Who else /notimeforvidya/?
>work all day
>get home too tired
>want ot play some vidya
>too overwhelmed by the options
>some are too long to get enjoyable in time
>some you forget where you stopped playing or how to play
>forgot the last time I 100% a game
>end up browsing Sup Forums all night
rinse and repeat everyday.
It's not even that I don't like vidya but opening steam and seeing over 800 games on my backlog just dazzle me.
wat do?
Who else /notimeforvidya/?
Yeah basically this
Play through them alphabetically. If one really looks shit or boring skip it. I've gotten through over 200 games so far like this.
Work too much
No time
I come home and either play rocket league or overwatch. Both are mindless fun
At the moment its the opposite. Just came back from a 2 month business trip in Korea, now I have 2 weeks off and I'm BORED AS FUCK. I have a ton I could be playing but I felt more compelled to play vidya when I had little time on my hands.
OP you should just play the games you actually want to, not the ones you feel you need to go through.
I was trying some like this,was stipulating some time to test the games before cataloging it in must play,fun,boring and shit.The problem is that some games require more time to actually get the feel of them than others.
Been like this for me since I had kids m8, even when I do get the time I'm usually feeling too drained for anything in depth so just end up playing 1 game of fifa or worms then having a look on the sales to buy more games I'll never play.
Not a native speaker. When I was younger, I used to play games without reading any kind of dialog.I used to experience them for pure gameplay and no story. I guess that somehow made them more enjoyable.I mean, I know it was a different time and I had less responsibilities and stuff.But Actually just getting to the point of some games really makes you enjoy them more.That's why some casual fucks that skip dialog in games and get lost in them actually enjoy vidya afterall
at least you have a job user.
>work all day
>come back home
>cant play overwatch on the projector because gf wants to watch tv
>Watch shit tv then go to bed
>Rinse and repeat
At least the Vita got hacked. Now I can play games on my commute like a manchild before I get home.
>wake up at 6:30 and get back 22:00
>get home tired from uni and job
>gf wants to spend time together
>doesn't like vidya
>have to burn the few neurons I have left watching netflix
At least she likes sucking dick.
I'm seriously considering buying some kind of handheld emulator device but I'm too scared to look autistic in public tbqfh
>About to start my senior year hs
>need a job because my parents aren't cosign in for my college loan
>my scumbag brothers' fault
>juggling school and work right after to be able to save up
Op just play whatever, who cares how long it takes to get done, it'll be done eventually. I don't get the whole "daunted by length of a game" thing. It's not a pen is and it won't hurt, unless it's a bad game.
As for me I can still squeeze in Starcraft Brood War games in, so I have no problems. Plus I can leave whenever I want since I usually don't actually play ladder matches, and do practice matches instead.
People care far less than you think about you playing vidya outdoors, especially if you don't look like a gross human being.
>work all day
>not tired
>play all day
>not tired
>have to just sit and wait for the bus to arrive at my stop
>have to fight back the urge to fall asleep, eyes fucking heavy
I don't even know. As for OP I've experienced this a few times and honestly? Just do something else, forcing it won't work if you don't feel up to it.
Look for one, user. It might seem hard but it's more so just a long process.
It's really only hard if you have zero work experience, then it's frustrating because it becomes a matter of "I canr get hired because I have no work experience but no place wants to hire me for me to get work experience"
Are you me OP?
>get home, should play X 40-hour rpg in my backlog
>just watch youtube and twitch til i pass out
>day off
>doom all day
You know why those people look autistic? Cause they are and dressed like they are. I mean who else in their right mind thinks a hawaii shirt and shorts go with a fedora and trench coat?
once you got money you dont have energy to play after the exhausting as fuck wagecucking
once you got time you´re out of money again and need to focus on getting more wagecuck contracts
its like endless cycle of suffering. glad i own stuff like hatsune miku rhythm games, csgo and reaper of souls coz you can play those for 10 minutes, quit and get on with your responsibilities / social life. feels like i´m getting old.
try shorter contracts that´s what worked for me this year
not exactly the same thing as a full time job kiddo
Luckily my skillset is highly technical regarding automation. So while my services might be mission critical, I don't always need to be around to do my job. I go home whenever the hell I want.
Why don't you just use your phone?
My S4 is like 4 years old now and can play Everything up to N64/PS1 and DS with some slower PSP games running.
>That feel when you're most motivating reason for getting through the week is so you can have your weekend fap
Things are a bit boring right now. A bit of vidya here and there. But the fap is what I look forward to the most.
oof, sucks
literally one of the worst forms of suicide
What's the name of this again?
Am I that transparent?
This is why I've gotten into fighting games recently. Come home and put in a few matches before I go to sleep. Gives me some quick and dirty fun. +R is fun as fuck.
It's not so much I don't have time, it's that there's nothing I want to play.
Just play what looks good regardless of length, even if youve already played it. Even if you hate it you can at least catagorize it for future reference.
The most fun Ive had in last couple months is replaying Tales of Symphonia on PC (first time I played it was on GCN). So far Ive pumped over 70 hours into it in the last two weeks.
Not him, but if you know anything about IT (which seems to be a lot of people on Sup Forums) thats the first thing to come to mind.
>Work graveyard morning shifts until 9 or 12 depending on how much we have to finish.
>Have the decision to play vidya or crash for a few hours and wake up again only to crash from not
deciding to play anything or do nothing togheter with my roomates which usually means webvideos
>work all day plus 90 minute commute
>get home
>make dinner
>clean kitchen
>feed baby
>wife watches reality TV
>feed baby again
>more reality tv while I get ready for the next day
>wife gues to bed early
>feed baby again
>premake bottles for the next day
>go to bed
I can sometimes sneak in some gaming time after she goes to bed but she gets super pissed whenever she catches me. I get an hour over the weekend if I'm lucky.
Don't be a normie. It's not worth it.
>Don't be a cuck. It's not worth it.
Fixd, lol
Kidding, though.
All memeing aside, what happened to a mans home is his castle?
Too dead inside to fight the inevitable. No matter what the argument is it'll end with me apologizing.
Gay guys must have it really nice.
>go to college
>get a comfy 9-5 job
>plenty of time and money for video games
feels good man
Do yourself a favor and never get married.
And here I was going to complain about college. But seriously, I actually had so much homework this year that I barely played video games. I played a lot of things this summer though because I know the last two years of college (which will start in two days for me) will be way worse than anything before. I should play on the 3DS during pauses and while commuting to make up for it I guess.
>At work.
>Ah man this music sounds a lot like some music from FFVII. I should play that later.
>Damn it's been awhile since I've done some Stalkan, I should do that when I get home!
>Talk with coworker about .Hack, get the urge to finish that.
>At home.
>Fap a lot.
>Browse Sup Forums.
>Can't decide on what vidya to play so I browse Sup Forums and listen to music.
>Waste the entire day like that.
Feels bad man.
I work four 10 hour days. I'm off Friday thru sat but still only have time for short indies. I have become godly at spelunky and nuclear throne
It took me 3 weeks to beat The Phantom Pain
Wasn't even worth it
>work from home
>all the time to vidya
>still don't really vidya, though I get some in here and there
>fap a lot
sticking to 1-2 only helps
>Work oddball hrs and days on nights
>Barely get time to hang out with friends
>Spend days off hopping from one game to another for less than 10 minutes each
>Manager keeps asking me to come in on overtime
>Keep saying yes since he's a pretty chill guy and I'd feel bad if I didn't
B-but at least i'm getting paid r-right guys?
Atleast you are getting paid, user.
>Buy a house
>Rent it out
>Get Veteran's Disability Compensation
>All my needs met without having to work anymore
>Still don't play much vidya
>Just lay in bed and browse Sup Forums from my phone mostly
>just got hired today
At least my roommates let me use their old laptop to play old games on.
I don't see how doing simple math can compare to working a 16-hour job.
I can play like 1 hour per day. In the end I play 2-3 games of Ovewatch because it's fast.
The worse is that I still buy new games every weeks that I'll surely never play
>wife give me shit for vidya
>always have some heavy caliber aguments to fire her ass up since she spend her free time on social media or reality tv bullshit as well
>end up in a argument
>we both say sorry for each other at the end of the day.No sleeping mad at each other policy in our relationship
>make up sex
>she goes to bed,I coin in some more time on vidya
>mfw I achieved my quiet simple life
would recommend you do the same before getting stuck in this cuckery life
Try temp agencies. If those don't work, and you don't have any friends or family that can try and get you in where they're at, you're basically fucked, especially if you don't have any experience.
Too late for me. You know those sitcoms where the wife is a shrieking nag and the husband is a bumbling idiot who just has to suffer through it all? That's my life. I can do no right and everything wrong in our lives is my fault exclusively.
I know it's all going to end badly. I'm just praying we stay together long enough that our kid is past the age where he needs round the clock care and for me to move up far enough in my career that a divorce won't completely ruin me.
College in France seems harder than the American ones. All the people who studied the same thing I do and who found a job after getting their degree won't stop telling me their job is way easier than college.
At least with an actual job you get paid. I can't wait to get a full time job, I'll still have a shitty schedule but way more money and thus more freedom.
>once you got money you dont have energy to play after the exhausting as fuck wagecucking
once you got time you´re out of money again and need to focus on getting more wagecuck contracts
>its like endless cycle of suffering
I miss having the energy of youth being in elementary and highschool were I would have summer vacation to play vidya and would go "50 hours it says, psssh easy" now it's "8 hours, oh man, I hope I can get some playtime after work"
She's gonna cheat on you ya manbaby
So I should just lie on my resume right? Do places like mcdonalds actually check?
I have no references or any experience.
I fear for this. What should I be going to school for, Sup Forums? I literally have no aspirations in life, and my only hobbies are Sup Forums, vidya and anime.
There's gotta be some shit a relatively unintelligent, unattractive white male can do for a living that isn't life draining, right?
this post will end in a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Yes, lie. Make believable, do research online and shit. Don't make it too grand. And most places don't bother checking. Even if they do, all the happens is they find out you're lying and don't hire you.
That's the point when you start drinking more and begin taking drugs.
Get into IT and work at a help desk. If you have even a minimum amount of computer literacy you can do your entire job by googling the problems.
>So I should just lie on my resume right?
Everyone does.Seriously.How do you think people get those "need out of college worker,20 years of experience" bullshit jobs?
> Do places like mcdonalds actually check?
>I have no references or any experience.
the actual meta of the market nowadays is contacs>experience>>>references>>>>>>>>>>>>a fucking paper saying you spent 4 years wasting your time and money on a college
You will do just fine user.What really makes a man nowadays to be successful is his hability to bullshit his way through life
what about references? How do I handle that?
I just got out of the navy and wanted to do this, how is it? Does it pay well, because all I'm seeing is that it pays 35k only.
>>the actual meta of the market nowadays is contacs>experience>>>references>>>>>>>>>>>>a fucking paper saying you spent 4 years wasting your time and money on a college
>You will do just fine user.What really makes a man nowadays to be successful is his hability to bullshit his way through life
Fuck.I thought being honest was a good thing.
Did you to to college? Put a professor down.
It's impossible to find partners. Everyone is picky a hell and if you're a day past 27 and don't fit the daddy niche you may as well be dead. Anyone moderately attractive either wants to have an open relationship or cheats on you.
What kinda degree should I get for that? Will an associates or whatever be sufficient? Will I need to network to get a job, or are places always hiring for IT support?
Not when you're fresh out of school and every "entry level" job requires 3-5 years experience.
I was fine until I got a work from home job. After sitting at my desk for 8-12 hours, I want to be as far away from it as possible.
NEVER lie about anything concrete but always fluff up what you do or what you've done.
For example, I oversee a system that has tens of thousands of users relying on it for patients. It's really easy to maintain and work with but if a future employer asked me about it I'd be telling him that it was constant work that had to be delivered on time, efficiently etc etc.
If you say, yeah man I know like cyberhacking and shit, and they ask you to give an example and you stumble then you're fucked.
>16 hours
What job?
>get in car crash
>off work with pay for 8 weeks
>but broke wrist so can't play vidya
Man, fuck this
Stop being a pussy and do SOMETHING for fucks sake.
Play one-handed games.
You did this to yourself.
I already fapped twice
That's a cucks attitude. I found me a qt 21 year old when I was 29. She is awesome and we been together for 3 and a half years.
Help desk is entry level work, it's bottom of the barrel so any basic IT degree, cert or even local community collage course should at least get you an interview.
The interview will basically be to see if you're a moron or not and if you can work within a team. Part of my job is work in an escalation team which basically means when the service desk retards can't fix the issue then they come to me for advice or to fix it for them. Some of the shit they can't deal with makes me wonder why they have their jobs.
It's not even worth it anymore. Do you know how badly a divorce settlement can fuck over a man? My best shot is biding my time and suffering in silence.
I would fucking love it if the fact that she's struck me multiple times in the past meant anything to the police/courts.
>get a nice job
>meet in at 7 and leave at 15
>boot up rust
>of course i'm dead
>spawn in sleeping bag that has been renamed to "thx for free stuff :^)"
>there are three armored kids in my house
>they shoot me
>while i'm screaming on the ground they tell me to keep crying
>"this isn't your house anymore"
>respawn pretty close
>go full caveman for murder until brain takes over again
They had left when I got back but holy shit was it infuriating to hear those kids talk shit like that.
It's not the same with gay partners user.
Just keep at it user. You'll eventually learn how to better manage your time, a great skill to have. If you think your work is the big issue, look for openings in comparable work. You may need to stick with it if this is your first job to get that work experience needed, but still dedicate at least a bit of time each week maintaining your resume and sending applications to openings you see, even if you don't intend to take the job.
>Gay guys must have it really nice.
From what I hear, it's not. Take all the terrible qualities of bitches and apply them to guys. Presto, you have a giant chunk of the gay community. They like to gossip and will ruin you behind your back among your peers.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
What the fuck even makes people want to be like that?
>Work at Target
>Work my ass of, I've been told countless times I'm the best employee there
>Work 40 hours a week hating every second of it
>Get paid shit and the shit pay I get has to go to bills
>Too stressed out over everything to enjoy vidya
>On the off chance I really want to play vidya my gf wants to literally lay in bed and watch TV even though I fucking hate watching TV
Like literally, how the fuck can some people just watch TV all day long? When I watch TV I feel like a mindless robot. At least when I play vidya I feel like I'm doing something.
When can you ask for part time?
Started a new job two months back, it's good and all but really want more free time.
Record that shit. It does mean something. You have to amass a bunch of proof you can use against her and show you're paying for things and taking care of kids. You have no self esteem si paint yourself as a weakling. Pro tip, get a certificate that shows she's mentally abusing you. The courts being unfair to men is a meme. It's just that men are terrible actors.
Their peers. Funniest thing is that my friend was part of a gay gaming community, but from what I saw 1/4th of their meetings is actually playing vidya and the other giant chunk (that is, where most of the space and people are dedicated to) is exclusively socializing separated away from anything vidya related.
>wake up early
>work till 2
>shower, prep lunch, etc when I get home
> relax with food TV and vidya for about 5 hours
I may not have time to dive into really deep games but I appreciate the time I put into shorter games a lot more now.
Plus I don't get burnt out and I save my money more accordingly rather than just buying vidya right off the bat since I know I'll be getting money regularly and can wait so its easier to put a dent in my backlog since there's no vidya burn out as well.
There's your problem. Unless she plays games as much as you do you're not going to ever have time to play. But hey, at least you can have sex (sometimes) right?
The nice part is after a year we still have sex every day, so it pays off
I don't see why you're complaining that you can't play video games then.
Because of this I've been playing a lot of mobile-shit games. But I still want to feel like I'm playing actual video games so I play official series entries only. Right now I'm playing Deus Ex the fall on my fashionphone. ANy other official mobile titles that are this good?
My girl is a pot head so she watches me play and then makes dinner
Because the sex is getting really fucking boring. After fucking the same chick 1k times I can't even finish anymore sometimes.
Sex gets boring way before video games do. The only advantage sex has over fapping is that you get to brag about having sex.
What, like I'm going to bust out my phone once it starts happening? It's months apart at a time, happens in an instant and doesn't last long. And when it does she usually finds a way to convince me it was my fault anyway.
I'm also trapped by my daily routine. I quite literally cannot make the time to go out and get any kind of certificate. She's already won this.
You'er doing it wrong fampai.I get down with my gf about 3~4 times per week.It's the best number for me because you can get really worked up by the time between each fuck and buck up on cum to load on her.
I'm telling you;there is few momments in this world that are better than getting home from work and instead of greating her with a normal kiss surprising her by pushing her against the dinner table,bending her over and just putting her in her place.