When are people going to start realizing that this was froms best game?

When are people going to start realizing that this was froms best game?

>roll roll roll roll
>R1 R1 R1 R1

Why do you want lies to be true so bad? What do you gain from this? I don't understand.

That would be Bloodborne.

You can say that about any from game.

Not DS2. It's not much better, but you definitely can't get by rolling and R1 spamming.

What's up with the hate for phone posting? I like laying in bed while I post. It's really comfy. I also like posting while I take showers. The fuck is so wrong with that?

>you can't beat das2 by spamming r1 and roll

Yeah, you literally can. Why would you think that? Explain yourself.

This doesn't look like a Bloodborne screenshot user. Did you accidentally select the wrong one?

They're really really close IMO but I feel like dark souls 3 is a little more consistent. Chalice dungeons are fucking horrific too. I also really like how das3 seems to get better and better as the games goes on.. While bb on the other hand, peaks at the beginning.

>dark souls 3 is a little more consistent
>bb on the other hand, peaks at the beginning

ok this is bait

>you definitely can't get by rolling and R1 spamming
Why wouldn't you be able to?

Central Yharnam is the best level of the game and then it's all downhill from the there

I haven't played Bloodborne yet, but 3 is my favourite tied with 1

Faggots use it for shitposting because of how easy it is to change your phone's IP
Plus kiddies shitposting during class

>Not DS2. It's not much better, but you definitely can't get by rolling and R1 spamming.

That's literally how I beat DS2

That isn't armored core
Or demons souls
Or kings field.

That's not Upper Cathedral Ward.

At least you didn't say Bloodborne.
>Armored Core
Top taste. Think we'll get another one?

>From Software now just means Demon Soul's redone 4 times
>Metal Wolf Chaos 2 never

Never. Because Souls isn't even their best series.

>the most American game ever made
>on the original Xbox
>Japan only

>implying it isn't adults posting while taking a dump at work