
>Twitch streamer Fragnance managed to reach this cap in just five hours and 28 minutes

No wonder they're rushing out Kara, they have no fucking content to keep even twitch players busy with


>takes forever to reach cap
>complain about it taking too long
>doesn't take long to reach cap
>complain it doesn't take long enough

You know shitposting is easier than this right? Just go into a WoW thread and say something about FFXIV being better.

I doubt a shitter like you could even come close to 6 hours leveling time

>>takes forever to reach cap
>>complain about it taking too long
Said no decent WoW player ever post Vanilla

Surely he must have used some cheesy strats?
Don't tell me it's possible to "speedrun" all of the new content without skipping some of it in the process.

>Pay 120 for a game
>it lasts 5 hours 28 minutes
this is diablo 3 all over again

If only there was something called balance where you could make it take a length of time that makes it feel like an accomplishment yet not long enough to make it feel like an insurmountable unfun grind.

20 hours would have been the sweet spot I feel.

That's funny only 2 guys on my guild are 110

>only 2
so next expac you just pay to get to 120 and sit AFK in dalaran

>Spent literally 6 hours getting all my alt artifacts, doing some story quests like the Exodar one, and generally just fucking around
>and that is just what I've done since I hit level 102.

I'm enjoying myself fine.

>he buying subscription for singleplayer game

Fragnance isnt human tho, and he had his group helped him.

>people paying for subs
>with real money
2014 called. They want their memes back

He did quests with another guy and they just essentially speed ran it doing big pulls and aoe kiting.

Nothing cheesey just autism and 5 hours straight focus

>casual as fuck
>still plays after that clusterfuck abortion cata
>spouts "le maymays"

kill yourself le fuccboi

>Tries to bait post
>Gets silence in return

Gee, you'd think they were playing the game with all of this deafening silence.

>anime poster

What the shit, are they redoing Karazhan now?

The guy mapped out his entire leveling path when he was playing in beta. Also his quest log was capped with all completed quests that he turned it when it launched to hit 101 immediately. Nobody else would do that. It takes about 12 hours to level to 110.

Why didn't this site write about the guy that got to 110 in 2 hours by spamming the pre patch broken shore questline?

5-man mythic dungeon


As a 5 man dungeon. It's a separate instance to the old raid so the old raid isn't going anywhere


Dumb animeposter.

The only thing that could save WoW now, is if they completely rework how you level, in a way that doesn't obsolete old content.

Like GW2, except with more content, but no, that's not going to happen, there will be flavour of the month raids which will change when new content comes out and then forgotten, and from what I've seen, the process will be faster than ever.

You're paying for a fucking MMO.
You should know you're throwing your money into a fireplace the moment you realize you're playing a fucking MMO.
It's grindy trash with no substance, do you actually expect something worthwhile?

>It only took six hours to go from 0 to 110!
>Only his character started at 98
>But it's still impressive!
I was already expecting "from the existing level cap to the new one" and I'm still disappointed with how it was worded.

Plus it only took five hours and twenty eight minutes. "Five and a half hours" is more impressive than "six." There's only a blurb there and the whole thing is a trainwreak.