"user, it's the weekend and I'm bored. Do you want to play Pokemon GO with me?"

>"user, it's the weekend and I'm bored. Do you want to play Pokemon GO with me?"

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, I don't play but I will walk around with you.
It is not like I have anything better to do like playing VIDEO GAMES

Wait, you still play Pokemon GO? Get with the times granny.

>"But you have to try it! It's so fun! Ooh, it's a Pinsir!"

She looks like that one tranny people used to post on here all the time.

>"It's still fun to me, darn it!"

Get some taste. I mean, who the fuck even likes Pinsir?

your ugly girl

get outta ma way

Ok, but you have to eat this first.

I don't have a data plan, it sucks, are you okay if we just play GO while visiting some stores at the mall or whatever?

Where did the nail polish come from and go????


Hell no.
I don't even want to play normal Pokemon with you.
Now grab a picket sign and come with me to japan.

Bailey Jay? Thought so too.

It's Wednesday you silly bitch.

She's got the face of like a 4/10 at most but
>hime cut

user be careful, she might charge you for sexual assault if you say that.


Sheeeeit. When did this happen?

Like months ago, nigga.

Post what an 8/10 looks like then.

fuck off with your shitty fad, normalfag

This thread belongs in /r9k/.

It's a "role play thread" episode

Probably a pornstar with an inhuman amount of plastic surgery, supersized lips with collagen implants, breasts too big to be natural, etc.

You like bimbos?

That's not a hime cut.

No.I am going to go play with an actual hottie.


Not same user but here. That is a 6\10, is a normal girl. This is a 8\10


Shut up nerd.

I don't like that kind of thing, but quite a couple of guys here probably do. They've watched so much porn with that type of woman that they've become attracted to them.

>normiemon GO

>no rail crossing guards

That looks super average.

Well, what do YOU like?

No, why in the hell would I ever want to GO out in general? I'd prefer to stay in to play vidya' & look at lolis

Who is this shitty Sabina ripoff?

But Vitamin D is good for you.

There are other ways to get it, user.

>Well, what do YOU like?

I like love.