ITT: Skins that should've been the original design.
ITT: Skins that should've been the original design
You are playing this trash why?
Why the fuck is his helmet so small?
>Sup Forums
You're posting on this trash why?
>It's a Sup Forums asks why everyone is doing what everyone is doing thread
I've never been a huge fan of Raiden's cyborg body in Revengeance, I always play with the MGS4 skin.
And guess what:
>Will not be available for another year
>Will always be box exclusive which means "Lol, who doesn't want to get shafted by RNG?"
I assume it's because he isn't yet drowning in his own misery and is still capable of enjoying things that are genuinely fun rather than anonimously mocking and putting down those who do so because he's dissatisfied with his own pathetic, meaningless exsitence.
this is what fans consider a good design
more like a character that never should have been born and should be put out of its misery
Omnigger detected.
People still play TF2 and that shit's like 10 years old.
Who the fuck cares if people play OW just as long?
Makes the rest of him look bigger by default.
Maybe the skin looked really fucking weird with his head scaled to actually fit inside the normal skin's helmet, and the dev team figured nobody would notice?
Maybe they should've designed a better helmet then. I'm a little bit assmad that it wasn't a great helm
Disgusting. The real skin is already the best and the only thing that original by mexicans is illegally hopping the border on a daily basis.
You have to go back.
I think the helmet's size has little to do with their design decision to make it small. Besides, a great helm really wouldn't fit with the rest of the armor. They look cool, but I think it's too plain and realistic of a look to fit with his high-fantasy-looking power armor.
it's too slow
All of the characters should have been female and half naked
Nah man they could've made it work, or at the very least changed out the helmet for something else on the literal crusader armor they just released.
This should've been her default, then the current default could've been a legendary "this is what she looks like underneath" skin, like Reinhardt has.
Cause its fun. Wanna fight about it, bitch nigga?
Is it wrong that I actually like her default skin? I like that style of hair.
young soldier 76
I like it a lot as well, I just think it works better as an alt skin. I'd be fine with half of her skins being recolors of the default if it also changed the hair color to match.
That's totally okay if you are secretly a lesbian, user. Otherwise, you should be completely ashamed of yourself.
I don't like it because it's too similar to Tracer, just pink.
Who cares. It's a skin
If you could toggle off the goggles I'd agree. I know why they are there, but they look fucking stupid.
They do nothing!
They look fucking stupid.
I agree, but it's still fun.
1. Forgot the robot arm
2. No other complaints
Mmmh i can just taste the edge on this little one
Obvious reaper player
applies to real life as well as DCS
> not the Nintendo zapper or other vidya gun controller
The ultimate offender
Is that a Warthog/Hind hybrid?