This triggers the Overwatchfag

This triggers the Overwatchfag

Isnt it the other way round?

I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Every time I see TF2 mentioned in OW threads, it's more sad than anything. Just to think some people have standards so low they kept playing TF2 after it went P2W.

How is it P2W at all you fucking newfag? Everything you can pay for is purely cosmetic, cheap and you can earn it with game time either way. TF2 isn't the one with thousands of threads crying about how they spent $80 on loot boxes and still can't get the limited time item they wanted.

Overwatchfags don't care.
The only ones who are butthurt are you and other fags like you.

holy fuck you are so triggered right now LMAO

You're the one posting the thread user.

Don't talk about triggers when you, yourself are the one who took the time to make a thread about it.

>people still play tf2
>a game that only ponyfags and autistic children play anymore

the game was dead long before overwatch came out

You realize Sup Forums is like 40% ponyfags and autistic children right

>purely cosmetic

Also, see
Maybe next time we should add trigger warnings in out posts for snowflakes like you.


>TF2 and Overwatch will always get compared to each other
>there are people who unironically believe you can only support one game or the other and not both

It doesn't have to be a competition between the two. Coexisting is possible.

That and "Salt" is overused in OW

> 40%
more like 90+ %

>no one talking about TF2
>blizzard releases Overwatch

Not really, enjoy TF2 if you like it bud. I am enjoying Overwatch


>2-3 OW threads on Sup Forums at a given time since release
>everyone is having fun
>that one GUYS LETS TALK ABOUT TF2, PLEASE thread with

Can't I just play and enjoy them both on their own merits, user?

Why would it trigger an Overwatch player? Overwatch is better than TF2.

I like both, but they're horribly unbalanced.

I want to enjoy tf2 again, but forced matchmaking for official servers is shit
>but muh community servers!
All cancer
>pls donate
>reserved slots
>downloading items/models/ponyspencer/shit.mp3
>servers spamming shit music, not just the player
No fuck you.

i don't think Overwatchfags cares about a dead game

I'll play TF2 if they bring quickplay back. This new MM bullshit is horrible.

im too busy playing OW to care about a game with a 50k playerbase

We will post to show you we don't care.

But that's not funny.

90% of the motivsyion for shitposting between the two is for the fun of it. Only hyperfaggotrinoes take it seriously.

I'll be honest. TF2 is dead and there's nothing you can show me that will prove me otherwise. When the average skill level of the playerbase is so low that I can have everyone but two people on my team dancing and taunting in spawn and still completely stomp the other team without dying once, then I will consider that game dead. I'm not even good at video games and I can accomplish this. I was silver 3 in CS:GO and rank 35 in Overwatch. There is no point in playing a game when everyone is this braindead.