Does anyone remember S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

>Does anyone remember THE most Sup Forums-core game, that has had daily threads for the past 9 years ?

Have a rookie guide.

...and the mod finding chart.

Literally a thread a day, lurk more

What are you OP? A goldfish?

Yeah, it sucked.

Ofcourse I do. I'm doing my second playthrough of CoP right now

Was there a really good overhaul of SoC that added a weapon repair mechanic or am I just thinking of a heavily modded Clear Sky.

>contracting tetanus in Misery 2.1

I just skin every mutant and make enough money to buy beans. Fuck actually cooking the damn things.

Op is new to 4chin and cyka blyat, i play at least 3 times a week.

Daily reminder that SoC + Autumn Aurora 2 wearing headphones is the best S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience.

AMK 1.4

CS and CoP had repair and upgrade features by default.

>best anything
AMK is literally THE definitive STALKER experience.

I remember 5 years ago when Sup Forums used to circlejerk about the game. It was actually pretty good with mods but Sup Forums acted like it was the greatest game ever.

>not enjoying the graphics and sound of AA2
Why don't you go back to Cordon, rookie?

Played the game several time, but never touched Oblivion Lost. What's the story like?

>I remember 5 years ago when Sup Forums used to circlejerk about the game.
Sup Forums has been "jerking" about THESE games for 9 years, newfag.

>It was actually pretty good with mods but Sup Forums acted like it was the greatest game ever.
All of them are pretty good a la vanilla.
They can be amazing with right mods. And there's nothing like them on the market.

Sorry, I don't enjoy glitchy overhauls with brown and grey visual style.

OL is literally just a gameplay overhaul. A literal, legit AMK ripoff, with tons of cuhrazee shit poured on top.

>played F.E.A.R.
lmao this isnt scary at all

>played Amnesia
Alright getting a bit creepy here but still this is kinda boring

>climb down the stairs to lab X16

one of the most stable and bug free mods

>brown and grey
nice meme.

FEAR was never that scary. It's a damn good action game tho'.

Amnesia was a huge downgrade from Penumbra, and over-hyped by Pewdiepie and the likes.

But I hear ya. When STALKER really tries, it beats many "real" horror games by a mile.

>one of the most stable and bug free mods
you dare to say such bullshit with a straight face?

>nice meme.
facts are now may mays ?

>AMK 1.4

Yes that was it. I know vanilla CoP and CS had repair, it's just my memories of SoC and CS bleed together sometimes because they largely feature the same maps.

IIRC AMK was unforgiving as shit. They re-implemented a whole bunch of mutant types that wrecked my shit. Fucking Izloms man.

>OL is literally just a gameplay overhaul.
Oh, ok thanks. I though it was different 'cause the chart was saying "faithful reproduction of pre-soc story" and was falling under the "OIld story restoration" category.

I think it's the lighting and the atmosphere. The mutants themselves were never that scary.

Well apart from the bloodsuckers and pseudogiants.

its true. play through without a single crash or glitch. what are you on about.


All true. It's still my fav mod, but like you described, it is VERY much not fit for first-timers.

>I though it was different 'cause the chart was saying "faithful reproduction of pre-soc story"
Ah, you were referring to the Oblivion Lost Remake... that's a totally different thing.
Dunno if the project's still alive, but there was similar mod project going on for the Lost Alpha, also called OL.

>NPCs loot stashes

Really? They couldn't even get that shit to work with Misery

No user, I don't.
I have Alzheimer's, remember?

That's not really funny. More like sad

I always wash it down with some vodka and a ciggie, works fine. During the hobo phase I was really worried about radiation sickness though, could barely afford bandages, ammo or fuel for cooking mutants.

what exactly makes it so awesome?

yeah, really.
It's one reason why AMK players are kinda paranoid, and make their own stashes using the purchasable rucksacks in very hard to reach places. Pic related was mine.

>what exactly makes it so awesome?

Yes, we do. Considering that there are many mods for it and fucking huge mod packs it's hard to forget it. Both mods/modpacks are being made/updated for it.

It's also one of the best games in it's category.

Was the Steppe Eagle this powerful in Vanilla CoP? I'm using it as a sniper pistol and it takes out armored Mercs in a shot.

>It's also one of the best games in it's category.

That makes me wonder, have there actually been any "S.T.A.L.K.E.R-likes" since the series kicked the bucket?

I don't even recall such thing, but by default, everything's a lot more powerful in Misery.

The full-auto machine pistols, converted to 9x19, loaded with AP-rounds, raped every human opposition I faced with ease.

epic gamedesign

During the hobo phase I rolled with other Stalkers and Duty patrols. They like to patrol heavily Mutant infested places and I ran around picking up their dropped gear and mutant parts.

It was slow because they walked to their destinations. But I made close to 20k rubles per trip by selling mutant giblets to Beard and items marked as "military" to Owl.

Is there anyway to play the games in borderless fullscreen? Currently playing Call of Chernobyl and want to be able to read and post in this thread at the same time without alt+tabbing.


Unless your definition for "STALKER like" is "an openworld sandbox with a slavic setting", then there's tons of those. None of them feel and play anything like STALKER tho'.

No. And stop playing and posting, faggot.

That's what I tried to do as well in Misery. Say what you want about the difficulty and economy, but the hobo phase in that mod is the best thing I've ever endured. I remember running out of ammo and chasing flesh around with a knife so I could sell their eyes in hopes of affording a loaf of bread.


nigger i still play it

>I don't even recall such thing

It's one of the three specialized pistols you can order from Nimble. You don't get to pick. They exist in the vanilla version as well.

The same gun also works great against you, and NPCs do carry them. Not to mention everyone is an Olympian shotputter with grenades. You need all the edge you can get.

>tons of those

name some

>does anybody remember

gee kid its not like it's a popular game or anything with a pretty active modding community.

>I remember running out of ammo and chasing flesh around with a knife

That was a good tactic. A heavy stab stuns fleshes IIRC

>e-enemies u-use them too!

> When STALKER really tries, it beats many "real" horror games by a mile.
So much this.

The only thing which came close is Alien: Isolation. It has a depressive and extremely "potent" atmosphere.

It's very different to STALKER, different franchise, etc., but it's the only game I came across recently where the atmosphere got to me.

Some say Metro 2033. I don't know though.

STALKER can be different things at the same time if you consider mods. Even if we skip the large "everything included" mods and consider only the improvement/enhancement mods the experience can greatly vary.

It's a sandbox/free-play game which can be made into an even better sandbox/free-play game by considerate modding. Many mods keep the vanilla structure.

So no, games don't really come close enough to STALKER.

>an openworld sandbox with a slavic setting

I want that. Preferably none of that online survival horseshit. And with enough RPG elements like STALKER had.

My nigga.

I started M2.11 with both the Black Road and Dark Mode settings, and the first few in-game days were simply insane fighting and scavenging for survival.

For a 9 year Stalkan vet like me, to whom vanilla no longer provides any challenge, mods like these are just the doze I need to get excited again. I bet most people compaining about Misery are some literal rookies, who jumped on it after seeing lots of hype on the internet.

shame I was borderline OP once again when I finally arrived to Yanov.

>Some say Metro 2033. I don't know though.

Some parts of Metro are distinctly STALKER-ish. But they're largely really diverse corridors.

>195 M203 grenades

Nigga what.

My pants were already full of feces by the time reached agroprom spiral stairs

That fov command doesn't seem to work for me. Is there maybe a mod that does that?

That is literally the definition of game design. I don't know what you're trying to convey.

I’m gonna have to agree with you there.

no bro, that's alternative ammo type count.

FOV is adjusted via FOV Switcher tool, that's included in Starter Packs too.

are there bits of AMK i can pick and choose? restoring blowouts and some other gameplay tweaks sounds nice, but some of the other stuff does not sound entirely well balanced.. such as some of the new enemies, and i hear that grenade spam is an issue as well

But I'm literally playing CoC warfare AO3 with dynamic faction relations and shit.

fuck you I'm playing ecologist too, they're bros

Closest I've felt to that same enjoyment is Eye Divine cybermancy and yet the two games are nothing alike whatsoever.

you got some options during the installer, that help you adjust the experience more to your liking.

As a guy who's played AMK way too much ever since late 09, I don't consider it unbalanced at all. You are always as powerful as your opponents, and vise-versa.
Never had issues with "grenade spam" either; that sounds like a Clear Sky complain to me.

How can someone be this much of a newfag?

It's statistically impossible to escape from an F1 grenade unless you start running BEFORE it's thrown at you, which is degenerate game design.

Ah thanks. I just got this game and the fov is really bugging me.

don't really recall having much problems with it.
just need to keep your eyes and ears open for grenade-related cues, and preferably avoid unnecessary close-quarters fights.

Effective kill radius of an actual F1 is close to 30 meters, so it's actually underpowered in the game.

This is offset by the fact that the A.I is obscenely good at throwing them, but it can be offset if you don't stay in the same cover for too long. Keep moving, retreat if you have to.

Are there any small good mods for CS? Mostly like adding mask effects and other mostly visual immersion enhancers?

AtmosFear or SRP

I wish that there's some way to upscale the UI when doing downsampling
it looks so awesome with it

Finally an user who fucking gets why I liked Misery. I also played 2.11. After playing everything from AMK to ZRP to freeplay mods etc etc Misery was a breath of fresh air.

And yeah, after you've acquired some better gear and actually can afford to maintain it the challenge evens out, but that's a formula I'm used to in the games by now.

Some areas where a huge pain in the ass though, like the Jupiter plant. I literally, literally had to save up for a six-round grenade launcher to get trough it. But the rush of actually making it was insane. I set up IED's for the chimeras and pseudogiants. Oh man. Actually having to plan things out and then seeing your plan work was a great feeling.

I haven't gotten to the Jupiter Plant yet. But I had to do a lot of the same kind of preparation for Iron Forest in Zaton.

Was that helicopter supposed to be protected by 10 zombies, 5 snorks, 3 bloodsuckers, 2 controllers, and 2 poltergeists? Or was that just the mutant spawner being batshit retarded.

To be fair I did manage to get rid of most of the mutants by luring them into the electrical anomaly towards the back of the complex. Downside is I couldn't gut them for body parts.

I was always interested in Misery, would I be well advised in finishing CoP vanilla first?
Because I played that for about half an hour and couldn't stand it.

Oh man, Iron Forest was at least equally bad for me. After like 10 tries I just said fuck it and managed to dash through everything and back out again. The poltergeists were easily the worst.

But those two areas are like 10x harder than anything else in the mod, so as soon as you've done them it's back to steamrolling everything except for pseudogiants.

Yeah it's a definitive plus if you've finished the game vanilla first. Have you played the games extensively or are you new to the series? Because I wouldn't recommend Misery to someone still learning the maps, mutants and generally how the game works.

>After like 10 tries I just said fuck it and managed to dash through everything and back out again

Did you have to upgrade psy-protection and smoke a bunch of weed. Cause I couldn't dash within 10 feet of the helicopter without bring brain-fucked to death.

I ended up shooting M203 grenades at the Poltergeists and they died in a shot if you aimed it right.

>Because I played that for about half an hour and couldn't stand it.

Why? Is this your first S.T.A.L.K.E.R game or did you think it was too easy.

How's /sg/? Haven't been there since some time.

Yeah I actually got a new helmet which I focused solely on psy protection, smoked the best quality weed I'd looted and stacked that with those psy-block pills. I still had to apply loads of medkits during my dash, and the poltergeists killed me several times before I managed to actually get out alive.

Its the only time I'm not ashamed of savescumming, made like 4-5 hard saves during that run.

>I ended up shooting M203 grenades at the Poltergeists and they died in a shot if you aimed it right.

This is a great tactic but I was way to stressed out by all the bloodsuckers and burers running around to actually be able to anticipate their movements and land nades on them.

>stalker 2 is cancelled meme
stop it.


>This is a great tactic but I was way to stressed out by all the bloodsuckers and burers running around to actually be able to anticipate their movements and land nades on them.

I took out my Bloodsuckers by shooting some zombies towards the back of the facility near where the electric anomaly was. This agro'ed most of the mutants and in an attempt to locate me (hiding behind a wall to avoid the Controller mind rape) they all walked right into the anomaly and got dead.

This was completely by accident. I sometimes forget that anomalies hurt mutants.

How the hell do I get the 1.0004 patch to work with the steam version of SoC? Every time I extract it to the Stalker folder it makes my game unable to start with this popping up. All I want to do is play the Amk mod, why does Steam always have to be so uncompatible with mods?

>Yeah it's a definitive plus if you've finished the game vanilla first.
Bummer. Is there something like ZRP for SoC? I never cared much for CS or CoP.

>Have you played the games extensively or are you new to the series?
It's a funny story, I pumped many hours into SoC with different mods but never got past the first few meters of Red Forest because I felt bored by that point. Guess I like the beginning too much.

It just didn't feel right. IIRC, I had some kind of hassle with some basic mods like fov switcher, SFX and graphics. And when I finally started it, it looked like ass, had no atmosphere, I was some army faggot and bandits were happily greeting me with ALOO-HAAA. I really want to like CoC but the spawns are just idiotic.

>It just didn't feel right. IIRC, I had some kind of hassle with some basic mods like fov switcher, SFX and graphics. And when I finally started it, it looked like ass, had no atmosphere, I was some army faggot and bandits were happily greeting me with ALOO-HAAA. I really want to like CoC but the spawns are just idiotic.

This was meant for

Is Oblivion Lost good?

dug up some old screens, wanted to find some old ones from Xfire but they apparently shut down.


Yeah, I have a strong suspicion the anomalies saved my ass too. I couldn't see it but I heard how the anomalies went crazy when the mutants ran after me from behind. On the way out I didn't see a single bloodsucker.

>ZRP for SoC?
You mean ZRP for CoP? I don't know.

I played SoC only for a long time as well, before I finally played CoP. Never really got into CS. But man, you need to finish the story in SoC before you do anything else stalker related. At least get to Pripyat, user. You are doing yourself a disservice outherwise.

I'd only really recommend Misery if you've played a lot of the other mods out there and are looking for a whole new experience.


I really like the AA2 eye candy but the vanilla version is just way too brown/saturated.

i love mods that give better graphics, animations, extra weapons and effects. Liked Misery and AA2 the most.

Monolith did nothing wrong

Yeah, I absolutely want to force myself through SoC on this playthrough.

Are you going to use mods? If you're going for pure vanilla, go with ZRP. If you want prettier graphics but retain the vanilla "feel" go with Autumn Aurora. I think AA also adds some new weapons stuff like that.

And good luck out there, stalker. Hope you get as hooked as I did, I still play it all the time nine years after release.

AA2 was great, the weapons had a nice feeling to them and the eye candy is superb.
However, I didn't like the new NPC models. And there could've been a bit more variety in items.

I'm currently playing OGSE 0692 with AA2 eye candy and some other adjustments and I gotta say it's the most fun I've ever had in SoC.
Just enough consumeables, weapons and armor to give a nice variety but not enough to make it feel bloated. And it looks simply amazing, I love it.

That screen looks amazing. Could you give a brief rundown of OGSE? I've been playing CoC for the last few months and been itching for something new.


not that guy but OGSE 0692 is great. special horror blowouts. turrets that will kill you in 1/4 of a second of direct fire. just look it up.

there is also OGSE 0693 which is totally different and completely changes the story and quests around. i never ended up finishing it because the quests were "find some tiny item hidden in this gigantic area with no hints" and instead of stalkan and exploring the zone, i had to locate this fucking thing to progress the game. I would personally suggest 0692 instead of 0693.


>Lots of new mutants and storyline elements, new and expanded quests
>Good variety in consumeables, weapons and armor
>Stability (Vanilla is stable as fuck, my setup requires a bit more and spits out a crash every now and then but nothing serious)
>Companion system
>Decent translation
>Really nice configurator (pic related)

And with some tweaking and by adding all the AA2 stuff, you get a pretty damn nice stalkan experience.
If you wanna try it, I've got my setup floating around at

Also what this guy said: 0693 is dogshit compared to 0692. And I don't like horror surges or the turrets. The turrets would be disabled in my setup.

Okay, thanks user, I'll look them both up and see which one attracts me more.

>bought Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat during a Steam sale nearly 6 years ago
>have never even installed either of them