Is this game good? I stayed away from it at release, its on sale now, and I need an RPG or something to keep me busy...

Is this game good? I stayed away from it at release, its on sale now, and I need an RPG or something to keep me busy. I've heard of a lot of cisquisition and gay shit, as long as its not over the top I think I'd be okay with it.

What's the consensus?

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Yes, it's good. Buy it faggot.

It's hit or miss

How so? I've heard the combat being hack and slash is bad but I'm okay with that.

Not very, but adequately.
If you are not aching to play anything else right now, you might as well.
Just be reasonable demure with your expectations.

Play it only if you have played both DA:O and DA2 in order.

It's mediocre and will not hold your interest enough if you are not into the franchise.

All that cisquisition, tranny and degeneracy shit you heard ? That´s true. Also as character your only conversation options are possitive or curious about faggots and trannies. You can´t deny them completely, not even slightly.

So if you want to play it for gameplay "press button for something awesome to happen" then go ahead.

Its pretty good. Combat is about on par with dragons dogma sans climbing, at least as a tempest archer where I spent most of my play through. Story is decent but rushed at the end, probably works out better with trespasser that I haven't bothered with yet. And as far as gay characters go, Dorian is the best companion in the game by far and Sera isnt too bad in banter. Just avoid conversations with Viv and you're good to go.

This user didnt play the game. Ignore him.

I didn´t ? How come ? Could you tell Krem she disgust you ? Could you catch Ironbull on his bullshit that Qun accept faggots ? Could you tell Sera to fuck off ?(Actually you could but not because she is ugly dyke). Can your character ever get angry or negative ?
Is this not all true ?

Better than DA2, still not as good as DAO.
It does suffer from a lot of shit though, bad animations, textures, writing, characters.
plus all the usual nu-bioware shit like the trans character, who you can completely ignore and not bring up at all if you want, lesbian elf who is the worst character I've ever had the unfortunate to be in my party, and the gay guy who was the living stereotypical flaming homo with daddy issues but was actually a pretty decent guy compared to some of the other companions.

It's honestly not that bad. I'm a bit biased since I've always been a fan of the franchise but it's a step up from da2. A huge one. Think of the 1st and 2nd titles combined into one and that's kinda what it's like. Combat is meh but the customization keeps it interesting enough, the chicks are all ugly af but the interactions can make you laugh enough to like them in a charming way. I personally like the story, has a twist at the end that I didn't see till late game. All in all, go for it if you like the other titles but don't expect game of the year material.

Do you want to play an offline mmo with garbage presentation, mediocre to badly written characters with a plot so generic it seems ripped out of fan fiction?

You don't ever have to deal with krem, you don't ever have to deal with sera, you can't be evil though, but that is what it is and wouldn't really make sense given the games context anyways.

>Is this game good?

No. Mediocre combat, look-at-all-this-nothing exploration, collect-a-thon bullshit, bad writing.

It has the same problem that DA2 had (start with a good plot idea and then take a shit on it because your devs are hacks) with years more development time and a much bigger budget, so they had really no excuse.

How is it step up from DA 2 ? No really, tell me. It´s worse combat, it´s worse story, worse characters, worse dialogues, poor abilities, attributes cut from the game. Only think better might be bigger map, but now it´s too big with a lot of meaningless shit. I don´t need to fucking look for shards.

I shouldn't be one-sided: it has nice environmental graphics and the background music is good.

But everything else was phoned in by EA drones.

Is this your answer ? "You can ignore it" ? Really ? So we just cover our eyes, ears and pretend it´s not happening ?

DA2 had a good story. No epic adventure, just focus on one guy/woman through years and his story. Nice change it was.

I miss when you could be evil in bioware games.
>DAO you can kill off half your party, kill the elves and get werewolves, kill a kid or let him be possessed for power/sex, use evil blood magic or become the king of the nation
>DAI you say some mean things sometimes

It's alright
Can't hold a candle to real RPGs, but it's not a bad game if you know what I mean. I wouldn't pay much for it.

The "sjw" shit you can ignore pretty easily, but it's a really boring game, even by RPG standards. I'd rather play underage panty quest XXVI than go through this shit if I were you.

I kinda wanted to bang Krem. Jennifer Hale is my weakness
I'm such a degenerate.

It had the idea for a good story. I don't think the story that it actually told was very good, although it was still better than the soulless crap that was DA:I.

It's not bad, but it's not good either. Worth throwing hours into though, and with all the shit they tossed in you'll manage to kill quite a bit of time. Since it's on sale you might as well get it.

get this
use it to download the mod manager
then get this

^this will eliminate the wait time for war table missions. without it they can last for up to 8 hours in real time which is the epitome of horseshit padding.

I personally thought da2 ruined the combat by trying to turn it into a hack n slash. I liked the firsts combat but I admit it's been so long I don't remember it as well. Story was worse, I didn't mean it was a step up there. It felt serviceable to me though, didn't hate it as much as others did. The cutting of abilities really pissed me off too. Dialogue was on par with DA2 imo. Map size was a bitch, lots of repeating enemies over and over. Eventually I just rode by them. Characters didn't grab me like before but I still grew fond of them. Sjw shit was annoying but they didn't shove it in your face. Fucking iron bull honestly had me laughing the first time I realized you could.

TLDR I'm a faggot who enjoys games like dragon age in a market that's kind of scarce. There's better out there but I sunk a good 60 hours into it

how many times you gonna post this thread?

Making you the head of what is basically a religious cult and then not letting you do anything fun or interesting with it was one of DA:I's many, many flaws.

It's honestly awful. Don't listen to the Biocucks ITT. What makes it awful isn't the SJW shit although it is present.

The gameplay is dumbed down. Magic has been reduced from 4 Schools of Magic to Ice, Fire, and Lightning, just like Skyrim, you love Skyrim right? Also the completely shit "radiant quests" from Skyrim? That's the only kind of sidequest Inquisition has. Go here fetch/kill x, come back. It's fucking awful.

The story literally doesn't matter at all. Cory gets completely mishandled, you never feel like you actually understand what's going through his head. There also some really fucking stupid moments like when the Duchess who wasn't even a fucking suspect reveals herself as the one trying to kill the Empress.

The Inquisition itself is totally useless. Skyhold is never fully repaired, your army does fuck all, and you have to do all the busy work yourself.

4/10 shit game.

DA:O > DAI > DA2

I felt the same. They could have used the throne decisions to really give you a sense of ruling a kingdom. Instead they just let you kill them or set them free with almost no repercussions.

if you liked the first two this one is alright but definitely the worst of the three plot wise. in that there isnt really much of a plot for most of the game and the ones that carry over from 2 and origins don't really get addressed or they get finished within a few minutes like the mage templar war.

the cisquisition and gay shit isn't really that in your face, but dorian's whole character is im gay why can't people accept that boo hoo

gameplaywise its definitely better than 2 but not as tactical as origins. more of a hybrid between the two and it isn't bad.

the game is more of an mmo that got turned into a single player game when they were nearing release, but not terrible. if you're on console, redbox it or some shit to see if you like it or pirate it on pc before you buy

>bloodmagic is evil

played the game for 2hours and it ended with me downloading dragon age origins again. Cause fuck this game.

Witcher 3 ????? BG ????? BG2 ???? DX seris ??? DA:O > dogshit > horseshit > DA:I > DA2

It's the undeniably true order.

>I personally thought da2 ruined the combat by trying to turn it into a hack n slash
It's the same as DAO with faster and flashier animation

>It's the same as DAO with faster and flashier animation
It's only 6 pm right now and I couldn't even list all the reasons that why this is so fucking false before I go to bed.

> rating witcher 3 that high

BW isn't even sure. Half the writers think it's comically evil and the other half thinks it's a gray area.

>better than BG and BG2
Yeah it fucking is. Dunno why DX is so low though.


i bought it on sale a couple weeks ago and regretted it immediately, shit game

There's a reason ???? were used. No clear order with these, just that they're better than the DA series.