Can we talk about futanari games, please?

Can we talk about futanari games, please?

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What is this, Fire Emblem Porn?

Futanari is a normie fetish.

I didn't even know that was a thing. I shouldn't be surprised, but now I know. Where would I find these games?

not yet user, but it might become normie soon

Actually yes, it's a srpg

wat game tho

I need a source, user

Classic futa flash right here, Dragon Bride

>mfw people still in the current year think that futa is gay

>mfw not only is it the current year, but people also feel insecure about their/peer's sexualites on an anonymous imageboard
Have a wank, mates

>two girls fucking
>not gay

Who said I'm a girl xD?

body on that is pretty good, but what's with that face? looks like somebody socked her in the jaw or she's holding a jawbreaker in her cheek. not very sexy face at all.

>Not in english

I know its their native language, but shouldnt they adapt with the modern times? I mean, who the fuck doesnt know english other than old people.

what futa games let me play as a male and get my boipussy pounded by futas?

is it out yet

That looks nice hope it gets translated.

Pic related more or less.

Uhm the Japanese are rather very nationalistic in this matter. Some hentai games even have random checks to check if the user knows japanese or else you can't progress.

They won't do it. I remember a western guy published his game on the japanese site and the sales were shit while the game itself and content was pretty damn good. While some other shitty game made by a japanese dev released around the same day had better sales even tough it was total garbage.

Japanese hate western/nonjapanese/gaijin people and are indirectly racist against them. As long as you don't stand right infront of them. End of story.


>Being so much of a hipster you choose fetishes based on popularity

That's why I feel no remorse in pirating their shit.

>conversation display sample
Doesn't look like this is a game yet.

Or maybe it's the fact the translation costs cost more than whatever revenue they'd make by selling to the west a game about dickgirls.

no like if you fap to futa you're 1 step away from wanting to fuck dudes because you like dicks

cursed futanaring

But I like girl dicks, which are entirely different from guy dicks.

I mean by your logic liking anal is gay because men have butts too.

>I mean by your logic liking anal is gay because men have butts too.
that's just what these people were saying to me
I said like "ok so because I fap to 2 females having sex but 1 of them has a dick I want to fuck dudes"
"uh yeah basically"

But last update added second page of cg in the demo and he posted few pics in the blog

You're gay.

>s-statistically girls with cocks is less gay than straight porn

What other things do futa loving closet faggots say to convince themselves they aren't degenerates?

I never said I wasn't a degenerate, it's just not gay though.

It is gay. You're gay.


>lol its less gay cuz 1 + 1 = window xDDD

Seen it, you're gay.

not an argument