where were you when Wow was saved
Where were you when Wow was saved
In some sort of weird alternative universe I suppose.
>questing in stormheim
>have a great time
>get to Azsuna
>continue to have a great time
>get to Val'sharah
>still really enjoying myself
>get to High Mountain
I'm enjoying the game a lot.
What are people not liking? I'm seeing people on Sup Forums saying its shit but I'd like to hear the reasons
I wasn't born in that timeline
They havent actually played it
you will shit on it after tge honeymoon phase fagget
That did not happen, are you from the future, did someone kill the entire blizzard "creative" staff?
It's more of the same. If you enjoyed every DLC for WoW, good on you.
in my bedroom
>WoW expansion
>more WoW
wow really makes you think
they haven't played it
All memery aside. Is it actually a good expansion? Gonna start playing it on Friday.
>tfw been up since 2 hours before release
>tfw 827 ilvl already
>tfw one shotting everyone in Dalaran Sewers with shield slams
>chose highmountain first
>no motivation to level anymore
Windwalker monk or Enhancement shaman
they're both so fun i can't choose help me
The fact is nobody actually knows yet
The leveling is great (my favourite zones ever together by Northrend)
Havent tried dungeons on a hard difficulty yet but their aesthetics are great, even better than Cata dungeons IMO
Alts are completely dead which I really love
Will the expansion stay great? Who knows, WoD was terrible so Blizzard needs to prove themselves though
Both gimp non-classes that won't get a raid spot. Toss a coin or whatever, either way you lose.
>hate the Demonology playstyle and how immobile and slow it is
>why the fuck did they take out Metamorphosis completely instead of putting it on a cd or something
>forced to play it because the "class fantasy" (hate that term but I can't think of a better one) is what I've wanted forever
It would be so much better if they kept Metamorphosis but gave us the felhound summon spell, and gave us demonic empowerment on a cd
instead it's a shitty summoner in the worst way
demonology was about summoning demons, not becoming one
The leveling experience is great but the same was said about WoD. If they follow through on all the content they've promised in a reasonable timeframe it will continue to be good. That is yet to be seen though.
Metamorphosis was part of the spec for 8 years, and it's incredibly in-character for a Warlock to use demonic energies himself
They haven't had the "it's this or a raid tier" bullshit yet, at least
>chose highmountain first
>had a great time
>meta was a part of the spec for 8 years
>before that it was always demonic sacrifice
>demonology was about summoning demons
Am I the only one that always hated WoD leveling?
The only good parts are Shadowmoon Valley and the Dark Portal intro quest (and that was only good the 1st time you did it)
>being a sadist
imo it feels like you need less quests to level up.
The hubs are less cluttered with quests. You'll get 3-4 instead of 9-10
Spires of Arak was alright too, but yeah, leveling was mediocre
Legion has the order hall campaigns to keep things fresh for alts too
I was legitimately not upset by anything in Highmountain other than the really obvioous and cartoony way they handled the Bloodtotem tribe
>neo-WoW questing
>hard and/or annoying
pick one
I choose highmountain first because i play a Tauren and wanted to hang out with other Tauren.
Holy fuck this place sucks, its really slow and boring.
Stormheim a shit. Please tell me the other zones arent just rehashes
>Stormheim a shit
What the fuck am I reading
Rehashes of what?
I rather enjoyed Stormheim
Weird, I'm enjoying it for the most part (a couple of annoying quests but every zone will have those)
>Stormheim a shit.
>playing with my brother and best friend
>I finally got bro his own account during mop so we could play together rather than take turns
>get on skype
>have fun bullshitting in Azsuna
That alone makes the expansion worth it. Even if there's no content and we end up quitting again moments like last night totally make the money spent insignificant. I wish my other 2 friends kept their promise and got it too. Woulda been awesome to have a full 5 man ready.
Is anyone else taking way too long to kill quest mobs? On my DK fighting two at a time will take out half my health if I'm not specced Blood.
every time
Things that already exist
Don't spend this (You) all in one place, sonny.
That's very vague
unless you're talking about the skyfire getting wrecked again
shaman is a bit faster and does more damage
windwalker is a bit slower, still good enough damage if the speed of shaman is ever stressing
>play the only fun classes in the game
He means it's a rehash because there's Vrykul stuff
He's retarded, ignore him
>Unholy, Shadow, and Outlaw
>not fun
And then you get to the part of Highmountain where you kidnap small children and corrupt their mind with this dude.
That shit felt hella shady.
aw shit is this the borean tundra guy
>people hate Vrykul stuff
What? How? It's so cool
Demonology would be so much fucking smoother if they knocked some cast time off Shadowbolt and made Demonic Empowerment a cooldown
right now it's balanced so that your demons do literally nothing if they aren't empowered
BM is gonna have stupid good cleave holy shit
How is surv? Haven't gotten the spear yet
>people with Hand of A'Dal title everywhere
I thought this was supposed to be a rare title from BC, but it seems like everyone has it.
except me
So can someone explain this class hall shit to me? What exactly do I do with it? And how is it literally any different from garrisons?
Is she best girl or what?
There better be a fucking Azshara raid this time. There's literally no excuse now.
No, that would be Sylvanas followed by Maiev
This is the most fun i've had playing WoW in a while, I just hope they can keep it up at max level and post launch without crazy content droughts.
Certainly better than WoD and IMO better than MoP and Cata too
you are absolutely correct
unholy is only fun if you're into the slow gameplay
but shadow, that's extremely fun
and outlaw is pretty fun too, just not sure it competes with windwalker/enhancement
>Cross server everything
>Barely a fucking MMO RPG anymore.
>lead designer Jay fuck that loser Wilson
Are you people playing this because there just isn't anything else on the mmo market?
>tfw your friends pick horde
>you can't play night elf, draenei or dwarf anymore because of them
It hurts to live
It's basically 2 things
>Class quests
>Glorified gating mechanism
it has a questline and followers aren't RNG
there aren't buildings that you have to mess with
Kek, exactly the same for me.
Not finished Highmountain yet but holy fuck it's dull. I was always gonna pick it last because I heard Nessingway was there and I hate shitty "open plains" zones with tons of animals to fight
I'm trying to get into it but honestly I just want to play new games. WoW isn't bad but it's so stale, and trying to introduce grappling hooks or whatever just reminds of how limited and unable to evolve the engine is. It's cool if people still want to play it but I'm not feeling it.
>shadow only good in raid
>this is fun
>implying they wont do an Azshara expansion
>your friend picks alliance
>you can only play dwarf because the other races are knife eared pieces of shit
My friend switched to horde but I'm leveling my ally main first. I don't give a fuck. Alliance will always be my main preference.
Is the loot from star mobs once a day or just once?
Rolling sixes on Roll the Bones is the best feeling in the entire game, same with the True Bearing + Adrenaline Rush combo
1. Azsuna
3. Valashashasha
9000001. Highmountain
Wish there was a full leveling zone on a legion corrupted world but oh well
shadow is fun everywhere, it's just way better in raid
>get a six pack
So Sargeras is going to be the end of expansion boss, right? It only makes sense.
>Wish there was a full leveling zone on a legion corrupted world but oh well
next expansion
unless they pull an underwater expansion on us there is really nothing left on azeroth other than a few irrelevant islands that might be used for raid tiers or pvp areas at some point
>Doesn't want to play as Blood Elves
Nigga you gay
when outlaw rogue gets that fast my hands cramp and i cant keep up
Suramar is above all
Definitely in my top 3 of favourite zones of all time
If by fun you mean never maintaining void form because everything dies too quickly outside of raids, yeah I guess it's fun.
>Wow was saved
>even the most devout wow drones are saying the log off at 102ish due to immense boredom and repetitiveness
LOL, i'd love to see Legion's sub numbers come late september
avatar of sargeras, maybe
actual sargeras, no
I'm only 3 1/2 zones in, hype as fuck to go there
Muhhhh diiiicckkkkk ffffffff
It's slow to 102 and then it's quick as fuck to 110. They're literally impatient babies. I'm already at 110
They don't look anywhere near as good as that art and you know it. They're also fucking twigs.
You think a female Belf looks good in a full set of paladin plate when they're that tiny?
dragon soul : 2 electric boogaloo
Kil'jaeden I guess. Sargeras is too powerful for us unless they pull some Deathwing bullshit
Source please
I once made the mistake of using Adrenaline Rush after I rolled all 6
>implying they won't just summon him but in a "weak" form where he is killable
its spells are satisfying, it's not that fun outside of raids, but it is fun
Seriously though I can't pick between these. Being able to heal would be nice, though I think I will primarily be playing DPS.
Can't believe Ysera went down like such a bitch. Corrupted easily by a shitty crystal, then rekt hard by Tyrande and a few priests
sargeras is the size of a planet dude
I don't know how you turn that into a boss fight
The non-tauren parts of Highmountain is enjoyable enough.
But the tauren part is really really bad.
Where the FUCK is illidan? Is he even in the game yet?