What F2P MMOs are worth playing?
What F2P MMOs are worth playing?
Blade and souls pretty fun for a while. PvP's great too
I've had a lot of fun with SWTOR dispose autists on this board screaming at me and getting mad because I shouldn't be having fun
Rift was awesome back in the day but I haven't played it lately, I'd imagine it's still pretty much the same
None, kys or subscribe to FFXIV.
All of them (which is the same set of games as "none of them" given that there isn't a single f2p MMO in existence that still lives, neither are there any non-f2p MMOs left. All that remains are massively singleplayer online games).
Tree of savior just avoid the general
GW2 is alive.
More like avoid Tree of Savior in general.
Is Neverwinter any good?
Not an MMO.
Also not alive.
As with all MMOs, the answer is none.
No MMO is worth playing.
Dungeon Fighter Online is generally worth leveling through at least once, since gameplay-wise it's a solid beat em up.
If you enjoy putting in more cash than a subscription to a good MMO, no.
It's a decent MMO, but the cash shop hinders you immensely if you don't buy anything.
PSO2 is the best
SWTOR, MS, and DFO are good too
No, there's 0 weight behind any attack and it's pure numbers wankery (oh look 5 million quintillion damage! big number = fuuun!). It's the exactly opposite of a solid beat em up. Also not an MMO.
Xenoblade X if you have the right firmware version
All of these are basically unplayable unless you're 7 years old. Moreover, DFO and PSO2 are not MMOs.
project1999 if you were an eq1 player
No MMO is worth playing, F2P or P2P
>not an MMO
>not alive
I'd say Planetside 2 is the best MMO out right now.
Sure, the numbers are dropping and it's a grind, but it's a solid FPS with active outfits (clans).
You might wanna say "fuck that, I don't want to grind 1k cert points for a weapon". True, it's about 3 hours of playing if you're really good and 10 hours if you suck.
But the weapons are sidegrades and you don't need any unlocks to be good. You also get 100 certs for each level up up to lvl 15, so that's 1,5k certs in a couple of hours for a newbie.
It's the best MMO out there in my opinion and it varies more in terms of gameplay than any other MMO.
It's the Battlefield 2 of 2010's.
I got bored of FF14 when I realized how constricting the maps felt ;-;
This, PS2 is solid.
I just wish they made an effort to move the story along or at least give us some more lore
I know it's not an mmo, but I had some fun moments on that game. Got close with the nips in my team(guild) and they were surprised to find out I was an American player that spoke Japanese. Only 2 of them spoke in English and a lot of them were girls, learned that from the long skype nights we had. Can't wait to meet them next year.
I've thought about Black Desert, but I don't wanna spend $30. Seems like a good game to buy if it were on sale at $20. I know it doesn't have a subscription I'm just worried about buying a game then finding out I don't like it.
Whatever you do, don't play Mabinogi (or any nexon product, really). Fantastic concept hindered by Jew devs and weeb autists.
Definitely need to grind for vehicles and C4 and making the medic useful.
>brain dead farming
i've been there before. At least in gw2 you can go in comfy places and sit down. Fuck this game
>cod is an MMO guys please believe me XD
Mabinogi was GOAT originally. Lots of mmos that just up and died due to jewry and wowification were fantastic. Now, not a single mmo is left.
Not really f2p but Runescape
Only OSRS is worth playing and it's still cucked and fucked compared to 07 RS.
Paywalls keep the scum out
Yeah, but you can max out the medic tool with 1,5k certs. After that it's just running around reviving people and occasionally shooting planetmans.
I mean, just pull up a sundy, park it somewhere close, but hidden and then just go revive people and watch as the certs fall in.
Also, 250xp is one cert, revive gives 75 (+ xp%) and kills give 100 xp. If you're not a full retard in FPS games, like me, you'll have all you need after you hit BR20.
Also, before buying a gun because you think it's OP, go test it out in VR training or use the TRY button when buying a gun. I always just put up a trial on A2G missiles and go nuts for the 30 minutes it lets me use them.
I got to level 100 something on a wizard and just couldn't do it anymore. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of variety and having to spam your basic attack to chip away at monsters gets pretty old.
Quest based leveling is fine, but none of the flavor text makes any god damn sense and having to go back and forth across the map is annoying and so having to wait for quest objectives to respawn.
Greetings from wildstar!
Come spend your money here please
Remember when they tossed that awesome plot thread they had going that was thrown out for 'lol Shakespeare'? Good times.
What new mmos have paywalls that aren't either sequels or from established franchises?
The best MMOs have all been f2p except for one.
Good joke, poor person.
just how dead is Wildstar these days?
t. underageb&
>see people getting hyped for revelation
>looks like another overdesigned kmmo with "action" combat
Is Tera or Rift worth it?
It is, even if the devs are chinese. The artstyle makes me want to puke.
If you're a pvp fag that just wants to pvp all day, you'll be begging people to queue for bgs between matches.For pve, it's much easier to find a group.
No. The gameplay in tera gets stale 1 hour in when you've been mindlessly left-clicking on magic rats to complete 3 of 100 "kill X, bring me Y" quests and doesn't really get much better over time. Rift is just plain bad.
>class with magic in one hand and a sword in the other
>it's exclusively a ranged caster class
I lije Wildstar
>basing mid/end game combat on literal starting level combat with no attack speed modifiers
Found the retard.
Define worth it, because asking "worth it" in an MMO thread is pointless. None of them are worth it, you spend countless hours on a game that you might not end up playing to it's fullest.
Tera's the best you'll get if you actually want a video game and not a "click tab to win" """""game""""", but the game is still shit. The only thing to look forward to now is the 30 man raid, but the koreans (well, some of their best players that is) beat that 3ish days in. On the flipside, it's the only MMO that's worth PvPing in, but only if you don't play Beserker or Slayer.
If you are looking for a TT MMO, literally pick any one you want because they are all the fucking same pile of WoW clone shit.
t. Tera is my most played MMO, and I do not play it daily unless there's an event going on or new content/class balances are released.
I lije it too.
>tfw it took you 2 years to realize your favorite race is mechari but you rolled human exile
Tried it, its furry bait garbage
>plays the faction with rats
>gets mad when he encounters furries
Why didn't you just play exile then?
>ding to level 44
>queue into that last avalible dungeon as exile
>first boss, blind chick with some bells
>7 times with different group, almost no one could dodge slow as fuck aoe
i don't know if i want 50lv
both need to be gassed desu
>the first boss is a casual check
I remember when dungeons were a vital part of gearing up for raids. My guild would spend 3 hours a night wiping on that boss alone.
I hesitate to post Vindictus since it's not at ALL an mmo but it's marketed as one so I'm saying it anyways
I'm pretty sure Vindictus's combat is actually the best of any MMO, if you can get past the pay to waifu which is basically what keeps the game alive (you can get most of it without paying now with airtight items/ap shop) the combat is absolutely 10/10. If I had a good computer, I'd make a webm and post it here but I don't think anybody wants to see my shitty framerates/settings, especially since the game is rather poorly optimized. I'm sure guts simulator.webm guy will be here soon anyways
Swtor is ok but f2p restrictions are aids and endgame is non existent
How entry level do you have to be to think ears and a tail makes something furry?
FATE running is soul killing to me. I can't stand the MMOs where the game is "be absolutely bored to death for 100 hours then you can enjoy the game"
fuck WoW for making that a thing
looks it that guy again
user, check your eyes
I mentioned guts simulator.webm guy already and I didn't post "THE BEST ONE, VINDICTUS" and that webm
>Vindi general literally just died
>Vindi shill is back to shilling on Sup Forums
That was fast.
Ultima Online Forever. That's it.
Everything else is single player RPG shit with a chat box.
If that was only 100h user.
Blade and Soul is ok.
Is there any role that there's huge demand of?
Which is the hardest role in Wildstar?
Is EU dead?
>want to play wizard classes
>the male mage in vindictus is the most garbage girlboy twink shitmage I've ever seen in any vidya ever
>doesn't even have any real magic, but stupid-ass magic knives or whatever because he's too shit at using a real weapon and too retarded to use real magic
why ever bother
Fag who's played on the CN servers here.
The character creator is ripped off of Blade and Soul's pretty blatantly, though it does go into more detail on a few things. You can choose the color of the light that reflects off your eyes, the color of each iris and sclera, shit like that. The defaults ALL look like shit. You need to fuck with it for a while to get anything looking good or just go all out and make green abominations.
Graphics are a weird blend of realistic and cartoony. It doesn't work as well as the chinks thought it would. Characters fall into the uncanny valley real fast. There's also a weird problem with flickering, the landscape, water, characters, and NPCs will all occasionally start flickering in and out very quickly.
The game definitely appeals to rpfags, they've got player marriage, two person targeted emotes, bridal carrying, laying down on the same bed in your house, shit like that.
Combat has been pretty fun, though the game really doesn't bring anything new to the table. You can choose to play it like WoW, like Lineage, or like TERA/BnS. I haven't personally done any of the large scale PVP because the chinks hate westerners with a burning passion.
It's gonna be f2p in the west, so it's at least worth looking at. The chinese devs say they want to continue making content for 5 years, but I'm predicting it dying within 2.
the technology just isn't there yet
MMOs used to be about the community and interacting with other people, so no matter how ridiculous the grind, at least you had your buddies. That's what made MMOs great. Normalfags keep whining about muh autism and social interactions and such but somehow they're the reason why MMOs basically forbid interaction between players now. It's ridiculous.
>Is there any role that there's huge demand of?
>Which is the hardest role in Wildstar?
Healer, especially after the nerfs to healing.
I don't know what the EU pop is like but I know there are guild there, including a tryhard world first guild. download the game and find out.
>there are people on Sup Forums who are so deep in the furry lifestyle they act like snotty hipsters about it anyone who isn't wearing a fox buttplug and meowing openly in a Walmart
The pvp at least sounds interesting, I might check it out just for that. Maybe rp too if the setting and lore draw me in enough, but at first glance it doesn't interest me rp wise.
When did I say I played the Goblins- I mean "scheming rat people?" What I meant is the MMO as a whole is furry bait. The only Exile worth playing is the one that exiles the game from being on your computer
get a load of this normie, doesn't even know what actually constitutes a furry.
>ctrl+f elder scrolls
0 of 0
guess I won't be downloading that again
desu, the ony games that enforced/required cooperation/social interaction back in the day were EQ, FFXI, and DaoC
It was the whiny retards playing shitty DPS classes who wondered why they wouldn't get invited to a party in 5 minutes that now populate modern MMOs. All they fucking had to do was make their own party, but they wanted the game to hold their hand instead.
Get a load of this fucking furry
If you play wildstar remember to spend lots of money.
Apparently an award winning Chinese fantasy author was brought in to write the setting and the story, though I couldn't tell you if they're any good because the English patch is complete fucking garbage. I haven't seen many people around (outside of the hot springs where you get EXP for AFKing), though that may be because I'm playing in the middle of the night in China.
Castle sieges seem like they'll be much more fun when I don't have 400 ping.
How to spot the underageb&.jpg
bring back w*g and i will
revive grenades are a cert machine. Medic and Engy (repairing hive bases and vehicle columns and ammo dispensing) are the best classes for certing
This was easily the best MMO I've played until it hit late-game moneywhoring.
Before that it was a fantastic ride.
Stop shitposting about your dead game, falamalam.
The class system is this game was so fucking solid
This is seriously what ToS should have done
>tfw unlocking Engineer after finding out it was pretty much /m/ the class
it has potential it just needs more people
Shit dude, I was about to post this. I was in the closed beta and kept up with it until the raised the level cap to 70 I think. The game was fun, I loved the artstyle and classes were fun to play as. Bard was probably my favorite class to play, since I usually got into parties easy and it was simple to press a couple of buff buttons + the massive aoe the class had.
This thread also made me sad, because it reminds me of my favorite dead mmo Remnant Knights.
I tried this and had fun with the classes but not the tab targetting itself. Should I revisit it?
>play beta
>play into launch
>kiting and killing mobs with aoe as wizard is OP and should be banned!
>hitting esc to cancel skill animations and attack faster needs to be banned!
>waah everything should be banned!
>dat lategame cashgrind
yeah fuck it I'm out. was a blast tho
It has no way to get new people. Unlike what poopsockers would have you believe, normies do not like dying over and over again for hours to ONE boss because someone messes up once. Maybe if Blizzard shut down WoW and released it's remaining 4 million subscribers into the wild you'd have a chance.
fuck off
She has thick eyelashes.
kill yourself nigger
Won't even last one with west release.
Made in China says it all. Remember Wushu.