It's been a year
Are you still mad?
It's been a year
Are you still mad?
I was never mad, just disappointed at the plot
Tard rage aside, it's still a great game and on my top 3 of the series.
It could have been better, but oh well, shit happens.
i was never mad, the gameplay is the most fun in the series, and the game is number 3 in my fav mgs games. Sup Forums children were just hyping it up to be the best game ever made goty every year, saying they will commit suicide after beating it because no other game will top it. when you have hype like that, even if the game came out exactly how they wanted it, they would still be dissapointed.
remember when autists were so faceblind they thought these two looked different?
good times.
>Implying I was ever mad
3 > 1 > V > 2 > PW > Getting shot in the nuts > 4
Not really. MGS was supposed to end on 2 so any game after that is non-canon anyway. Still, the gameplay is pretty good and I put in about 150 hours which I don't regret.
Yes. But Im more mad at the lack of good level design rather than the lack of plot.
GZ was the superior game even if it was a demo.
That being said, this had tangible, realistic chances of being the best game of all times. Spore, NMS, can see it from miles away. But I sucked it the ruse cruise until the last moment with MGSV. I believe it had actual chances of being the best TPS/stealth/open world game ever
3 is the last canon game, as far as I'm concerned. V is a fun game, but story-wise it's in the same ballpark of shit as 4 and Peace Walker.
just disappointed
before release it was a good subject of discussion, thus creating great threads
the trailers were also goat
>But I sucked it the ruse cruise until the last moment with MGSV. I believe it had actual chances of being the best TPS/stealth/open world game ever
Meanwhile, the rest of the world had realistic expectations and ended up enjoying a great game. Sucks to be you.
>extremely disappointed
Plot is so subtle that people thought that there was almost no plot and it was bad. The plot is actually as Hideo Kojima as in other games.
I remember when I got this and my grillfriend was really impressed with the beginning section but once we got to the sandbox area she was like "Is this it?" and I said "Yep."
It was funny.
We broke up in January.
I was just mad about the twist. The game would have made perfect sense if hospital mission truth version was never included.
The gameplay is great. It's a shame that we only got a tiny taste of it due to the gargantuan amount of content that ended up being cut.
Despite having the best gameplay it's still the worst MGS game purely due to it not being a full game, whereas all the others are complete...
>GZ was the superior game even if it was a demo.
this so much it hurts
Nah, it was full Kojima with 3-5 years of development, and the biggest budget he ever managed. It was destined to be the game to end all games. Kojima at full power level.
Its hard not to be hyped about TPP after GZ which was magnificent. I just imagined GZ x 10, and I got (GZ/10)x 200 repeated missions.
>This sculpture is half finished, which makes it automatically inferior to this shit that fully left my asshole
V > 4
Nah I loved it!
Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 10 and Prisoner Extraction 07 are my favorite MGS moments ever!!!!! I put over 200 hours in to the game and side ops like those kept me coming back for more!!!
Yeah, as I said, unrealistic expectations. Sucks to be you.
true but 3 >>>>V
OMG haha!
You win the internet for today good sir/madam.
The story was so shit that I personally don't consider this game canon because it mucks up everything else in the series too much.
>Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 10 and Prisoner Extraction 07 are my favorite MGS moments ever!!!!!
Stop it user. We suffered enough. Why are we still here? Just to suffer?!
I was severely disappointed. Metal Gear is my favorite series. I don't get caught up in hype usually, but I honestly thought this was gonna be one of the better games in recent years and the best MG to date.
You sound mad people enjoyed a game you didn't. Are you mad people enjoyed a game you didn't?
I still can't believe theyre people that think it's the best stealth game out there.
It doesn't even have unique side ops like PW or super crazy weapons like past MGS
Fillllllllled with anger
I feel like XV-Kun now.
The whole thing with the Parasites is mind boggling
No? The gameplay is great.
Funny, that's exactly how I feel about 4.
more like GZ x 3 (200 side ops of 5 different varieties)
It all fits. You aksed for it. You wanted more. You told him he couldn't break away and make a new game. You made him suffer for 20 years on an IP he was beating like a dead horse.
The twist was seen instantly when you booted up the game, i.e. his arm missing. Big Boss in 4 didn't have a missing arm so why did you think you were playing as him in The Phantom Pain?
The title itself was an alegory to the phantom pain you all were feeling, yerning for another Metal Gear game. Begging, kicking and screaming to have some more.
I'm glad he made this half developed game. The biggest 'Fuck You' he could have given to the '"fans" and it was delicious to see and hear all your rage on youtube.
MGS4 was trash and you guys dick rode it into two more PSP games and a tech demo of an engine that will be put to shit use by Konami higher ups now.
You deserve Metal Gear Survive. You killed the franchise. You drove it into the ground.
You were played
like a damn fiddle.
Fun game worth playing through once. Do not play the last mission though it's almost an exact repeat of the first mission. Watching it in youtube is a superior experience
>No eliminate the fort commander at every base side op
So mad I deleted the game from my Steam account.
/lit/ thinks Kafka is great despite his books being unfinished; I don't understand why it can't be the same thing with mgs/v/.
mad about what?
Late to the party, just finished the game like a few days ago. It was a let down, but hardly as bad as people try to make it out to be.
On the contrary I actually think 4 is a masterpiece and that a lot of the hate on it isn't justified. Who gives a shit about the tacked-on Meryl romance or NANOMACHINES? Did you guys actually think Vamp was the real deal or something? Give me a break. It was a great ender to the series (and where it should have ended imo).
If I haven't given you a stroke with my unconventional opinions at this point, I also think that MGS2 fails drastically as a game and is the weakest of the first four. No, all that endgame exposition and payoff wasn't enough to justify all the previous hours of "Easter Egg Hunt and Escort Mission: The Game". Bosses sucked too, Ray was a joke and the characters were boring shit.
What about that zombie game?
you dont even like metal gear games. Your opinions are all objectively wrong
Do you think there's a chance Kojima fucked around and wasted a shit ton of money just to get fired? Did he tank MGSV on purpose?
But seriously, the old fucker has wanted to stop making metal gear for over ten years. This could've been his out.
>Do you think there's a chance Kojima fucked around and wasted a shit ton of money
This is exactly what happened, the story is dogshit, the characters is dogshit, the missions are dogshit
Grounf Zeroes was perfect, the most fun I had with a metal gear game, could not find the GZ touch in TPP
I'm not mad
I just feel infinite disgust at how a video game series I grew up with was forced to go out in such a subpar way
I will never forgive Konami. Never ever.
Nah MGS is one of my favorite series. I just don't suck off Kojima for his "witty ruses" and his nauseating vision for MGS2.
Don't get me wrong, that Patriots call was extremely cool and is probably more relevant even today than it was back then, but the rest of the game is garbage.
>Having an opinion this shit
No wonder you dislike MGS V
Well, in MGS people get new arms complete with the late owner personality, so...
>all cutscenes finished in 2013 and shown in trailers
>Nah MGS is one of my favorite series. I just don't suck off Kojima for his "witty ruses" and his nauseating vision for MGS2.
But you suck Kojima's cock for the absolute pile of shit that was MGS 4. Good for you, man. You're a special snowflake.
Sorry if I infiltrated your safespace, you pretentious fedora-tippers. I forgot how much of a hugbox MGS threads are.
you mean kojima. all konami did was cut him off because he was spending too much and reworking things that didn't need reworking. he wasted a lot of money and a lot of time.
MGSV is finished and Kojima rused everyone into thinking it wasn't.
>Kojima's been saying every single game since MGS2 that 'this will be the last MGS game, I'm walking away from the series
>He always comes back
>Doesn't say it during MGSV's development
>Gets sacked
Yeah I'm sure he's also responsible for Survive.
No. It's Konami. It was all Konami.
Still doesn't explain the giant shard gashing out of his forehead missing in MGS4
It's all there. You guys just didn't want to see it / believe it.
I fucking can't wait for death stranding for another mind blowing twist
whats the fastest method for getting s ranked staff?
Never was
Are you retarded? In MGS4 it's explicitly stated that Big Boss was reconstructed using tissue cloning and the remains of Solidus.
But on the off chance you aren't baiting, explain why Venom didn't have the shrapnel or scars in MG1 if it was really him. I'll wait for an explanation that's not a Kojima asspull, don't worry.
He literally provided funding for Low Roar to make a new album for him and write some off label music because he planned to leave
He literally cut a good chunk of Keifer's script because he saw mad max and felt that, at the end of development, Snake needed to be a silent protagonist to be badass
He literally hired Joost for fap bait
KONAMI are stupid, but Kojima is a fucking hack
What are you idiots arguing over?
>source: my ass
Playing events and buing them for event points/Stealing from others
Holy shit I never saw this image before
How do you draw a horn on a head that's made out of 5 pixels?
Not him but the sauce of that is Low roar's interview with Yong, and the tweet about Kojima going to Iceland in 2014 to meet the low roar band
Keifer being silent and cut script was from a interview with Kojima and his tweets about venom being mad max
And if you need proof of joost for being fap bait; you are a special kind of retarded
Try again faggot.
I had a blast in the moment while playing it, but the more I think of it as time passes, the more I hate it.
so basically you just want to follow the Sup Forums hivemind
The pain is still running deep.
Give it back! This isn't right! That was ours...
>Peeler tells everyone how to disarm
>Doesn't tell anyone how to get the special cutscene where the world becomes nuclear
Fuck you Peeler and Fuck you KONAMI. You tease fans disarming nukes will get us chapter 3; when the truth is you have to get every user to arm nukes to attain a nuclear world via arms RACE so we can finally use this piece of shit and turn venom nuclear
Fuck you, just tell us how many nukes people need you fucking cuck
I'm not really mad, the gameplay is kinda good... But it's so fucking repetitive and easy, and looooong.
I still haven't finished it, I don't have any will to play it again.
If Kojimbo legitimately hated having full creative reign over a massive and beloved franchise like Metal Gear he's a spoiled little boy in need of an ass whooping, other OG designers like Mikami and Shiggy would never pull such a tantrum and make a shit game on purpose.
>I just feel infinite disgust at how a video game series I grew up with was forced to go out in such a subpar way
>create a different serie, one of the first to not have a main villain who isn't "omg haha, I'm evil because I'm so BAD, or the devil's reincarnation"
>then comes MGS1, smart camera, trying to put realistic weapon, empathis on characters, trying to get gameplay right
>MGS2, get out the big guns, real live search of tankers and commando habits, filled the game to the brim with details, improved every single aspect of mgs1 and tried to convey a message to teens on how you must fight for your freedom
>mgs3 drop the bomb, turned the serie on a comedy level, new survival and camo mechanism, content everywhere, bonus stages, bonus weapons, everything
>mgs4, while not appreciated, every single weapon was spot on to the noise, the gameplay is varied to the point where it changes each act, best gameplay of the serie, the (too) numerous cut-scenes have at least the merit to conclude every pending character story
>PW: did the game from his heart for one thing: to make his kid finally love his life long work by merging it with Monster hunter, a gameplay perfectly fine on a handheld, the game was tunned so you don't need to grind weapons for each boss, we end up with the creation of outer haeven
>V was nothing more than fan-service, everything was already done in PW, it was the place to see BB turning into the public enemy, to see the members of fox-hound, grey fox and possibily ending on a defeat against David
>"so here's my waifu, no not sniper worf, I'm tarking about this character, didju rike it?"
fuck this
I > II > III > IV > V
Like every fucking sequel ever.
God I swear this is the last fucking time I play a sequel.
I'm more mad that an entire year has passed
Sorry, but your post is impossible to take seriously when you just brush aside 4 being a complete piece of shit with "lol the guns are good :D"
i will always be mad
so mad that i'll build a time machine and become kojima's best friend in college and apply to konami with him all for the singular purpose of making sure he doesn't fuck up mgs5 as he already did
>the gameplay is varied to the point where it changes each act
Yeah, from Act 3 onwards, there's no gameplay at all! Very varied indeed.
It's been fun reading all the mental gymnastics, excuses and justifications that kojimadrones and mgsv babbies make, all to defend a 50 year old gook that got rich and got even more famous creating an echo chamber where no one dares to criticize him.
the amount of brown nosing is amazing.
Are you retarded? The charred body Big Mam has is Solidus, not Big Boss.
As for Metal Gear 1, plastic Surgery or a mask, take your pick. Or it really was Big Boss being a dick. Who knows, maybe Big Boss came back after he saw Fake Boss running Outer Heaven like shit.
(Side note, self proclaiming herself as Big Mom was stupid as shit and she doesn't deserve that made up trash title. AVA was shit.)
Only smart guy here
Try harder faggot, you can't see the top of his skull.
Yet you eat their garbage they spew out on a yearly basis. I'm looking at you Mario Party, Mario Kart, etc.
Learn to read you assmad child. Is your brain so polluted with decade-old Sup Forums memes that any valid positives put forth in MGS4's defense go right over your head?
That's MG2 Big Boss (the real one)
>GZ was the superior game even if it was a demo.
lol no
it still hurts
Not really
MGS 3 > MGS 5 > MGS 2 > MGS 1 > MGS4
You're comparing a sculpture to a video game, you fucking tard
Not even worth engaging at this point
>ppl still think Venom is Medic
My biggest gripes with the game boil down to my personal preference. They are his man ponytail, which is just awful for me and the levels. The level design and appearance were bland and boring ,which made me not want to play the game at all. The story and the gameplay were fine. If the setting was different, I would have easily considered this on of the best games of the series, but I can't get past the environments.
While it's a minor gripe and can be easily avoided, I didn't like all the side-op content throughout the game. It felt distracting because I felt like I should partake in it, which ruined the pacing for me. That's less of an issue as anyone who doesn't want to do side-ops can just continue with story missions.
Kojima gets criticized all the time.
>People saying MGS5 and not V
Kojima literally said on Twitter it's V, not 5
Metal Gear Solid Venom