Now that the dust has settled... What are your thoughts on Golden Sun Saga?

Now that the dust has settled... What are your thoughts on Golden Sun Saga?

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The second one obviously had more content and was better overall, but I liked the first one just as much if not a bit more. Shame you never fought Alex but at least he got rekt like a little bitch by the Wise One

Never played Dark Dawn and I probably won't anytime soon, since I'm burn out on the series

Felix was best, Isaac was shit.

DILF Isaac is okay but he's never around.

Felix is otherwise by far the best character in the series in every regard.

>Saturos' personal fuccboi

I can't agree with you. Hans is a nice character during The Lost Age.

Hans = Isaac.
Nadia = Jenna.
Sole = Sheba.

It depends on your version.

I still want a fourth game. Dark Dawn was disappointing but we still need to tie up the games plot.

All they need to do to improve the gameplay is:
>Stop handing exp out like candy, I hit the level cap before I was even done farming for gear
>Remove all PONR, absolute bullshit and shouldn't have been there in the first place
>Go back to GS2 forgeable equip and unleashes, melee was shit with no critical-up gear and unreliable unleashes
>Add a hard mode, game was way too easy
>Ditch the fucking furries, Sveta was fine but an entire swath of furries out of nowhere was too much

Just go back and make a game exactly like GS2, that's really all they have to do.

I really loved everything about the games. I guess the story is really lacking but graphics were great for gba, comfy chat box noise, excellent ost and decent turn based combat .

They're worth a play if you haven't already. Dark dawn if that's what it's called isn't that great. I remember it being short and that's it, nothing memorable except maybe the ending. I remember that. .

>Golden Sun
Loved it, got it for christmas with my glacier-blue GBA. Probably put close to 80 hours into it, 10/10

>Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Really good, a lot more stuff to do, 9/10 in my book

>Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Played like five hours and gave up. 3/10

A 3DS game would be cool but I think it is all gone now.


>80 hours
I finished the 1st one in 2 days.

My childhood game, my favourite game of all time.
Just too many memories, i feel like having a deep tie with the game setting, music, atmosphere and wonder. I literally feel like playing those games forged and marked me as a child and gifted me something as i grew up.
I'm a musician and write my own stuff, and i'm 100% sure what i create is deeply linked to the experience this game has left me, and i literally go to hear the soundtrack of both games from time to time, when i feel like lacking ispiration.
Only the music itself is an ispiritaion, but then you mix it with the wonder the golden sun world is sprinkled of, whit its immense artstyle, and you get lost in dreams of when you were a problemless child.

How do you think that should be a GS spiritual successor?

So you really like the compositions of Motoi Sakuraba. I really liked his work in Tales of Symphonia.


First game has good pacing but is really short and they were still working out a lot of stuff, but overall is a very solid package especially so early in the GBA's life. Linear but with a few neat things tucked away.

Lost Age is the GOAT Golden Sun, Felix during GS1 was a more interesting character than Isaac is during GS2 so having him as the protag was 10/10, the party banter outside of Kraden being annoying was much more enjoyable than the first game and Karst/Agatio/Alex were more interesting than Saturos/Menardi. The plot gets more interesting and the buildup to the reunion in Jupiter Lighthouse is very well done. The battle system and exploration/puzzles were both fleshed out a lot more and the expansion from 1.5 continents to the entire world made the game much larger, including a neat open exploration section where you had a handful of possible things to do in whatever order you discovered them in, but not dragging on so long that the player loses interest or focus on the narrative(unless you're retarded).

For both games Motoi Sakuraba produces a soundtrack that's far above what most people could do with the GBA despite such an early release in the system's life, still a joy to listen to any day.

GS was already a Shining Force spiritual successor so who knows. Another Djinn-based class system would be aces.

First two were good considering they were GBA RPGs. They weren't amazing in the grand scheme of things but they were great compared to other GBA games of their time. Dark Dawn was garbage because they didn't improve on the originals at all and everything just felt like one giant parody of itself.

>Another Djinn-based class system would be aces.
I really liked the Djinn system too. Something similar could be done, but a bit different, not copying their idea.

>Full Force
>not Like a Glint of Light

GS4 When?

>Glint of Light
>Not Fighting of the spirit

fuck I said interesting like 5 times in a row

TLA is interesting

Dark Dawn was a mixed bag but mostly due to all the fucking hype we built up in the fanbase before the release. I was an avid member of GSR, the largest GS forum at the time, and spent years circlejerking with everyone about how sick a third game would be and then when it finally came out we had set our expectations too high, though there's definitely a lot of stupid shit in the game. Points of no return, retcons all over the place in relation to the geography that simply can not be handwaved by 'the golden sun lol' when they've actually been there the whole time, a plot that waits until 75% of the way through to actually become relevant, and a falseflag plot point at the start that gets brought back in the ending as a cliffhanger that will never fucking get followed up on. The game is significantly easier than the GBA titles and ultimately the new mechanics like multiple weapon arts or new classes don't affect the game in a meaningful way because of this. The game's strongest points are the puzzles, music, and aesthetic maintaining the quality fans came to expect, which carries the game enough to make it worth playing as long as you don't expect too much out of it.
The true area where Golden Sun shines that many people don't know or care about is actually speedrunning, especially the GBA titles. While the djinn system casual play kinda just ends with overpowered characters using weapon unleashes and healing spells, in a speedrun you have to limit yourself in very interesting ways that force the player to stretch the combat system to a point where heavy strategizing and routing are required on what djinn and equipment to use, and while RNG manipulation and knowledge of enemy attack patterns are widely prevalent, there's still a heavy reliance on the player knowing what they're doing whenever something goes wrong

Garret and Piers were hot.
Isaac was alright in the first two but was dick is diamonds status in dark dawn.

The games were pretty good too.

Same date as the next Advance Wars game :^)

never ever ;-;

>Symphonia version
>Not the PS1 version

Basically, HYPE, the battle theme

>Points of no return
Man I should did love all those 4-5 No return points..

>retcons all over the place in relation to the geography
And I really loved all those locations that weren't even fucking hinted in the first 2..

The cover of the game was the first thing I ever masturbated to.

Some of my favorite RPGs. Comfy as fuck with a great feeling of adventure, and the puzzles make dungeons more interesting than your typical RPG.

Are there any more RPGs with a puzzle-solving aspect like that?

Hi there, Ivan.

I loved staring at Garret and Issac's character art.

>gba has mario and luigi super star saga, mother 3, and advance wars games
>all amazing jrpgs
>all people remember for gba's jrpgs are golden sun
What a shame. GS is disgusting generic, it feels like a video game I would see someone playing in a movie or tv show. Its not terrible but how people can justify playing it now is beyond me.

Its not the worst though. Graphics are still very technically impressive and the music is pretty good. Character design is pretty good too, better then weebshit like tales.

You might enjoy Lufia 2

I never could beat the doom dragon. He was way too fucking hard.

>inb4 that one autist tha enters all the GS threads just to shit on the games

well yeah nobody played mother 3 until recentlyish and advance wars isn't a jrpg ya dingus

spam attack and party healing spells assuming you didn't miss every optional thing in the game and end up at an extremely low level

literally the only 2 attacks it does that are of any consequence are Cruel Ruin and Djinn Storm, Cruel Ruin is negated by spamming healing and Djinn Storm doesn't affect the party enough to cause other things to kill them especially when party switching exists

so far this is the best golden sun thread in a long time

>First game has good pacing
lol wut

Just the boat sequence invaliades this statement

GS was like 80% filler

What is your favorite party? I always end up with Isaac/Jenna/Ivan/Piers in the end.

Thanks user, I seem to remember giving that a shot a while ago and it having a similar feeling to GS, though I only played like 5 minutes of it. Is the DS version any good?

oh shit golden sun speed runs... I need to check this out.

The boat sequence takes like 15-20 minutes, no longer than most dungeons in the game, I don't see how that invalidates anything

By good pacing I mean there's small breaks between each section of the game and dungeons of little to no dialogue to break up dialogue heavy town sections, there's never a huge stretch of time where you're doing either one or the other until the end of the game if you count Crossbone Isle

As far as JRPGs go in particular GS1 has very good pacing which contributes to why it's so short since many games in the genre will pad length

Ronin/Chaos Lord/Master/Angel

What went wrong?

Not him but the DS version is very very different. The battle system is completely changed(It's more like a ARPG if anything) puzzles are still sorta there though.

Points of no return
8 party members introduced instead of 4 in one game, then another 4 in the next
Loads of text, even for golden sun
tutorials for everything

I haven't played the DS version but it's completely different, more of an action game with the same story and characters. You'd definitely want to try the original first.

Also Wild Arms has very puzzle centric dungeons as well.

>The boat sequence takes like 15-20 minutes, no longer than most dungeons in the game, I don't see how that invalidates anything
Yes, 20 minutes with the same scene repeated an nausea and the same dialog copy pasted four time

According to the GS LP it takes 33 minutes, tho'
> Welcome to the worst part of the post-Vale slog. The combined text of all the dialogue that takes place on this boat is more than 2500 words. A random Youtube LP shows that this boat ride takes 33 minutes of unedited game time and that people on Youtube think Golden Sun is a good game to LP for 33 minutes of unedited game time.

>As far as JRPGs go in particular GS1 has very good pacing which contributes to why it's so short since many games in the genre will pad length

The game is literal mostly made of filler without any nuance of character development and discussion about the most mundane shit because
like this
isn't that right

The only way to enjoy GS story and gameplay (san dungeons, which are good, albeit a bit repetitive) is if you are 10 and never played a JRPG in your life, the story is pure nonsense and character motivations are all over the place (Especially Felix)

The reason Dark Dawn was so bad received was not because Camelot fucked up, but because their audience grew up and GS was no longer the only jRPG on portable with decent graphic.

>that part on the first game where you need to move a pillar without it touching drips of water

You guys jinxed the thread

I haven't played through it since I was a kid, but the dialogue was so comfy and the characters were so fun back then that it gave me the same sort of feeling VNs give me now during the longer cutscenes. Then again I was a huge bookworm before I got into vidya so that might be another reason it never bothered me. I didn't even realize it was a complaint about the game until years later.

yeah sure the golden sun lp on lparchive isn't biased at all

Muh safe space.

>everyone enjoying themselves
>autist comes in bitching and complaining
>This is a list of reasons why you don't enjoy what you think you enjoy

>All over the place
He basically follows one motivation all game which is do whatever it takes to keep his sister and eventually Sheba safe.

Wish you could downvote me, eh?

Yes, Sheba. I'm not sure he gives a fuck about to the point he jumps into what looks basically a suicide to save her, to the point he defying S&M out of nowhere at the second lighthouse and he decides to continue their quest to light the Lighthouse without spending 5 seconds to tell Isaac and co. S&M were doing it to save the world.
Then again, GS is the game where you help a dude who keeps loli prisoner and forces a town into slavery so he can build a lighthouse and find immortality.

>character motivations are all over the place (Especially Felix)
list of Felix motivations in order
1. protect parents
2. protect sister
3. protect sheba
4. save world without getting isaac involved
5. protect isaac

>4. save world without getting isaac involved
And you can't see anything retarded with that?


Considering that Isaac murdered his masters and was about to murder him too I don't

They flat out stated that Felix didn't want Isaac to get involved because he would be branded a traitor in Vale. This is supported by the fact that Vale was hostile to any Proxian messengers and denied any claims they made about the world eroding, and in Dark Dawn there's still a large percentage of people who think the Golden Sun did more harm than good and view Isaac as a bad person. There's also the chance that he just didn't want his friend to have to risk his life like that.

So yeah it's a pretty logical thought process

>Considering that Isaac murdered his masters
The one he was planning to defy to save Sheeba? (Who he meet 5 minutes ago?)

The same masters that kidnapped his sisters?

Also, do you realized Isaac is already involved and chasing to literally the end of the world?

How old where you when you played this game?

How exactly was Felix supposed to convey to Isaac and co that their parents were alive and that everything that they were taught growing up was all wrong?

Especially when S&M were with him all game.

Even the 11 year old me thought many of the dialogues were cringeworthy but you know what, the same applies to games like secret of mana as well and I didn't really mind in either of them. They're overall really enjoyable games despite weaknesses in the writing department.

Half the reason is because Isaac thought "Saving" meant keeping alchemy sealed up.

He just killed the two people who had Felix on their leash for years. He really didn't want to fight his own friend.

>How exactly was Felix supposed to convey to Isaac and co that their parents were alive and that everything that they were taught growing up was all wrong?

By opening his mouth and telling him? Instead of telling him "YOU CAN''T POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND, HAVE FUN CHASING ME AROUND AROUND"

>Especially when S&M were with him all game.

Why didn't S&M tell Isaac the world was going to shit and they weren't trying to destroy it?

You're conveniently ignoring which answers all of your statements

On top of Vale being hostile towards Prox and giving them no reason to trust anyone from Vale the Proxians themselves also later state that while they're upset that Isaac killed Saturos and Menardi, they also understand that S&M were out of line and Isaac's hand was forced

too much talking

The game took all of the issues and limitations of the previous two games and not only did they not fix them but they actually added to them, resulting in Dark Dawn feeling like it was a parody of the first two more than a sequel.

>The one he was planning to defy to save Sheeba? (Who he meet 5 minutes ago?)
My point is that Isaac was pretty fucking determined to stop them no matter what, him following to the end of the world is proof of that. He was travelling with Sheba since the Gondowan passage I think, but it doesn't make much sense I'll give you that.

Isaac wouldn't have spared him on his word alone, he had to save his life and his entire party for him to listen to him. That's also not counting all the shit that happened to him offscreen, which probably softened him a bit.

I'm not the same guy, I agree he was already involved since the incident in Sol Sanctum. Finished TLA 2 weeks ago

It's not stellar writing by a longshot but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be either

Fucking consumed my GS copy when I was young and every once in a while I replay it.
I used to borrow TLA from a neighbour and i regret that I didn't steal it at the time, nowadays in my country The Lost Age is fucking expensive..

You are conveniently ignoring that S&M could have spent 5 seconds explaining Isaac their reasons and comparison notes, instead of spending their time mass murdering, awakening monsters, destroying roads and attempting to murder children.

You are conveniently ignoring that their own people admitted that they were going overboard with things and shouldn't have been so fucking evil

A+ dungeons and puzzles

Pisses me off we have yet to get a game as good. I want games that let me intuitively use magic outside of battle to solve shit.

>weebshit like tales
You've awoken the beast.

That's not being evil, that's being retarded.

They were trying to avoid their town getting destroyed and the world getting destroyed, not conquering it.

>S&M could have spent 5 seconds explaining Isaac
user. S&M attacked Issac(And Garrett) when they were kids. And generally were being dicks. I don't think Issac would believe them.

I feel like i got the best experience with this game by emulating it and just speeding up the game when things got tedious. If i played this on the GBA i may have hated it.

I hate that and it's so frequent. You have to let everybody make their speech bubble "^_^" face after every sentence.
Dark Dawn takes it to a new even worse place by making them repeat the same thing 4 times phrased slightly differently.

Japs have some fucking problems. It happens all the time in anime. Ever see dragon ball or something? something happens and instead of seeing it, you have to watch everybody react first, and usually 1 or more characters start explaining what we just saw. the worst is when the person fighting starts explaining shit in the fight

Trash JRPGs for people who haven't played JRPGs before.

This. Best design too.

>still pretending Mother 3 is worth shit

>Ever see dragon ball or something? something happens and instead of seeing it, you have to watch everybody react first, and usually 1 or more characters start explaining what we just saw. the worst is when the person fighting starts explaining shit in the fight
Battle shounen thrives on filler because it's profitable.

Air's Rock still haunts me.

Played both gs and tla in both ways and yes,speeding up things is really usefull expecially when backtracking for something

People used to not listen to them or pushing them away. At the same time they have people that are strong as fuck. What other solution than to take all their shit by force then, words have proven to be useless.

>That moment when you finally get your ship and can go ANYWHERE
>Those hours spent just fucking exploring everything everywhere
>All those different places and cultures

Fuck man no game has given me the same feelings.

Don't fucking get me started on Naruto, how every time a character does something in a fight we have to see the bad guy realising whats going on, explain what we just saw, and then have the good guy repeat everything that was just said.

WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa WA wa

seeing the edge of the world made me tingly.

One thing I really liked about Dark Dawn were the unique designs each Djinni got. It made them all really cool to look at.

Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on the fucking retards who make "now that the dust has settled" threads?

Am I the only one who maxed out the pure elements?

>Am I the only one who did the easiest, most boring thing?

Probably not?

I'm sure everyone did that on their first few playthroughs, it's just that once you discover these other setups you feel inclined to mix and match every time

Angel Mia is still best though because throwing around 800HP party heals every turn is fucking stupid

Blaze it man

They blew it by not making a 3DS rpg game.

>All those possible 3D effects they could have done

Games that came out many years before it like Dragon Quest 2 and 3 allowed you to do the same and didn't drown you in a milion lines of pointless dialogue.

Always loved the dungeons in these games, music was excellent for the GBA hardware too.

seeing pictures of Doom Dragon triggers me to this day
although his music was fucking GOAT