Filename Thread

Filename Thread

Keep it Vidya
















Is filename accurate/good enough?


No, but your picture is kawaii tbqh fampai




this one?

HAHA Time to dump

5/5 Breddy gud


How the fuck is that vidya related?




JoJo has Video Games. Four, in fact




So does 50 Cent.
Not vidya.




50 Cents doesn't have four vidya, silly user

Fuck off narutard.






This IS supposed to be a kids show, right? Not some bizarre pseudo-porn cartoon?


Fucking shit when will it end. I'm going to grow as an old man, hear about a friends wife having an unexpected abortion and I'll chuckle because of this crap.

you are retarded that's not even tertiary that's just "wahaaa mom said I could post"

It's a little girl's show, to be exact. Why did you ask?



I mean, fuck, it looks like it's an experiment in how many sexual fetishes they could cram into a show before they had to edit it.

>eau de le blue bear

Dayum, who dis??

What Sexual Fetish?






Alternative title



i-is the dispenser attached to the shower curtain?!


No; looks like it's attached to glass to me


we're doing this again, aren't we



>Silicon Valley Girl
Come to think of it, I forgot to record Clover doing the Queen Bee the initiation






Is that from Danger 5?




holy shit that autism.


user, we're in a board that seriously nitpicked the hypest game of the year for being a downgraded even though it doesn't look that bad. We have no room to call out autism

do you even grasp what a filename thread is about you insufferable imbecile?

>Wild Style

We should make a Bingo version of these charts

>we're in a board that seriously nitpicked the hypest game of the year for being a downgraded even though it doesn't look that bad.
which game are you even talking about

if you mean ff xv that's been garbage for long before graphicsfag bitching

>if you mean ff xv that's been garbage for long before graphicsfag bitching
See what I mean?

I really don't see how you'd get hype for it after the shitshow that was xiii and its various sequels.

It's looked about the same or worse pretty much every time they've showed it over the past years.

that's nowhere near fetish obsessive listing though?


There's no fetish in TS, you guise. It's all just cute girls doing cute crazy spy action things


>I never asked for tits.


Seriously though, I ran out of lewds


just post the laser beam one and end this cycle


ffxv bustin a nuttshell