How would you feel if I went up to people IRL and asked them if they like Touhou? What if I were to do it to you?

How would you feel if I went up to people IRL and asked them if they like Touhou? What if I were to do it to you?

>It's okay but I don't play bullethells much

I'd be like "Yah I like 2hu, who's your favorite? Marisa a shit."

You cant go to random people, try to do a little research.

My Reaction.
Cool, man I love Touhou, but I am really shit playing, I am trying to complete my first extra stage, but man that bitch Fladre fucks me real hard.

Hey dude, do you llike Wriggle, nice

Remember to pronounce it correctly as Toho (long o's, no dipthongs)

Not twohu
Not twohoe
not toh hu
Not toh-u ho-u

But toh fucking hoh

So Two Who?

I would respond by saying I used to like Godzilla as a kid.

Depends on the location. You'd definitely get more responses at an anime con or in arcades.

At my local community college

Don't do it man

But why would you do that? What do you hope to gain?

What's a tooho?
>proceed to spread rumors about you being a weeb faggot while simultaniously hotgluing my Remi fig back home

What does he have to lose really? Best case senario he meets some touhou fans, worst case he gets a few awkward looks

I'd tell you to kill yourself desu

Why are you posting a boy?

He likes to pretend to be a girl

>revealing your power level

>oh no they can't know about my animes xD

At my uni I know that the others know that we all know about it. We're not exactly hiding our powerlevels but it's still not something we would discuss

Reminder that Reimu is a country hick who doesn't even know what a car is.

>go to your local anime or video game club
>wait for some loser to walk up to you and discuss your favorite game or walk up to some loser yourself
>say your favorite touhou game and or character
>judge their facial cues and response
>if they show even the littlest of disgruntlement you fucked up


Because it's inexcusable to have a shitty 2hu like Miko or Kaguya as your favorite.

i would laugh at you and pinch your wee wee

What would Reimu's nigger name be

my college had a few 2hu players
some guy across from me in the break room was playing eosd and another guy saw me playing lolk and stuck up a conversation about the music


Rayquandramesha Delashondrea Hawkinson