Has gaming ever negatively effected your life?

Has gaming ever negatively effected your life?
Do you think you'd be happier without it?

I don't know about happier but I sure as hell wouldn't be as much of a fuckup as I am now.

It has given me happiness and made me free from other people
Id be very miserable without it

No. No.

Thank you Mr. Skeletal

if shes over 25 she shouldn't be alive

I play video games because my life is shit, not the other way around

Is that the Wendy's girl?

Better grades would be nice, I don't care about other passtimes thou.

>girls of fast food

American detected

Life without videogames would have been hell
I cant imagine how people didnt kill themselves in the past, working all day and dealing with nagging wives

If it wasn't for gaming I'd probably find some other thing that's just as meaningless, at least this way I get some sort of social contact.


without games Id probably be a druggie alcoholic

then again maybe Id have more incentive to go out more even though theres nothing to do around here

Do you think she would enjoy getting shit in her mouth before or after video games?

Vidya makes life worth living to be honest.

Yes. Video games are soul sucking. Many people have no other hobbies but them. I'd still be casual since it's normal to play video games, but's a bad dedicated hobby

She doesn't look any different aside from makeup and expression

They would just sit at the bar all day and chat with their colleagues, probably

Why do people keep making these threads? Just fucking gossip threads?

Other than having me locked up in my house playing vidya for hours on end and becoming an obese fuck, nah. I sure as hell doubt I would be happier without it though.

Vidya hasn't directly affected me, I've always been kind of reclusive and unsociable. If anything it has helped me stay happy throughout the day and stopped me from becoming depressed.

Because its the best hobby possible.

it's a change from No Man's Sky threads and it's something new to talk about
get over it

Thanks for proving my point


i'd just read more books

I've never really bothered to do a lot with other people, so video games are good to waste my freetime. I also got a gf thanks to them.

Sex mostly. Drinking and games that also often involved either drinking or gambling. Look at small rural farmer families even in America up until just a decade or two ago and you'll see they often have very large families.
Sex is fun, user.

Nah 3D is PD

Nah, social retardation is in my genes.

Why do you think there's a million card games?

Pretty much any physical game like hide and seek and tag existed during the roman times for kids too also.

I got really depressed for 2 years, stopped socializing, and did nothing but play video games and watch porn.

Of course I don't blame those things for my depression, they were more an attempt to escape it. Still wish I would have done something more productive.

>it's something new to talk about
>blog/gossip thread
suck my dick, choke on it

I guess you cant miss what you never knew

Games existed before video games you retarded millenial. When I was a little fag, we were passing time by shooting eachother with blowguns strapped to planks.

They find these things fucking everywhere in one shape or another from ancient times. If you've ever heard rolling bones then that's because they were more often than not made from bone. It's kind of funny how many games are reliant on a rng to operate and 3000 years ago people were entertaining themselves with less sophisticated versions of the same things we enjoy today.

Let me spin you a green text yarn Sup Forums

>Be me, 7 years old
>Directionless kid with no heros or idols to look up to, didn't know who I wanted to be when I grew up
>Start seriously getting into video games thanks to one particular game
>See the name of the game designer of the game and decide that is who I wanna be when I grow up
>Spend all my time an energy over the next 13-15 years trying to become that person
>Finally make it, I am a game designer at a AAA publisher, the dream has been attained
>Its great at first, when my blind enthusiasm lets me get through all the hardships of making modern video games, and writing it off like it will get better
>Now I am 28, miserable, hate my job, and video games long conned me, ruining my life and any real career prospects I have, because there is no long term successful career to be had in video games two decades after I committed to this path.

Video games have managed to ruin my life, or at least the first half of it. So yeah, I would say they have negatively affected my life.

>not putting on heavy jackets and shooting each other with bb guns
How does it feel knowing you had a shit childhood?

>be me

Fuck off

Video games prevented me from killing myself when I was a teen. I don't play them as often nowadays since I work and prefer socializing but I would definitely want to work in the field of video games so I can make something that will help someone else out.

I think I would be so much more productive without it, but at the same time it taught me English.

That's really weird because I remember even a decade ago hearing about how shitty being a dev was with how crunch times work. It's too bad you were too retarded to look into it before presumably spending 4 or more years getting a god damned degree in it.
Fuck you

>humanity has been addicted to RNG since the ancient times
We will never learn, will we?

>>Be me
really now?

Also should've just learned how to code and get certified so you can get an easy good paying IT/Software engineer job.

Its not the crunch that has ruined it now. Developers pander to the lowest common denominator, and there is zero creativity left. How many good games do you actually play these days?

Any that turn out good, are at this point, at least 60-70% luck. Its the soul crushing nature of the garbage that is put out that has made the industry undesirable, not the crunch.

We didn't have bb guns so we had to improvize. We made guns out of plastic tubes, wood and duct tape and shot eachother either with paper bullets or unripe grapes.

>Has gaming ever negatively effected your life?
I've never let gaming interfere with my life.
I've never been late for work, lost sleep or missed out on a commitment because I couldn't stop playing vidya.
>Do you think you'd be happier without it?
Not really.

So nothing has changed and its like every other industry, amazing.

I just don't understand why you expect virtually any degree of creative control when you work at a team that probably has employees in the hundreds working on a game. Why not try to find an indie company where you might have more of a voice?
I still wouldn't expect that much control, but I'd wager you'd see a lot more of your ideas put into it.

My dad was so mad when he found out. He basically said something along the lines of "Can you believe this little retard and his friends were running around shooting each other with bb guns" to my uncle" and my uncle said "Well Rusty I remember we used to do that when we were his age". The look on his face after the complete shutdown I'd never seen before. Based uncle.

That's respectable. It helped me through many problems by allowing me to unwind so I can approach things rationally. I'd definitely get into developing them for the same reason.


I-I want to get rid of it but I'm too weak

Monster Hunter Generations has taken control of my life

>women age like milk
We know OP.

I dunno,

I've only ever had videogames, since I was 4 and I got my NES for Christmas. 27 years later still playing videogames a few hours a day.

that cunt doesnt actually play games
shes just depressed because no man wants to put his seed in her

Pretty sure its with and without make up

I would desu

except she has makeup on in both pictures


None of the myriad terrible decisions I've made in my life are related to video games.

i would prefer to play video games than go outside

these kids around my house keep playing their ball games and blasting their music on mobile phones to annoy everyone while throwing stones for fun, what's wrong with just staying inside and playing some fun vidya?

I would have nothing to do while my cancer treatment goes. Also I played when I didn't have cancer and I still had fun.

since I'm a jew and I'm conscious about spending 10 dollars, is Kingdoms of Amalur worth it? I've heard it's fun and consumes a lot of time. I've got like 4 months until treatment is done.

she has almost the exact amount of makeup in both pics. The one on the right has has little or no foundation and maybe less lip gloss/liner

I would even be more boring as fuck but I sure would get the jobs done

i wouldve killed myself or become one of those degenerate frogfuckers in /r9k/ if i didnt vidya

Haha no

They're the reason i was able to decide what career path to take and what i wanna do with my life

I'll be honest I'm pretty addicted to gaming. I got home from work tired as fuck and wanted to go to bed last night but I couldn't do that without playing some kind of game or else it feels like I'm wasting time by not playing games. I literally can't stop sometimes I could play like 18 hours straight. I basically play games full time. I want to stop but I can't. I think I should just switch my major over to comp sci or something so I can try making games as a hobby on the side so I can put the info I have to use since I mainly play strategy shits anyway.

feels bad man

They got drunk and beat their wives for talking shit and splashing the household money on useless shit.

Can't comment on the game. But best of luck with the treatment bud. You'll get through.

I bet even during the wewuz times people argued if gambling was based on skill.

It was based on how much the gods favored you of course

When i was a kid i binge played orcarina of time on release so hard it fucked up my back for life.


Id probably kill myself by now if not vidya.

Nah anime did

What is the right picture from, and why are you fags posting it? Please explain for everyone else who isn't scouring normie platforms for fresh memes to post on Sup Forums.