There's been a lot of chinese cartoons about living in video games lately. If the game itself...

There's been a lot of chinese cartoons about living in video games lately. If the game itself, not including the living in it part, could be made real, which one would you want it to be?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Videogame players get trapped in videogame
>Not a single occurrence of 'git gud' or 'fuck off neckbeardlord'

Don't get me wrong, SAO is bad. But GGO looked really fucking cool.

You already posted it, OP.
Now let me dream about Elder Tales.

Of the ones I've seen, Log Horizon handled it the best. I didn't watch/read all of it but the combination of a main character who wasn't new to the game and was actually an old raider who was really good, player-created issues like PKers ganking everyone outside of safe zones, crafters fighting over resources, and players using loopholes in game systems like guild halls to enslave other players, and the issue of NPCs being sentient and freaking out about the super powerful adventurers who are suddenly acting strangely after years of just accepting any request without issue really made the whole thing seem like a great take on the "trapped in an MMO" concept.

yea, i really like the political side of things as well.

i wish the creator did fuck up and get sent to prison.

He didn't get sent to prison. He was sentenced to 10 months but the sentence was suspended for 3 years and he won't have to serve any time as long as he doesn't fuck up for that time.

GGO looked cool but some of it was just retarded. The main competitive mode being a solo player free for all and the narrative going out of its way to say that "that machine gun guy is really good in groups but he's not a competitive player because competitive mode is solo play so he won't have any support" made my eyes practically roll out of my head.
Also apparently the one on one maps to qualify for the ballad of bullets are designed in such a way that the blue haired girl can lay down at a choke point with no alternative approaches, and it's just "first kill wins" was stupid as well. I couldn't get more than a few episodes past that.

If the game was designed like that almost every player would be playing bitch mode camping snipers in competitive play.

a real .hack mmo would be great

Log Horizon is some turbo-nerd's wish fulfillment that the thousands of hours they spent in an MMO would finally afford them the power and relevance they wish they had in real life.

In (virtual) reality, though, they'd be just as worthless as they were in real life.

Grimgar because it's hardcore and pretty simple

could use some more classes though

Log Horizon has issues for this genere, especially season 2. But its probably the only one that actually fleshes out its MMO game to actually feel like an MMO.


what is this, 2013?
what is this

what is this, 2013?

.hack, because it's more like the original Phantasy Star Online rather than a real MMO.

I wanted to make the thread about this but didn't want the mods to think I was one of those
>What game lets me fuck my aunt in the butt?
guys. It seemed like a good way to communicate that, make it seem more relevant. It's not like they aren't still being pumped out.

Overlord is my favorite etruscan cave art, but sadly Yggdrasil would be the most terrible obscure P2W bullshit IRL.

>no stargate mmo or even 4-player co-op game where gate addresses are just like .hack keywords

The problem with ever single MMO anime is they're written more like a generic fantasy anime except with a few 'twists' to make them seem more related to playing a videogame.

But even those twists start to fuck off real quick, too. Selecting things from a menu? Hardly ever see it anymore. No, now they can just use their skills whenever.

And of course all the old NPCs now have lives and are all living, thinking creatures. God forbid they just be hollow shells with canned responses like an actual MMO game.

I swear to God I wish this meme genre would die.

But Log Horizon isn't really getting stuck in the game so much as the game world becoming a real world.

>the gamer
>you will never have magical mmorpg powers

Overlord is fucking garbage and a waste of a show.
>wow look at all these cool characters he has under his command
>whoops, one of them is accidentally in love with him xD Silly antics ensue!
>one of the strongest is a fucking loli
>more than half of his soldiers don't even do anything
>acts like he cares for the people in the group he joins but when they die he literally doesn't care at all
>whole plot of someone being able to take him down saved for the next season
Seriously, fuck you and fuck that show.

Ixion saga DT.

Wow you didn't pay attention at all so you're just hating things that don't even make sense. Good job moron.

>whole plot of someone being able to take him down saved for the next season
It's been 10 volumes already, you should've realized by now. The only one who can contend with Ainz is Philip-sama.

I didn't even say much regarding the plot of the show, most of what I said was facts that you simply can't refute.

>silly antics
Since Ainz is so incredibly overpowered in the new world, most of the show's entertainment is derived from the contrast between his combat skills (godly) and his social skills (reclusive shut-in).

>strongest is a loli
It's the "1000 year old vampire" trope, the character was designed by an H-game fan. Don't know why you're surprised.

>soldiers don't do anything
He's a paranoid fuck, no way he's gonna send more than a small percentage of his forces away from his base.

>acts like he cares
Yes, because that's what adventurers do, and he'd stand out otherwise. As you see from the very second chapter, his emotions are suppressed from becoming undead, and he really doesn't feel much for the new world's humans unless they can help Nazarick somehow.

>anyone being able to match Ainz in combat
The only individuals who would have a chance are the guild NPCs, and aside from being mind-controlled like Shalltear, they're all too loyal to even consider that.

You can't even pay attention to anime why would I try to refute you?

FFXI has a pretty nice world.

>more than half of his soldiers don't even do anything

They're protecting the base, moron. Bet you'd bitch if he sent everyone out and the base got taken over, too. 'Wow what an idiot that supposed smart guy is!'

>acts like he cares for the people in the group he joins but when they die he literally doesn't care at all

Yeah? From the very beginning he talks about how he barely feels anything, like his humanity is disappearing and he's really becoming a monster.

Like I said you're a fucking moron.

It was my understanding that, due to the fuck up being a mistake and not any intentional crime, as long as he made up for it the charges were lifted.

Who the fuck am I supposed to believe, here?

That's more SAO's realm than Log Horizon's.

Oh, I misread the OP. In that case, Log Horizon sounds really good yet has a good chance to be made because the author actually fleshed out the classes. Overlord would be cool as well, but it's too freeform for any company that's working for a profit to even think of attempting to make.

I'd love to live in or visit Ivalice from FF Tactics/12
I love everything about the world, races, lore.

Then what the fuck was even the point of having them in the show? They could have just been replaced with a bunch of generic mooks and it would have the same effect.

I'm sure, that's why he gets all flustered whenever his love interest tries to fuck him.
He only has "no emotions" when it's convenient for the show.

Never saw SAO but it'd be hilarious to see what some 'guild leaders' would do if they had to actually be leaders for thousands of scared and confused people instead of just grinding for the next raid boss.

>Then what the fuck was even the point of having them in the show?

Future episodes, moron.

>They could have just been replaced with a bunch of generic mooks and it would have the same effect

No. These creatures are the work of their guild and customized to their liking. They're as much a representation/memory of his old guildmates as anything else. Random mooks wouldn't even need screen time.

>I'm sure, that's why he gets all flustered whenever his love interest tries to fuck him.

He has, at most, mild annoyance to this by the third fucking episode. Get your head out of your ass.

Heavy spoilers ahead. Be wary, all ye who have not watched Log Horizon but are interested in it.

All those complaints are part of the plot, though. From the NPCs' points of view, the adventurers have always been simple workers, basically unthinking immortal automaton servants, which made up for their godlike power, and then suddenly they're experiencing emotions and breaking down and going crazy and they're all freaking the fuck out. This is because, in reality, the 'game' acted more as a bridge between two equally real worlds, one more gamelike than the other, rather than the adventurers going into the actual game itself.

Menus may not show up, but buff management and party control (including watching a bunch of stats) still appear for the main character and his apprentice. Feeling out the moves became a necessity for reacting quickly to battles that took place in real time.

Example: Weapon descriptions eventually start to become real, causing a number of powerful weapons to start acting strangely. "Cursed" weapons actually beginning to demonstrate their curses ends up being a plot point for at least two separate occasions.

Another plot point being that HUMANS AREN'T THE ONLY BEINGS TO TRAVEL TO THE "GAME" WORLD. Reality is literally tearing at the seams and warping to fit all these different people and perceptions.

So yeah my complaint still stands. It's more a generic fantasy anime working off the lame MMO genre, without really understanding what MMOs are like. At all.

Konosuba is so much better in that regard. Log Horizon is laughably serious about the whole idea.

>From the NPCs' points of view, the adventurers have always been simple workers, basically unthinking immortal automaton servants, which made up for their godlike power

That sounds like it would make an amazing anime.

LH touches on this a little bit, as multiple guilds pop up in the show. One of the guild headers helps out immensely by introducing food with taste to the people who had no reason to really do anything, and also no way out. Being able to actually taste food again, but that being locked behind a price and limited resources gave people reasons to work, to bring in resources and to pay for food to eat.

SAO though, I barely remember any of it. It's strange, I watched it pretty much all the way through before SAO2 and literally none of it sticks except for the crazy-eyes grim reaper gif, but I know for sure that it was way more wish fulfillment than LH ever was. You could find dozens of youtube videos on exactly how it is so.

>Judging off of a summary
That shit is half wrong anyways, let alone explaining much of anything about the show.

It made one good season.

I mean a show from the NPCs viewpoint before the world-merge. Log Horizon is generic shit.

>without really understanding what MMOs are like. at all.
But this isn't true. Out of any MMO show we've gotten, LH is the one most dedicated to exploring what would happen if people actually got trapped in a game world.

I get the feeling you actually haven't watched much of it at all and are just parroting someone else, or ignoring the things it does right in favour of the things that support your bias against it.

Konosuba is a comedy, and it barely touches the game portion, like, at all. It's an other world with a small handful of game-like qualities but it is otherwise far more apt to your complaints than LH is.

It really isn't generic shit, it just doesn't do the best job of really emphasizing and displaying what makes it good and unique over its contemporaries in the genre.

The show stays a lot closer to my experiences in early-genre MMORPGs than any other show in the genre. In particular, it is very clear that the author spent a lot of time playing Everquest.

Furthermore, that the show focuses more on a tactician support character immediately sets it apart from stuff like Overlord or SAO, because the main character, although max level from his time playing, is still just a primarily support class and can't get very much done on his own.

wasn't it just house arrest?

Finished LH S2 yesterday. Pretty good stuff, any news about a third season?
Also Chief the best.

My only real issue with LH S2 is that it focused a bit too much on the kids and spent way too little time explaining and dealing with the new plot points presented. It felt like it was relying on the possibility that there would be a S3 to deal with the stuff S2 brought with it.

I've seen both seasons of LH and it's just some juvenile shounen anime level exploration of how people would act when they 1) enter a world with no real structure beyond people they play a videogame with, and 2) can't fucking die. And the funniest thing about all this is the fact that y'all claim this is the MEAT of the anime. Like holy shit, people who thought they were playing a videogame suddenly being sucked away from their friends and family on their home world would take more than 2 episodes to settle down.

You can slap any other premise on it and it'd still just be fantasy anime like all the others with their super-duper DBZ-style powerups because God forbid anime writers try and think up a way out besides 'Let's make this person stronger lol'. It's generic fucking teeny shit anime that tries to act adult by having people 'reflect' a lot to sound 'deep'.

At the very least konosuba is fun.

I liked Log Horizon, even though it was a bit too wordy at times it at least more MMOish than some other animu and took the time to explain its world and mechanics.
I only watched the first season, never delved into the second out of laziness but I also heard it just wasn't that good. It couldn't have been that bad could it?

who /summoner/ here

>that abstract comfy yet somehow melancholy and lonely feel

They really nailed the "offline MMO" atmosphere.

>If the game itself, not including the living in it part, could be made real, which one would you want it to be?

Rune Factory 3? Seems like a comfy setting to live in.

Bumpy Trot/Steambot chronicles. Diesel Punk mechs, a slightly whimsical psuedo european landscape with a vague middleeastern desert. Fossils to collect, businesses to run and get involved with, streets to perform on.

The world is my oyster.

yeah fuck the kids for real

Worst genre of anime.

And the show addresses this. It's mentioned, more than once, and even becomes a plot point that despite there being tasty food and things to make and play with and having reasons to do things, there's still a shit tonne of depressed people, people who miss home. Just because the show focuses on the people who are trying their best to adapt and thrive to the new world doesn't mean the other people don't exist, we're just not given their perspective.

We even find that, in other regions, people have fucking basically formed a cult to try and die in battle as many times as possible just so they could see flashes of their old lives, hoping that they will, some time or another, simply either die for good or go back to their old world, having no real attachment or reason to live in the new world.

SAO has this for all of like two fucking seconds and only for the very first part - the only reason escaping the game comes up at all is because that's the primary drive of the main character. Overlord doesn't have it period. LH is the only one to explore it to any actual degree, from both sides of the coin, both people who would be perfectly happy, or otherwise adjust to leaving everything behind, and EVENTUALLY people who do want to go back. Just because you don't like how it was explored or how optimistic it is about presenting it doesn't take that fact away from it.

That being said, this isn't the only fucking issue that would come from this shit. The mind and body not being perfectly synchronized is something that comes up, too. The many people who played characters of different sizes, the many people who played characters of different SEXES. It's all part of the recurring plot point that the world is becoming more "real", as men in female avatars or vice versa notice as their voices start to pitch shift to fit the body, or how they perceive things or think about things gradually also changing.

>being this wrong

Mmm, see, I'm more than fine with the kids, especially RUNDERU HAUSU CODO, we just got overexposed to them. It felt a bit more juvenile than the adults' problems.

If the kids got spread out a little more thinly, S2 would probably be better, but still not quite as good as S1 I feel.

Star Citizen

Overexposure to the kids, the plots felt like they weren't paced or developed quite as well.

It doesn't help that they ran through most of the series with S1 alone and a different studio did S2.

Honestly I liked the barrier maiden type of "healer" class. It seemed more interesting to me than the stock standard healers I'm used to in other games.

Second season is basically Normies playing tutorial mode. You can skip those chapters in the light novel and it goes back to the meat of things.

Furthermore, getting stronger is barely touched on in LH at all, though, except for the kids that are growing well within how you would expect new players to. Of the main cast of former max levels, only Akatsuki really mentions getting stronger at all, while both Shiroe and Naotsugu simply get new gear. In this regard, it's nothing like your bog standard shonen.

Furthermore, the way Akatsuki (or any character, really) gets stronger at all is by figuring out a new way to combine their existing abilities, finding a new angle rather than becoming super duper powered. The barrier maiden uses her barriers as platforms, for instance.

>tries to act adult by having people 'reflect' a lot to sound 'deep'.
Most of the show revolves around planning, not reflection. The most reflection that happens is with the fucking kids.

See, it's comments like these that make me think you haven't ACTUALLY watched the show, and are just saying you have to try and make it seem like your argument has some merit to it. Literally fucking everything you've said about the show has been literally the opposite of what actually fucking happens.