ITT Fuck you I liked it

Movie tie-in edition

It was bad. Granted, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

Also, It didn't get me more hyped for the game whatsoever, so it didn't do its job in that department.

Love how they cut part of the game for it.

Libertus had the worst VA

We still saw it, though. It's not cut.

Then why not make the whole game a movie

still not as bad as Ignis's

Why does that woman look like a crack whore?

He obviously meant "cut from the game".
I liked it too, though it helped that I went in with low expectations. I started losing interest toward the end since that fight scene was really long, but the movie was pretty interesting overall, for the sake of developing the setting. I liked seeing the kings interact with each other.

Why make games at all?

I liked it as well, didn't expect some masterpiece. I just wanted eye candy, cool fight scenes, and a bit of back story and it delivered. Better than SW which had 0 to do with the franchise and AC which felt like some fanfic of FF7 and ruined Cloud's image forever.

I thought she was cute.

I dunno if that means I like crack whores but still.

The critics are too harsh on it. I mean, it's not good but it sure as hell wasn't worse than crap like Suicide Squad.

It was alright, had some cool visuals, I actually liked most of the characters and was actually kinda invested in the story.

The second half dragged on a bit too long and went overboard with all the destruction porn, especially because it wasn't actually all that well directed.

There are worse ways to spend two hours.

Sup Forums has no idea what a drug addict actually looks like

She's fucking adorable. That guy you replied to is a fucktard with shit taste in women.

She is cute. Sup Forums is only used to alien anime.

I love her both ingame and movie.

And the worst actor.

>design a meth head - call her a princess

Japan is losing it

I wish Glauco was in the game. Best part of the movie.

Their comment on disorienting, out-of-place cuts were right though. The screen would just fade to black in the middle of a newly established scene then fade into a new one then fade back. It's fucking poor editing.

Nice try, skeleton, but your trickery will not work today.

True, the bad cuts and editing were evident pretty much right away. This is NOT a movie for non-fans of the series or those not interested in the game.

I agree, that's mostly what I was referring to when I wrote that I didn't find the action very well directed. I reckon they were going for snappy, fast paced cuts but most transitions were about as smooth as a car crash.

The movie was fucking retarded and worse than Advent Children in every possible way.

>no characterization
>story was about as deep as a puddle and as interesting as listening to someone talk about life insurance
>betrayals which made absolutely no goddamn sense
>fight sequences which were even harder to watch than the first Transformers film because of all the retarded cuts and especially because the final sequence took place at night and you couldn't even tell what the fuck was going on half the time
>Luna's cringe-worthy lines had me clenching my anus like I had to hold in a massive dump on a long road trip and her character was fucking awful anyway
>lol, let's kill off the better, more interesting protagonist to make way for Sasuke 2.0.

This movie was ass.


>>no characterization
>lol, let's kill off the better, more interesting protagonist to make way for Sasuke 2.0.

You're contradicting yourself.

It's a prequel to the game right? I haven't been paying attention to any of the news about the plot of XV so would the movie be a good point to jump in?

Did they fuck?

>The movie was fucking retarded and worse than Advent Children in every possible way.

Direct prequel, literally happens like in the 3 days before the game so it is a good way to get to know some of the lore of the game world and backstory.

Yeah, it literally leads into the start of the game. You can just jump in and watch it, it explains the main points at the start and most of the film wraps itself up pretty neatly.

Yeah, it pretty much sets up what happens in the game. The second half of the movie is a treat for the eyes so I say go for it.

Not really. I'm just saying one pile of shit is slightly more interesting than that other pile of shit.

Nyx mocap actor is literally faggot. No jokes.

He's gay so i doubt it

Why are the alpha looking men faggots?

>interesting protagonist
He was a generic action movie hero.


You came to the wrong place nigger.

As opposed to generic anime twink

Yeah, I enjoyed it. The last fight in the city with the demons and shit was a huge clusterfuck and couldn't tell what was happening most of the time.

Because gay men care about appearance, and if they don't they become the WOMAN

it takes true alphas to realize how horrible women are and give up on them entirely.

So how is he more interesting?

I agree to a lesser extent to all your points, except the betrayals made complete sense. I am surprised it didn't happen earlier.

I only really noticed the weird cuts in the start of the film, but they stood out as being pretty awkward compared to how quality the rest of the movie was.

I'm kind of hung up on two things in the film- the first was there was a comment Tabata made somewhere about liking western films and it kinda showed here. The setting is fantasy and stuff but especially Nyx's dialogue stood out as being really "yeah we watched all the Avengers movies!" in style. It wasn't really bad but I bet it'll piss people off it if it carries over to the main game. Personally I can see why they'd want to change up the FF formula and get away from the very heavy and often sluggish language and pacing people equate with the FF style of JRPG. If the demo video they put up online is anything to go by then the game is attempting to cut out a lot of that as well. I'm concerned they're going to cut too much away, but the only way to know is to see how the game goes and frankly, it may be a good thing to lose the FF baggage.

The other thing that stuck out is Luna. They said that they ended up changing Stella into Luna because they wanted her to have a proactive role, and I didn't really get what would change until I watched this. In the movie she's super concerned about duty and honor and shit and recklessly throws herself into danger out of determination. She has no weak moments and is pretty much always trying to claw ahead. I liked that, I think it fits more the whole manipulated royalty thing than some cheery romanance-addled chick. I just hope she's not too dour in the game and she and Noctis actually get to talk before she inevitably sacrifices herself or something.

I dunno, I guess it depends on how I enjoy the game. Movie was fun enough but it was ultimately a two-hour-long prologue for something that isn't even out yet.

Thought it was pretty good. Not as bad as the 8% rotten tomatoes gave it. Bout a 6/10 for me. Voice actor for the fat guy was awful but the big names they brought in did a pretty good job.

I love how Tabata's attempt at being deep is just making all the protags retarded and unlikeable. Then again this is they guy who thought it was cool to kill off his entire cast so...

The betrayals were the worst part of the movie for me. The logic made no sense. They want their homes back so let's kill the people who took us in and ensure a large scale invasion that kills a bunch of innocents as well as murder our fellow immigrants but pretend we have the moral high ground. They act as if Lucis had a duty to protect the other nations, they were not an empire like Nilfheim, they had no responsibility to fight for the other countries or even take in the refugees yet the refugees felt entitled to use whatever resources Lucis had to continue a fight that could not be won and got butthurt when Lucis decided to cut their losses.

>worse than Advent Children in every possible way.
I agree with some of your points, but this is just flat out wrong.

When was the last time anyone here actually watched Advent Children? Seriously it's the most unbearably awkward thing to watch.

They weren't from other kingdoms they lived in areas outside Insomnia and it's walls. But still within the kingdom of Lucis.

Good visuals
First half was just a compilation of V13 trailers without Noctis and the second half is the invasion turnedinto generic action movie

can someone explain the octopuss thing in the airship to me?? That's the only thing that confused me.

If they were from the same kingdom, they wouldn't be considered refugees, you don't consider people refugees if they are from the same damn country as you just because they moved into the capital. That is like Washington DC calling NYC natives immigrant refugees if NYC was taken over my North Korea or some shit.

At the very start of the movie Libertus says "Lucis doesn't pay us enough for this" as in Lucis is a separate entity from their homeland of Galahd.

Luna is basically tumblr strong. She doesn't actually do anything, but she looks determined and tries to kill herself so she's "fearless". She's really just a retard.

It's not really fair to compare her to Stella because all we saw of Stella was her meeting with Noctis and her face-off with him. For the record, I think Luna is more of the romance-addled type, she's just more boring about it. She's Noct's childhood friend, fiancee and likely love interest in the game.

Stella was never at any point stated to be a love interest and was never stated to ever become his ally either. That was all speculation that maybe had some basis but again, you can't say too much about how it would've played out etc.

If anything this film made it very clear that realistic approach is not sits well with Final Fantasy franchise. FF is like Warcraft, it's doom the moment they try to make it realistic.

Just fan service to FFVI fans. That is Ultros the octopus who is a recurring boss in that game. Same for the "daemon" being literally Diamond Weapon from VII.

Nyx is far superior to that shit Noctis and should take his place as King

>we finally got a proper FF movie that's like FF

No, fuck Advent Children.

will they be in the main game??

>dirty refugee faggot
>take place as king


They also say 'you're strength is from YOUR king.' They're called refuges because they lived beyond the wall.

thats the problem i had with this movie.

they never bothered to explain the reason of everyones actions in this shit movie.

Why live


user, while I agree with you that 7AC is a Chuuni shit, KG is just a typical B grade Hollywood movie, it's nothing like a proper FF movie and I doubt we will ever have one.

Well, he is their king when they live under his rule now. Their kingdom literally no longer exists, or rather it is now a part of the empire. Only Lucis is free from the empire.

Galahd was probably like an unincorporated territory until it got fucked up like if Puerto Rico got invaded and everyone there went to the US as 'refugees'. No one in the US would be like OH WELCOME FELLOW COUNTRYMEN, they'd be treated like illegal immigrants from Mexico.

So afraid of becoming obsolete.

Luna's brother never called Lucis' king his king why would the other kingdoms be different? Luna is still a princess in her own right even if her kingdoms and imperial puppet. The kingsglave members betrayed because part of the treaty was for Lucis to surrender their outlying territories only keepinh Insomnia. If the country you're fighting for gives up your land to keep the capital you'd be pretty pissed. They did a poor job explaining all this though.

what so interesting about Nyx?

he has no personality other then throwing marvel one liners here and there and looking hot?

There's nothing interesting about him. He's even more generic than Noctis.

He isn't
You're right about everything else though. Boy was the action bad. And the magic was still better than the game.

>he has no personality other then throwing marvel one liners here and there and looking hot?
better than Noctis who has a different personality every year and doesn't look hot.

They literally saw firsthand how they were getting their shitpushed in and were ordered to retreat in the first fight of the movie so you think they'd want Lucis to expend all their resources to continue a war and have even MORE innocent citizens to lose their homes? That they'd suddenly want to BELIEVE the empire that invaded and stole their homes in the first place that they'll give them back sovereignty after handing them Insomnia? I love how all the traitors loved calling Nyx stupid when this is the biggest stretch of logic in the entire movie right behind Ravus working with the man who literally stabbed his mother just to get back at another man whose #1 priority was to take his son and GTFO rather than try to save Ravus.

I'm not saying the betrayers were smart they wanted a free Lucis the treaty only meant a free Insomnia so if the king apparently doesn't care (he does but you know) and the empire suddenly says you'll be free seems like a good deal providing you don't see the full picture and know how treacherous they are. Some betrayed others didn't. They were wrong to betray the kingdom but I can see why they did it.

He seemed pretty interesting until Tabata took over and turned him into some angsty doomed and completely clueless bitch. I notice he has a thing for turning every character pathetic. Prompto is a joke now, Regis was a weak old man who died, Ignis is basically Noct's maid. and Noct is as stated above.

>doesn't look hot


shut up, faggot.

>I notice he has a thing for turning every character pathetic.
That's probably his attempt at making them seem human.

Yeah, the deal only meant backstabbing their fellow Kingsglaive members who also lost their homes and subjecting all the citizens of Insomnia to die horrible deaths in gunfire, magic, and demons. Sure seems like an empire of merciful people who keep their word. There is 0 reason why they would give them back their lands, the refugees have zero leverage or bargaining chips. Once Insomnia is razed, the empire will have no reason to keep their word. They'd just have to mop up the remaining refugees and move on rather than give up prime real estate for a bunch of people who have no way to resist them.

>this is the biggest stretch of logic in the entire movie right behind Ravus working with the man who literally stabbed his mother just to get back at another man whose #1 priority was to take his son and GTFO rather than try to save Ravus.
Ravus was mostly butthurt Tenebrae's ally didn't stand by them when Regis and his son's presence caused the attack in the first place.
>Tenebrae is literally chilling in meadows and shit
>Regis lets his son and wife get BTFO by a misc snake lady sent by the empire
>asks Tenebrae to help his son recoup for some reason???
>It agrees as a kingdom of peace and literally gets fucked up the moment Regis sets foot on it
>Regis just fucking skedaddles without a second thought and doesn't even try to help
>Tenebrae is now a common territory of the empire
>Regis doesn't even acknowledge its existence for the next 12 years


the hell is that black haired girl doing in the poster, shittiest van scene ever.

So where do I watch it?

Because when you're an alpha you fuck whatever you want.

Download from Limewire

Yeah he has some fucked up logic since it happened when he was a kid but he literally is an underling to the guy who ran his mother through. That is about as retarded as a guy being pursued by gunmen comes to your home for dinner, the gunmen kills your mom while he bolts with his son then you go to the gunman and say, hey man that is all cool lemme help you kill that guy.

Why do people assume he just wanted the ring to kill the King? He probably just needed help getting it so he could wipe out Lucis then in turn, wipe out Niflheim then fuck off back to a reclaimed Tenebrae with his sister. He didn't even treat her especially poorly and didn't seem like he was bestest buds with Niflheim forces either.

Huh? Tabata's character is even more animu than that faggot Nomura's just look at Type-0 for example.

It just shows he has no idea how to make a character interesting or likeable. He's just trying to make everyone so fucking pathetic you'll feel bad. Except it feels more like forced melodrama and second-hand embarrassment than actual sympathy.

Don't even get me started on what he did in KG. It's like he's trying to be deep by making you hate the supposed good guys. The writing isn't even good either. JUST.

You act like Tenebrae wasn't already on the empire's list of shit to fuck over like everything else. They must have had no military to just let the empire stroll in and start massacring them. It is a surprise they even lasted that long. And nothing will make sense of Ravus having extreme hatred for Regis yet is perfectly ok with being Glauca's bitch boy. He already knows the legend behind the Lucii yet can't see beyond his own retardedness. The Lucis bloodline is the only way the world can find peace yet he couldn't figure out why the fuck Regis would want to save his son above all else?

They didn't really have much of a choice. Regis was surrendering their homes to Niflhein anyway. So I assume the empire came to them with the following offer:

Either you resist us and continue to support Lucis and we will raze your countries to the ground

Or you can work with us and we will go easy on you.

So from their perspective they could stay loyal to Lucis which would mean Niflheim would destroy them. Or they could pledge loyalty to Niflheim which only means Niflheim might destroy them. With how many of them were disillusioned with Lucis it's not hard to see why they took that chance.

>Tabata made coolest fucking dad into an asshole who just jobs in the end anyway


>they live and sleep in a town Called insomnia

Retarded AF

I love how they don't extend that offer to all the Kingsglaive, just the really shifty ones who have no problem shanking their glaive buddies in the back. They don't even ATTEMPT to sway the others, they literally just slit their throats in the airship. I would believe it more if they looked a bit guilty about it as if it was a hard choice but they all looked smug as shit like anime villains without any conscience. At least Libertus was angry, the others were comical.

>You act like Tenebrae wasn't already on the empire's list of shit to fuck over like everything else.
It was said that it wasn't since Luna was the oracle, it's basically neutral ground like the vatican. It only got fucked up because it agreed to house the Lucii royal family after Niflheim had already tried to assassinate them.

The directors said that the games story takes around 40-60 hours which is standard for Final Fantasy. Better than episodic like FFVIIr.

She was cute at times but I still like her game model better

Suicide Squad had more than -2 critics, things like this tend to regress more to the middle the more participants (reviewers) are added.

I didn't think it was good but it certainly wasn't "ass", it had some cool moments and it's role was originally just to support the release of the game (straight to dvd).

They weren't housing anyone, he came there for a visit to get a cure not to live there. If they just wanted to ring, they didn't need to completely occupy the nation. What cause would they have to NOT control the oracle? Regis being there was a convenient excuse to kill two birds with the same stone.

It doesn't matter it's still cut
If it's 40-60 then they might as well keep the 1-2 hour invasion part in the game