ITT Unpopular opinions

ITT Unpopular opinions
Halo 3 is the best first person shooter of all time. Ultimate Doom is very close though.

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I liked Reach more

Halo 3 had the funnest multiplayer experience of all time

Now that's an actual unpopular opinion.

It's not a bad game. It's close to Halo 3 in my eyes.

ODST had the best lore and atmosphere
i preferred halo 3 for the best co-op ever in the series
i preferred reach for firefight
i preferred halo 2 for multiplayer
i preferred halo 1 for singleplayer
i preferred halo 4 to stay in the trash with 5 forever

You're fucking crazy.

Halo 5 has good multiplayer though.

That might be an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums but among normies born in the 90's Halo 3 retains legendary status.

Halo's alright but its just a slow version of Unreal with the same lore as Starcraft

Reach was awsome. It had everything I wanted from a Halo campagin.

>Good multiplayer
Pick one, and only one.

The campaign and armor are GOAT, man.
I mean you could apply that to most unpopular opinions in an unpopular opinion thread. They're usually common places amongst normalfags and anyone else you doesn't let their taste be dictated by Sup Forums shitposts.
Not to defend 343 but they literally couldn't get splitscreen to work.
Up to you if you trust this source.

Still not believing them, if Nintendo can get MK8 to do 60fps with 1-2 players and switch to 30fps for 3-4 on their playskool box then 343i should be able to on Xbone with likely at least twice the manpower and budget.

Splitscreen was cut because MS wanted to sell new consoles and Live subs. I do not and will never believe any of the bullshit excuses 343i fed us, Bungie had no problem getting it to work, other devs like Treyarch can at least get 2-player Splitscreen working on the same hardware, 343 themselves did it with MCC. It was entirely a business decision, not hardware limitations. It was NEVER a problem until, conveniently, paid online MP completely took over and pubs started pushing DLC very hard.

MS just really wanted so sell as many copies of the game and Xbones as possible and bought forcing anyone who wants to play to buy the console themselves was best way to do it. And it but them in the ass, Halo 5 is by far the worst selling entry and a lack of local play is the most common complaint.

>all those nights playing Fat Kid with the bros

oh man, fuck I miss those times

I agree

Cutting framerate would've been my first suggestion but given how underpowered these consoles are, it isn't difficult to see the game still playing like ass.

Ape Escape's Spike is best shota

I agree.
I don't think I liked any other fps more than Halo 3.
Bioshock, Dishonored, Thief, Deus Ex and System Shock aren't really fps, so...

Destiny is the best fps of alll time

Peace Walker is on par with MGS3
Crown of the Sunken King is the best DS2 DLC

Mw2 was the best post arena fps on PC, and still hasn't been topped

It's an issue very specific to the engine.
It applies in some other games too, and I'll explain a few notes.

>fps >60 = physics calculation issues
>fps = 60 = optimal physics calculation
>fps =30 = less accurate but usable physics calculation

A common example of this, is skyrim, however the change in framerate isn't an issue as it's single player and physics don't have to sync with anyone externally, however if you arrive above 60fps it will have issues.

Due to the way physics are calculated in relation to framerate, anything reliant on them (realistically, this is most of halo, as many projectiles, players, weapons, vehicles, and more) will be processed differently at largely different framerate.

This wasn't an issue in Halo 1 for PC, as it's physics are calculated at 30 fps regardless of framerate.
I don't believe this was an issue in halo 2 vista either, as I would presume it's 30fps with visual interpolation, however ragdolls do not work on dedicated servers and physics are buggy so I may be incorrect.

My understanding of this, is due to the very hardware-specific console roots, as well as the implementation of the Havok engine, which I doubt has been largely updated due to how integral the revision is to the engine.

I don't think it was physics being tied to framerate. The hardware was too weak to load assets, let alone run the game.

From a gameplay perspective MGS3 is the most consistently fun and replayable entry in the MGS series.
HL1 and Opposing Force are the only good games in the series.
Skate 1 is the best skateboarding game ever made.

The first one is pretty popular and there as a vocal few who agree with the second.

Also, Pro Skater 3 is better fuck you REEEEEEEEEEE

This is not unpopular.

This is

I liked Halo 4's campaign and Halo 5's multiplayer. Of course I liked Halo 1-3 more though.

I'd agree with you on DS2, best environment by far and had 1 good boss

peacewalker is the weakest solid game

Planetary anihilation was a solid RTS and, if better managed, would be as loved as supcom:FA

Grim Dawn has the be one of the worst Diablo clones I've played.

I regret buying that lazy attempt of a game.

the biggest problem in gaming today is competition. everyone wants to beat everyone by putting thier product first, sometimes when its literally not finished or market the hell out of it with false promises and cutting everything up with DLC for the low low price of 59.99 a pop. I want gamers to get organized and start protesting this shit, but it wont happen. Maybe im just seeing it through rose colored glasses but it seems like there was a time when companies just made their games and put their heart into it, but now maybe half of the bigger names out there are doing this

3 is the worst bungie made halo

Ut, quake, doom, wolfenstein, duke nukem are heralded as champions of the "superior pc shooting scene", but theyre all horribly boring and shit

Especially fuckibg quake. Fast is not fun

Halo 2 multi was pioneer days of console online multiplayer. It was literally the wild west.

3 came out and its like they bandaged up all the fun and wildness and dumb kids and normies jumped in

the reason they didnt enable splitscreen is because they couldn't keep 60fps

>3 is the worst bungie made halo
>instead of the piece of shit prequel not made by the Halo 1-3 team (the devs with actual experience making real Halo games)
Reach was complete shit and was the start of nu-Bungie the one we see today.

rip sumo it was fun while it lasted :C