Reminder that if you picked anyone else other than Tali and Garrus on your missions, you need to kill yourself.
Reminder that if you picked anyone else other than Tali and Garrus on your missions, you need to kill yourself
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Alien loving scum.
>muh bro
he was a whiny manchild with daddy issues. There was never ever a fucking bromance.
Garrus - best bro
Tali - best waifu
everyone else is just a gimmick meme character
>Fucking TALI
>muh people
>muh pilgrimage
>muh people's pilgrimage
>fuck shephard I'm such a beta please fuck my alien ass until I feel relevant to the plot
>cool, a mission! are you going to level up my combat skills or just make me able to open more shit?
>Our lore is totally as rich and cool as the other aliens, we definitely aren't just the collective tech monkeys of the Universe
>Fuck you I'm mad, I'm going to go have sex with Shephard so I won't be so mad
>Okay I'll show you my face
>It's a hologram
shut up you bosh'tet
>Not taking the xeno-hating waifu and being patrician
>Not taking stronk Krogan dicklord for the banter
>Not taking the Aussie shitposting assassin for the sheer fun and edgy remarks
>Not taking Mordin for intellectual bants
>Not taking Jersey Shore QT to chad up your team
>Not taking robowaifu and laughing at fat robot tits
Did you even PLAY the games, OP?
I love Tali and Garrus, in the most spergy way you can imagine. When they got together I was really happy. Sure ME3 was a pile of shit for the most part but I still treasure the character interactions in it.
I love all party members though, with the exceptions of Kaidan, Jacob and Miranda, who are just okay.
most useless squadmate if you dont go against geth.
Infiltrator+Liara+Garrus is the most fun way to play. Wrex kicks ass too.
I kinda want to replay the Mass Effect Series. Should i wait for the remakes or just Mod them and play now?
Reminder that if you buy Andromeda you're directly supporting terrorism as Bioware fills their ranks with filthy mudslimes that do nothing but talk of killing white people.
I always pick Garrus, Javik and Vega
its illegal to sell the remakes on steam due to copyright law.
>Tali and Garrus
Literally the most boring characters to use
steam players BTFO, origin once again dominates the gaming industry!
Garrus is cool though.
What? I own the Mass Effect trilogy on Origin eitherways.
>Not picking based Ash and Liara/Edi
Secondhand embarrassment was off the charts
>Not taking Samara and Miranda to have the highest possible efficiency when playing Insanity
>Not just taking them because they are best girls
The writing in the first half of the Citadel DLC felt so weird. Did anybody feel the same way?