What makes this game so good?

What makes this game so good?

I'm not a fan of the Souls games, would I like this?


It's not on PC.

It depends.
Why didn't you like the Souls games?

The pussification of lovecraft themes

Probably not, no.

Just didn't find it very fun. I was going through a backlog, wasn't very fond of having to retread my steps and even the combat wasn't particularly engaging. This was DS1, I didn't get very far, I remember a fight on a rooftop and then some point later taking a ladder down where it was awfully dark and a bit later I dropped it

Maybe I should give it more time, but from the getgo nothing about the gameplay really gripped me honestly

Depends if you're like me or not. I'm not a fan of Dark Souls 1 or 2. The combat and movement is so stiff. Bosses (about the only thing that have ever interested me in Souls games) are mostly boring as fuck. I'm forcing myself through Dark Souls 1, but I've about lost interest.

Bloodborne, though, is SO much more fluid. Movement is fast. My main complaint is that the bosses look really nice visually, but often times their combat is very boring. Take The One Reborn, for example. This eldritch motherfucker drops in looking spooky as fuck. Then you actually fight him and he's easy as fuck. Out of the entire roster of bosses in the main game, the only 3 that gave me trouble were Ebrietas, Gehrman, and Martyr. I also feel like they really overused the "wolf-like beast, but with mossy fur" visual theme for bosses. There's like 5 bosses that fit that description. In a Lovecraft inspired world, it feels like a cop out to keep using that theme. However, the DLC has nothing but great bosses. And even better weapons.

>Just didn't find it very fun. I was going through a backlog, wasn't very fond of having to retread my steps and even the combat wasn't particularly engaging. This was DS1, I didn't get very far, I remember a fight on a rooftop and then some point later taking a ladder down where it was awfully dark and a bit later I dropped it

>Maybe I should give it more time, but from the getgo nothing about the gameplay really gripped me honestlyMaybe I should give it more time, but from the getgo nothing about the gameplay really gripped me honestly

Ok, then yeah you're like me. And don't bother pushing yourself more through Dark Souls 1. While it does get better a couple hours later, the combat mostly stays boring and unfulfilling. And then they add on super frustrating gimmicks like Curse (1/2 hp that persists after death until you use an item) and Ghosts (can't be hit unless cursed or you use a consumable. Also like 100 of them?).

Brighttown or tomb of the giants? Yea even I took a break it after had to deal with those area, their not quite fun

I didn't like darksouls the first time I played it. It may just not be your cup of tea though.

Second post best post.

I'm I actually had 0 problems with Blight town. Other than the faggot toxic darts that ended my first run through, the area didn't bother me. I died like twice there. New Londo Ruins, though....

Not everything is for everyone, just accept it and move on.

The tears of PC fanboys, begging for ports.

Great, fast-paced gameplay in the vein of souls. It's fantastic
The atmosphere is unlike any game I've played before. It does a total 180 when you beat rom

The plot is interesting, again in the vein of souls games, but much more "cosmic"

Trick weapons are very innovative.

Plus some of the best boss fights, especially in the dlc. Too many easy boss fights tho.

What makes the game so good is the fact that it is not a souls game
The combat is exclusive to BB, so are the atmosphere and setting
This, combined with the best story From has ever told, make Bloodborne a near perfect game

Setting, atmosphere, gameplay, lore, storytelling, characters, enemies, bosses... even the fucking DLC. It's just great all around.

Who needs ports when we have exclusives like these?

New Londo Ruin was easier for me, but for brighttown the toxic or poison were fucking annoying and I'm not a big fan of dark unground levels. I died like 10 times in there, what made it worse is once you in there you can't go back.

That thumbnail looks like an incredibly deformed Solid Snake and I laughed my ass off.

>Bloodborne, though, is SO much more fluid. Movement is fast.
Putting me in a pickle here user.

I've honestly no idea, I think once I did travel down the ladder the area there was pretty big and went on for ages, but the further I went down the worse I was equipped to deal with the enemies there. I really could not be arsed travelling back up and out of the place at that point though. The fight on the rooftop was between two mini bosses I think. It's been a while. maybe I'm confusing it with some other game though I don't think so

Yeah I figured this but I've got a PS4 and this is one of the games everyone raves about so I reckon I should ask in case it does differ from the Souls games

Don't really see Bloodborne on there...........................................................................................................................................................

It's true. The Lovecraftian atmosphere and horror is simply delectable and while the game has it's flaws it does that it set out to do very well. I know I'll probably catch flak for this but it's a shame it's not also on other platforms, even PC, because a game this good should be experienced by many and not hoarded for the few.


Still have to re fight enemies if you die once so its still the same thing just a new coat of paint

Weapons are the best they ever been though.

Watched a playthrough, was pulled in because of the "Old ones" and mystic Lovecraftian bullshit.

Also great design and art direction, they took their time and went on to churn out something special.

That's all.

Mystery of Unicorn Castle is much better than your stupid Bloodpoop.

all these trash games you can play on a toaster

I agree. I'm an idort but this game needs to be played by everyone.
Also playing it now kind of hurts my eyes, I wish there were graphics options

Refighting enemies wouldn't be so much of an issue if the combat has improved.
Maybe when it's on sale I'll have to check it out.

Are you retard? It's a toaster game, so everyone could play it.

>What makes this game so good?

Its confidence in its own design.

Pretty much the whole game is completely fucking dark and miserable, more so than any other Souls. That artistic choice pretty much describes Bloodborne as a whole, it's absolutely unrelenting in it's design, and I'm not just talking about difficulty. Bloodborne knows exactly what kind of game it wants to be, and it doesn't compromise on that ever.

Basically, what Bloodborne does great is what Demon's and Dark Souls have also done great, Bloodborne just does it even better.

If your computer can handle it, pirate Dark Souls 3. It plays a lot closer to Bloodborne than Dark Souls 1 does, although Bloodborne is still faster. If you can't, I still say take the plunge and get Bloodborne. It regularly goes on sale for sub $15. If you end up liking it, you can easily squeeze 40+ hours out of it, which makes it a steal.

If you end up buying it, give yourself a bit of time to get decent at it. If you don't have it, I highly recommend picking up PS+ for the month, if only so you can read the notes people left and see how they died. Remember that you can run past enemies and they'll eventually drop aggro, so you don't need to fight every single thing over again if you die.

That fight on the rooftop in DS1 was bosses, by the way. Bell Gargoyles.

Ta for the advice senpai even though I don't into piracy, as in literally never pirated a modern AAA game and don't know how I'll look into it.
I have PS+, when I played the original DS I didn't pay attention to any of the Multiplayer aspects at all though. I'm not big into MP but I guess I should pay attention if I do end up getting this.
Everyone wanking over it here of all places only temps me further in seeing what the fuss is about.

Compared to Dark Souls, Bloodborne's combat is way faster. The focus has shifted from stamina management and playing defensively to playing offensively and dodging.
Bloodborne weapons are the best malee weapons not only in the Souls series but also in any video game I have ever played. Each weapon has a rich moveset, and unlike the Souls games which tend to pad the game with a plethora of useless weapons, each weapon in Bloodborne is viable, and aesthetically they look badass.
Bloodborne's setting is cohesive and consistent. Level and enemy design is top notch. Overall the game feel complete, unlike Dark Souls.
Bosses are great although some people seem to think that some bosses are bad because they found them easy or they were different than what they expected. For me, all the bosses are great and memorable.

no PC release keeps things patrician and meme-free

>literally never pirated a modern AAA game and don't know how

Nothing does, and nothing can.

>meme free
Just the pre-order bonus by itself invalidate both of your statement at once.

>even though I don't into piracy, as in literally never pirated a modern AAA game and don't know how
first day on the internet there m8

its just a fun game. it isnt anytthing about exclusivity, i dont see why people resort to that.

>pcuck has folders full of anti bloodborne propaganda to cope with the pain of not playing it
top kek

This game is faster than ds1 if that's what you're looking for. Just keep in mind that the dlc is a MUST HAVE or you will be extremely disappointed in the second half of the game


Never had a real incentive to and own a toaster, shit's what it is
I doubt it's going to be difficult to do, but again, never needed to really

How retarded do you have to be to look at a hat and see memes

So GOTY edition it'll have to be

I'll have to wait a bit longer for that to go down



I wasn't a fan of souls games either. Just wasn't into dark edgy games. Then I tried this,

Probably the best game I've played in 10 years


You don't understand. I think Bloodborne is great, but that pre-order bonus was still utterly ridiculous. Well, at least you seem to agree.
That's how internet works, champ. Not my fault if people turned a fucking hat into a meme and made webpage about it. I will spare you the retarded session of browsing, but if you want to hurt your brain, you can actually google it. I just did it, you can find tons of crap webpages about it. Like the always wonderful knowyourmeme with the joyful entries that are "tips fedora meme" and "fedora shaming meme", or the even worse memecenter with a webpage title "Fedora Hat meme". Enjoy the ride, user.

>utterly ridiculous
its one hat for messengers
ONE its not a big deal. fedora meme makes it even funnier
I'd pay $0.99 for it

The fact that pckuks wont have it

>/threading your own post


I..I don't see it user.....

>but that pre-order bonus was still utterly ridiculous

>The term fedora was in use as early as 1891. Its popularity soared, and eventually it eclipsed the similar-looking homburg.
>Bloodborne follows the player character, the Hunter, through the fictional decrepit Gothic, Victorian era inspired city of Yharnam
>Victorian refers to the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901)

It's like.... that whole white part is his fat face, that bulge in the middle is his nose, and that black blob on top of it is the bandana covering his eyes and head. I wish I could draw so I could illustrate it better.

Yeah, and you seriously think that out the many possibilities of clothink, skin or accessories they had that fitted in the game, they picked the fedora by chance? Come on, they knew exactly what they were doing, they though (right or wrong, I don't know) that it would be appealing for their public. Cause apparently all the gamers are neckbeards or something.

Well, that said, I don't mind that much since it has zero impact on the game, but still, it was pretty laughable