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Forced diversity.

i think the game is fun but i'm not paying any money for explicitly anti-white historical revisionist crap.

are asspained white boys the new FLAOT?

>racism is bad unless it's against white people, then it's funny

I would love to hear how you think this game is racist against white people.

Oh the irony. I bet you use the word nigger all the time and post on poll. What's wrong Whitey? You can't handle not being the center of attention for once? Cry me a river you fucking cunt. Do you know how many times things have been whitewashed? Us blacks never cried about. We sat back.. Made awesome food and music..grew our dicks bigger and stronger.. And now we're coming to take what's ours. You did it to the natives and now we're going to do it to you. You little dick piece of shit.

how much longer is the beta? im havin fun besides the wacky rewritten history shit

Not buying

Watchdogs 2

Mafia 3

or BF1 because of the nigger

I hope you all do the same as well other than the niggers who will be mad as fuck

Lol, are you really that assblasted because there is more diversity in a game?

Has to be bait. Not even the Hitler is that fucking retarded to hate "historical revisionist crap" in a video game.

>t. white 14 year old Redditor

The game itself isn't inherently racist. But it's part of a larger issue in today's society where it's ok to make fun of/be stereotypical to white people but not anyone else.

>unique posters: 1

World War 1 is just a skin of battlefield 4

You sound pretty mad yourself right now
In fact one could claim that you're positively assblasted because of a bunch of pixels

I actually believe everyone in BF1 should be black. Also add suppressors and red dot sights.

And fuck it, throw in Darth Vader too.

So did you write that down or have you reached a state of perpetual butthurt? An asspain zenith if you will.

You're also pretty obsessed with that dude's dick. If you want to ask him out, you can, I'm sure he'd be flattered.

Players not recognizing their privilege

Tfw i'm a white cis irish male but our slavery which was just as bad as you niggers is ignored.


>Nu-male western devs

Do you really have to ask?

historic revisionism
if you want to make a game based on historic events don't try to implement absolutely bizarre features into it; the game just reeks of swedish cucks dreaming of their soldier bulls that didn't exist.

>darth vader in world war 1
this is what i need


>literally SW:Battlefront reskinned

Heh...nice try...kid...

>muh diversity
sure m8, next thing we need is medieval knight setting with 100% kangz and 0% evil whitey, for the sake of diversity and historic accuracy (before da white man destroyed history!)

It's a copypasta for one, two he isnt obsessed with another dudes dick but his own dick you retard. Chickens comin home to roost mufugga. Whitey BTFO over a video game lmfao what a sorry excuse for a cuck

how is the simple inclusion and existence of a demographic racist against another? there are white people too. are you saying that by including black people in it, that the "achievement" of the white soldiers is lessened by having to share it?

Setting is not WWII
Gameplay is not Bad Company 2

Black people haven't done anything of note other than play the victim and get carried to where they are by white people. White people build the modern world.

All I'm saying is that it would be pretty cute if two racists started dating. They can get a sitcom deal.

Normalfags who suddenly thought of themselves as critical thinkers finally realized Call of Duty had been repainted every year for the past decade took it upon themselves to praise Battlefield for doing the same thing less frequently.

there were no black soldiers fighting those wars. Make it a game about colonial wars and where you can play as a black tribal warchief or hired colony soldier and I'm fine with it, just don't fuck history up and sell the mess to uninformed kids who will believe it's true. Black people aren't part of Europe's history, so aren't asians and you don't even see them implemented here - it's just Swedish Beta males going full cuckold again.

in a thread largely complaining about the effects of historical revisionism and shaping cultural perception of history, this post is almost imploding on itself with irony.

Hey guys, I know a way to make our game more progressive and pander to 2016! Add black people.

Also forget about the countless Irish men that served in the war, they didn't exist.

Same here. I don't even mind niggers that much, but I can't stand self-hating white cucks. I'm not even white. Just, geez, stop being a pansy and stand by your own people, is that really too much to ask?


Black people have done nothing for the advancement of the human race except for a few outlying exceptions.

>muh normalfags
You mean paid off marketing bots. Retard

Not according to you, no. Its all da white man, even though the term white is an American made term! Pathetic lmfao. The modern world was built by the Chinese, the Jews, the Russians, and the Germans. Not "the white man". Get bent, kid.

>Doing the same thing less frequently.

I was surprised, I thought for sure it was going to be a reskinned BF4 again.
Instead we got a reskinned Battlefront, goo on you EA, ya done it.


the servers are down

It's a copy pasta? I just wrote that you white CIS. Google what I just wrote, idiot, you won't find anything. We are going to rise up and you can't stop us. Keep pretending this is b8. It makes no difference. You can't stop us. We took Star Wars from you. We took music back. We took your sports. We took your jobs. We took the White House. We took your wives. We'll take you too, soon. You will be our slaves while we fuck your wives and make your family watch. We will wrap our huge dicks around your necks and choke you out like a fucking python. The last image you will see is your mom and wife laughing in your face while they stroke my big black muscles. My penis will slowly tighten around your neck, like a noose, you will leave your body and merge with the void. Prepare yourself whitey. It won't be long.



>t. white dude

Why is there an explosion going off back there?

>You mean paid off marketing bots. Retard
You don't interact with enough people.


Normalfags actually believe Battlefield is some savior here to fight off big bad Call of Duty.

>ignoring most of civilization to fit your narrative

>flamethrowers are power ups on the map instead of being tied to a class

99% of brits and germans fighting were black right?

Shouldn't we be more upset that the base game doesn't include the French or Russians, who had a more important role in shaping the conflict than the British? Also for the record, British Indian Soldiers were present on the western front early on, and French use their colonial soldiers in Europe extensively. I hadn't previously come across German Colonial troops in Europe, but then I've never gone looking. I'd be more than happy to play a Senegalese Tirailleur if we had the important world powers available.

I hope so

Adding to this, there are kids who didn't even know WWI was a real event and this sort of shit doesn't help

>Darth Vader
He would fit better in WW2.

>game where mostly blacks kill blacks
>anti white

I miss when Sup Forums wasn't full of moralfag Redditors.

6/10 trying too Hard to sound intelligent needs more ooking and eeking

Also your music is trash utilizing the same fucking backbeat every single time. Nothing but munny wiminz hoez killin. Fuck nigger music.

You didnt take star wars at all, let me remind you that the feminists took SW and merely threw you a bone! Lmfao

ONigger hates blacks more than Sup Forums does

Girl to the left doesn't look happy.

Half of those are Caucasian and none of them are niggers

I can't connect to EA servers to DL the beta


>there were no black soldiers fighting those wars
Okay kid.

Normies absorb what marketing bots tell them. There's no difference.

No, they really don't. I havent clicked your link but i assume its some streamer faggot? Hes doing whatever he can to keep the money flowing. People are disinterested in cod, to be sure. But they arent going to bf as if its some wonderful new present. Streamerfags are to get thatbsweet battlefield goybux rolling in.

>pot meet kettle


Lol so butthurt you do know that the majority of the U.K. Troops who fought in the desert campaign came from the crowns colonies right I.E not white. It was really only white on white on the western front.

>there were a few black German soldiers
>let's make all of the players black
It's like you don't understand probability

Your penis will never be enough whitey, you know this. Ill tell you what.. Your insecurity softens my heart. Come join us. You will rub coco butter on my muscles after battle and you will cook my meals. Maybe if you prove your worth.. I might even let you fight along side us. What say you? I'm giving you a chance whitey. Don't waste it.

>Entire team of flamethrowers
Yea because that would be a great idea.
A powerful gun thats a reward for capping a base is not a bad design.

Except it's a majority black on the western front too, in every army, not just the brits.

So the ottoman Turks where white? Or the thousands upon thousands of Indian soldiers who fought for the British didn't exist?

Yes, but the ones who arre indian and pakistani or flat out african shouldn't have a fucking cockney accent.

Nice to see a return to 1942, the game is good shame its run by EA.

Irish are the biggest fucking cucks on the planet.
>not demanding reparations from Britbongs for centuries of brutal oppression
>actually letting your shithole island be divided
>letting it stay that way over something as stupid as a sectarian difference
>trying to turn down potential billions owed to you by Apple
either your nation has been fucked for so long its gone stupid, or you degenerates actually deserve all the shit thats been handed to you.

>not knowing any history at all

Nice goal shifting faggot.
>there were no black soldiers fighting those wars

Anecdotal evidence but all my friends with power levels way lower than mine buy into the narrative that Battlefield is something fresh and new.

Actual fucking issues aside from the retarded racial shit that doesn't affect game play.

Changes to conquest is the most that is wrong with it, since it's the root issue to other issues as well.

Dying is no longer of consequences
No one wait for revs
Who the fuck travels? kill yourself to respawn.
No point to planes, they just an annoyance now since plane kills don't bleed tickets anymore.

Fair point honestly I just hope they let you pick what ever soldier skin you want in the full game instead of randomly assigning us one.

>buttfrustrated millenials dont understand why they cant get laid

>both teams having flamethrowers is bad
>one team having a flamethrower while the other gets non is good

personally, it's because they released the beta when Legion launched.

>inb4 playing WoW in 2016 LUL

how so? Because it doesn't subscribe to the revisionist history that the egyptians were black?

>No one in the Turkish team gets blackwashed

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW couldn't do that now could we


>I have nothing to counter so I'll greentext instead

apparently they will

And then we'll have all black guys just to piss racists and pretend historians off

A symetrical game design passed you by didnt it

>every person who replies to me is the same person
That wasn't even me you cockblowing idiot. I'm just replying to you to show you how stupid this whole line of thinking is. "Hurr hurr there were a couple thousand black German soldiers so let's make every single player black to make it look like all the Germans were black."
Destruction of history.

1. it doesnt take advantage of the setting. everyone is running around with scoped rifles or automatics. in fucking ww1.
2. the horse controls are teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible
3. the beta map is way too open. awful map

its very pretty though

>my opinions worth more than your opinion

grow up kid

Flying is fun for me now again though but conquest sucks only 18 mins the fuck and medic class is basically dead. Also lots of graphics problems when I shoot down a plane I don't want to see it spin in the dirt for 30 seconds till it explodes. Tanks are OP as fuck but I kinda like it that way makes you feel like a band when you finally take one down.

>wanting Diversityfield 1 when this exists


Are the Indians and blacks in Europe though? I mean the BF1 footage has all been Arabian so far right? IIRC the Sinai Desert is Egypt or some shit. It would make sense for us British to be sending our colonized pakis to fight for sand. While us British fought in Europe. Unless the pakis and nig nigs are actually in the Europe maps to.

Your power level is infinitesimal compares to mine, kid. And your "friends" are uninformed. They'll buy the garbage and drop it in a month just like they did star wars battlefront. Lol. Pity them for wasting $60!

>A symetrical game design
>code for 'watch the other guys fuck you in the ass with an op pick-up that only they get at the time'

People who actually play battlefield won't like RO's slightly more realistic gameplay.

>That wasn't even me
Then good job reading the post I replied to you drooling mongoloid.
>there were no black soldiers fighting those wars


All of this could be solved by letting you pick your race like in Battlefront.

Why you all bitching it just means You get to kill niggers instead of some poor white guy.