>You have been banned.
>Reason: Racism
You have been banned
Woah, is that some fanart for the new Battlefield? Looks good.
Racism used to be fun before it became synonymous with being an obnoxious Sup Forumstard
What a shame
>Muh safe space! Sup Forums is muh safe space!
>used to make racist jokes all the time
>had lots of fun
>suddenly people start taking it too seriously
>reason: promoting degeneracy
>say "damn, nigga" in chat after getting owned
>instantly banned
>someone calls me a polak
>nothing happens
Doesn't even seem like mods actually enforce the "no racism outside of Sup Forums or Sup Forums" rule. You must have been really annoying.
>Reason:No,faggot ,i didnt just lost the game, you did!
>Reason:You might have won this match but you have lost the game of life you loser
>Banned from Lol
>reason: racism
>i called some slav shitter "white nigger"
fuark thats a shitty sentence, back to bed i guess
You don't get it, we're multicultural here, that's why only American viewpoints are accepted. Whites are all evil scum, no matter if American, Irish or Eastern European.
it's funny how the pathetic white boys always spam this retarded meme
>used to laugh at moralfags
>now it's all muh morals and anti-degeneracy
What happened Sup Forums?
>not tracking down racists and sending them to re-education centres
baka desu senpai
I've been banned twice from Sup Forums for saying nigger
Do you still enjoy rage comics too? Of course you do.
Polak isn't a real slur
>directing someone to reddit for not being a moralfag
There's something seriously wrong here.
cuck cuck nigger cuck cuck nigger nigger nigger nigger cuck cuck cuck nigger nigger shill sjw nu-males cuck nigger nigger cuck cuck nigger shill
Stay triggered, cuck :^)
>sucker punching people
That's a bitch move no matter what you believe in.
I hear people use it as one.
Why is nigger a slur then?
(you), newfriend
Literally Sup Forums with glasses and beanie
>be finnish
>get called a mongoloid several times
>no one gets banned
The fire rises. All you nu-male faggots will be hanging from trees just like your black bulls.
But isn't your entire thing being triggered when people don't follow your super strict moral rules? Yes. Yes it is. Stay mad.
Remember, having racist views isn't a crime
There's literally nothing wrong with racism in 2016.
Can't ban no one if it's true.
Doesn't Sup Forums get mad when black people do this? Why is it acceptable here?
>saying *nigga* is racist
How? The damn word is used everywhere and almost in every sentence these days
It's incredibly annoying when you forcefully push your racist views down people's throats in a video game board.
>trying this hard to fit in
>what you think they look like
>what they actually look like
Because it has a historical background of one.
It has a different cultural context.
Move to a server where they consider Polak offensive if it matters to you.
Try joining a server with a nick like "All_Lives_Matter1337" and see how that works out for you.
I dont see this shit as much, its dying down.
thank you numale's sky
No, they're the ones who get triggered
Because we have to preemptively be violent because the people we are violent to are inherently violent and the only way to prevent them from beating up random people is to beat up random people.
>leet in the foul year of Our Lord 2016
Well gee, I wonder.
And at the end write
gg ez as orlando
Sup Forums is a literal safe space, this is true.
Whenever someone directs you to >>>other site, you can know that you've hurt somebody's fee fees and upset the delicate balance of their safe space. For example, when you trigger Obsidiots or Sup Forumsacks.
racist fuck
I am literally Laughing Out Loud (LOL) at this epic post! have yourself an Upvote le kind sir, XD!
No, it sounds more like a bad case of
>stop liking what I don't like or I'll act like a violent thug
>not being a feminist
Fucking shit lords.
You mean how people are always saying
Or "go back to Sup Forums"
I'm not pushing my views onto anyone. Stating your opinion isn't "pushing" views.
Niggers are sub-human scum and the only thing worse is a coal-burner.
Being this delusional should be outlawed desu.
It is, just like romanian or bosniak.
>hell exists
>Sup Forumsacks will be eternally tortured by niggers, nu-males, sjws, kikes, mudslimes, spics and women when they die
It was a pun, since moon man shoots minorities
Serves you right tbqh.
>one is defending open boarder to sand niggers
>one wants his culture and society stay intact for his future children
Jeez, I wonder.
>he doesn't even know who that is
Oh, it's 3 on the east coast that makes sense.
Subhumans do not deserve the white man's honor.
Over 15 years later, AoE 2 comes back with a new expansion and it gets instantly forgotten except for the smug black man meme.
You mean since we did all the violent dirty work we are destined to go to hell with the rest of the degenerates? I'm okay with making that sacrifice so my children can live in a better world
>violence is acceptable when done against someone with a different opinion
Typical savage.
>user will be cast into eternal damnation where he'll be exposed to different opinions and micro-aggression
Thing is with Sup Forums, they're always starting off-topic political threads that are thinly disguised as vidya here and that gets old real fast. Off topic is off topic and that's just a rule, you oughta stay in your containment board the same way ponies shouldn't be posted outside of /mlp/.
As an aside, though, Sup Forums is also batshit and believes in insane shit like "interracial propaganda" designed to "out-breed and subjugate the white race" as if this stuff isn't just born out of insecurity.
Sup Forums is mostly self hating blacks
So why you get banned for saying nigger then.
So Sup Forums is okay with sucker punching, got it.
Not sure that's quite the same thing. If you were discussing games on Sup Forums you would get directed back to Sup Forums. It's the same website, you're just not using it correctly.
Telling someone to go to a different website altogether is different.
>when they die
The way how it goes what you said will be reality in 10 years or so in europe