If you don't buy Fedora Force there won't be any other Metroid game

>If you don't buy Fedora Force there won't be any other Metroid game

>If you don't buy Fedora Force Nintendo will think we want more Metroid games like FF.

>If somebody makes a remake of a Metroid game, Nintendo will shut it down.

It's over, Metroid 1986-2016

a real metroid would not have charted either




>The country where Metroid statistically always sells like shit
>The country where FPS multiplayer games sell like shit

Is this any surprise?

sell like shit used to mean 20k copies not 4k

that's catastrophic even by metroid standards

They made a game no one wanted. Don't be surprised when Color Splash gets the same results.

Good, stop making NLG work on your half baked ideas

Federation Force? more like FedEx it back to where it came from Force

20k would put it as one of the top selling games that week. That's what NMS and KOF opened with over there.


Yearly Atelier games sell 60k first week and they're not exactly mainstream.

I hope that Fed Force kinda, sorta sells better in the USA and in europe. Maybe Nintendo will then stop trying to appeal to japanese audiences by making husbando and chibi simulators.

I'm telling you, they should have just let Next Level Games make the Metroid game they would have wanted to make. Or maybe speak with Retro. Or ask ANY developer! Metroid may not always have moved the most copies, but it always struck a nerve with those people, who create in the medium itself. I'm telling you, most studios would be excastic to have the chance to make a Metroid game themselves.

>lets show Nintendo that we don't like chibi-shit
>by buying up chibi-shit in droves
Did you even think before you wrote that stupid post?

>make non-chibi game
>sells good in USA and europe, sells ok in japan
>make chibi-shit
>sells ok in USA and europe, sells like shit in japan

Yeah, this is gonna make every company decide to make even more chibi shit.

>inb4 hurr durr sales in japan don't matter its all about America!

Guess what, it will sell like shit here too. Same thing happened to Codename Steam and same happened to #FE.

Par the course for Metroid really.

The game is decent but of course it was going to bomb

Yeah and Fire Emblem sold like 300k. We can keep listing, but the fact is, nobody wanted this game and the games sell like shit in Japan to begin with. Hunters on the fucking DS had like 30k. People seriously expected it to open up with more sales?

>>make non-chibi game
>>sells good in USA and europe
Yeah, and when did this happen huh?

I didn't say that happened. I hoped it may happen. Just to show Nintendo that japan doesn't give a fuck about Metroid, even if you make it a fucking chibi game.

Well as long as Tanabe is in charge you can just forget about getting a traditional-styled metroid.

This game was designed for these fuckers.

>nintendrones are unironically defending this
This right here is the reason Nintendo is a shit company nowadays

I'm more interested how it sold in the states

Anything about that?

So fucking glad this garbage bombed. Fuck anyone who actually bought this.

>SF0 sucked
>Federation Force already bombing hard
>Nothing upcoming for Wii U except Nu Paper Mario and an inferior port of a Zelda game that should have been out 2 years ago
>Still zero info on NX
>All they have going for them are cheap plastic toys and 3DS which continues to lose market share to smartphones
>Casuals have long since abandoned them and kids think they're a joke

It's going downhill but they got tons of money to burn before they crash or pivot industries

You know at least Nintendo is trying to make a fun game out of all of this, it could be an extremely blatant corporate cash grab that tarnishes what fans love about the series.

It could have dragged Samus through the mud and ruined her, or tried to actively appeal to the COD audience, or given Samus a boyfriend. Chances are Nintendo won't make a sequel, and if they do they will try to improve on it.

Basically, it's not Equestria Girls

>gee whiz guys it's not like it irreparably damages the IP or anything chill out
get aids thanks

>Implying that investors aren't going to jump out due to consistent failures
>implying that companies will just sit on money and do nothing.

Not as much as Equestria Girls did.

You'll get shit on for this, but you're kind of right. This game reeks of a lack of effort, but it could be worse. I got it as a gift, and it's decently fun with friends you can properly communicate with. Even the stuff everyone bitches about regarding Samus is followed by her wiping out enemies that are meant to be a challenge to you - four at once with a single charge shot - and saving your ass, but the balance in player count is all off, the mods are either worthless or overpowered, and Blast Ball allows absolutely no control over the ball.

There will be more Metroid some day, and I wish people would relax. FF isn't as insulting as Other M, but it is disappointing.

fedora force doesn't damage the IP but it's another bomb which is all we've had for a fucking decade
just lay the franchise to rest already

He's not wrong.
It's fun to make fun of metroid fans because they're always crying.

I have 99% on this game, and the last skin from Blast Ball is proving to be maddening to acquire. For fuck's sake, I eject the other team, push the ball right to the goal, and am treated to my AI teammate launching the ball so hard that it flies off the edge of the goal and back into my own goal, costing me the challenge in the final round.

When will they realize that Samus and her lack of in-depth character prior to Other M is such a major contributing factor to sales with this series. There was nothing inherently wrong with Federation Force, but it lacked Samus and balanced the gameplay a little too greatly around a multiplayer experience when everyone just wants another good single player Metroid experience.

according to famitsu it sold exactly 4286 units