Boring niggershit

>hey guys, instead of making a WWI game let's just reskin our current garbage with WWI technology
>but lets make everybody black too


>battlefield game
>playes like the average battlefield game
Well no shit

Also the we wuz kangz dhit is stupid, but it shouldn't bother while playing unless you're a racist or an autist

isn't this what people complained about Call of Duty? That it was the same shit all the time? But now Battlefield fanbase defends this with "It's a battlefield game, it's suposed to play like battlefield". This pretentious fanbase is filled with hypocrites willing defend their mainstream game at any cost. It's amusing really.

We know.

>>playes like the average battlefield game
No it doesn't, have you even played BF4?

For modern battlefield, BF4 takes the cake over Normiefront and Wewuzkangfront in terms of actual "deep" gameplay.

Not even joking, BF4 is $5 give a couple of hours yourself and you will see what I mean, despite all the issues this shit game has i'd still prefer it over NuField series.

>be black
>play this game
>feel like I'm being coddled
>i know damn well there weren't this many black people around
>makes the whole experience feel cheap

Worked for San Andreas and Sup Forums loves that game. Why are we bent out of shape about a shooter with black people in it?

> hey guys, lets spend the least amount of money to make a new revenue faucet and just reskin our current garbage because its a fuckton cheaper than spending on R&D, rethinking weapon/vehicle mechanics, or creating new gamemodes
> but lets make everybody black to create controversy around it and get a ton of free marketing and ensure they look past the fact that this is just rehashed battlefront/bf4 garbage with nothing excitingly new kek

Do you need to bitch about niggers everytime Op. At least they have life unlike you. May be its edgy to be racist and spew the n word on here.

>can't backup any of his arguments
>naw man just play it you'll see

Anyone else feels absolutely nothing while playing the Battlefield Open Beta? usually I get some kind of excitement but this game left me totally cold.

nice try but we know you're white.

I haven't played 4 or hardline, but I got bored of it in BF3 after BC2. I've been played a bit of the game and it plays what I remember of both of them.
I'm playing the beta because I know after dumping some hours I'm gonna get bored and completely forget about it

>Battlefield fanbase defends
Not me, they feel the same to me, at least the ones I played

Sure, you get the vibe of "this was done solely because of pandering", but in the end you're not gonna be looking at each player you meet to see what their skin color looks like so its not really an issue when you're actually playing

>wyte bois bitching about niggas in their vidya
>mfw im in their bitches

i only fucked two black chicks in high school but never gfd any, since then its all white bitchs

im kind of a loser but still getting laid not even trying

glad my people are finally in games and shit

>but in the end you're not gonna be looking at each player you meet to see what their skin color looks like so its not really an issue when you're actually playing
You still see it, and hear it. They sound like black guys. Don't fucking patronize me EA, if you want a game with black soldiers make a game ABOUT the actual black soldiers.
Don't blackout(?) shit. It's just as bad as whitewashing

If I can't be a white person in every map I will not buy this game.

I'm perfectly fine with all the non-whites because they all die just as brutally as the white guy.

>"n word"

Fuck off cuck.

>trying to pander to SJWs

well, I guess they're fine with not having my money then

good luck with your new target demographic

Because San Andreas wasn't pushing for diversity, San Andreas had legit black characters, they weren't token or the game wasn't a nu-male diversity circlejerk. It's not about racism or hating black people.

>implying someone ever cared for you

Ain't buying that shit, Verdun is closer to WWI experience.


If they wanted to make a WW1 game why did they pushed for all the non-whites?


There's a thing called credibility and consistency in an unrealistic story, just because a story has unrealistic or fantasy elements doesn't mean you can add things that make no sense in that established universe.