GEB but denuvo lol
Just claim you didn't want to play it anyway and call it shit.
shit sales for AAA game
and this is how you spot someone who never played the game
>poor pc port
>mixed reception amongst players
all of those have reasons to either not boy or just wait later
Not that user and I'm not against Denuvo but don't be retarded.
And yet, doom and warhammer have sold well. So your point is moot.
show me a better source for sales on steam
Yeah, probably would sell 1.5x times more without denuvo
the controller shit is broken as fuck and its showing ps4 prompt no matter what
it runs perfectly fine but its still shoddy as fuck in the details
you wouldnt know