Would you recommend it?

Would you recommend it?

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If you want to make something quick and see how it works, yes. A lot of developers are unable to use it properly for 2D games, which has led to a lot of negative renown. Like the developer for undertale didn't know how to use 60 fps before he was too far into the game development.

it's the easiest thing ever
literal 10 year olds can pick it up

This engine made possible some really good games. If you want to make a 2D game it might be a good choice.

I don't really like that Game Maker uses its own language for scripts though, that's why I prefer Unity. Right now, I think, there are only three good engines for small indie developers: GameMaker, Unity and Unreal. And I forgot aboutRPG maker. It'ss somewhat decent and you can probably make something worth playing with it.

Only this version pham

>And I forgot aboutRPG maker. It'ss somewhat decent and you can probably make something worth playing with it.

> HTML5/JS engine
> worth playing

leave now

Yeah, I had a 2D project in mind. Something like a top-down/isometric adventure. I have no programming experience, but I have used Multimedia Fusion extensively before, and I just wasn't happy with the performance.

top-down stuff is incredibly easy, and GM Studio's performance is okay enough to let you be a little lazy (on a 2014 macbook air running Win7, I can keep 60fps with no drops with like 1000 active objects on screen, nearly all of them doing stuff each frame)

I remember when it was hard to go past 200 in GM5.x days like 10+ years ago, but that was long before it started actually compiling games to real native code.

I thought Undertale was done in RPG Maker

Thanks for the insights!

Unity is great but it's so bloated :(


Is Unity still worth it now that it changed to a subscription based model? And the free version can't get rid of the splash screen?

GM is capable of both 2d and 3d, but I would honestly recommend something else if you're going for 3d. Whatever you want to do, factor it in from the beginning, then work your way up. If you dun goofed early on, don't be afraid to start from scratch.

Some things I'd recommend doing:
> Do away with the built-in alarm systems, and set up event timers that serve the same purpose.
> Replace the built in speed variables with your own. This can be some shonky work, but it paid off for me.
> Create a global Timescale variable, and multiply fucking everything by it. You might not need it, but you never know when you will in the future.
> Brush up on your math. Basic knowledge of trigonometry does wonders.
> Efficiency is key. Don't initialize shit you don't need when you won't need it, and when applicable, deactivate stuff that's off-screen.
> kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle Read This

Did you ever upgrade to mmf2 or even fusion 2.5


literally the only real advantage it has is dynamic script loading
studio is superior in every other matter

>A lot of developers are unable to use it properly for 2D games
>hurr durr durr, I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I sure liek to be opinionated

Game Maker is a game engine specifically made for 2D games.

No, he's saying that Game Maker is a good engine, but many developers (like the guy who made Undertale), couldn't use it properly. Because these developers couldn't use it properly, GM garnered an unjust reputation as a meme engine.

No problem. Some resources, while I'm at it
> yal.cc/ - Some douchebag's blog. It has insights on a lot of stuff and little tutorials, not just with Game Maker
> ganggarrison.com/oldversions/ An open-source tf2 demake that I got my start with through modding. The reason I'm linking to the old versions is because it gets horribly muddled after a few years of being passed around, go for pre-2.0 builds.
> remar.se/daniel/resources.php Daniel Remar's games. The first link is nothing but Game Maker projects, built in 5.3a and 7. While some stuff isn't entirely compatible, it's worth looking through (and it's piss easy to find those two versions of gm). I recommend fingering through games after Iji, and some of the trivia pages for his projects for design and optimization stuff

It's apparently possible. I need to ask YAL how the hell he pulled it off, but it's possible.

Just liek maek gaem.

>Want to make game
>Don't know where to start because I don't know if I want it to be pure 2D or 2.5D with a dynamic camera
>Can't start on the graphics because I don't have this basic thing decided.

Just liek make gaem. Just start doing it.

Protip: Don't start with art. Just make a prototype of what you want to do.

>It's apparently possible. I need to ask YAL how the hell he pulled it off, but it's possible.
really? now that would be something

Just do it with blue and red balls, it doesn't matter. A lot of great games started out with simple shapes, and if the game is good with those then you can get your art.

It's apparently a custom scripting language. No compilation, but it's parsed on-demand.

Anyone ever used this? I know libGDX is a thing but this seems better suited for 3D games than that.

looks very impressive, though i don't think it would have a speed edge over having your scripts parsed once through object event modification in gm8.1 and earlier
maybe there is some bonus voodoo going on that would make it possible

im not sure but i think that risk of rain and hotlinemiami was made in it

And OG Spelunky and Nidhogg.

>not using Clickteam Fusion 2

yes. only faggots would say no.

How is GM for platformers and visual novels? I wanted to do a VN where the action scenes were minigames, but Ren'Py and TyrannoScript don't seem to be what I'm looking for.

It is possible to do it, but you'll have to make your own way to make the VN part unlike Ren'Py and TyrannoScript
(You'll have to make the UI/system/...)
Are the minigames really that important to your story ?
(Maybe you can be more lazy and make two programs : one for the Vn and one for the minigames, having both interacting with passwords)

Ren'Py supports Pygame does it not? Just take someone else's Pygame template that's being offered for free for your minigames.