What are some games I can play underwater
I hate Florida
What are some games I can play underwater
Other urls found in this thread:
Majora's Mask
Publix subs top tier
More like Floodrida am I right
Well my yard is a marsh
Any good games with swamps in them?
xbox 360
painkiller ain't bad one
Subnautica is 99% underwater
Is the HD release any better then the original in terms of gameplay?
Won't be long before the entire peninsula is underwater.
Just how BIG is YOUR dick?
>live in florida
>currently flooding out the ass
Shrek 2
Witch and the Hundred Knight
What are some games I can play with absolutely no water?
Califag here, Florida pls share
60fps on consoles and much better textures, lighting, and animations.
Gameplay is pretty much the same.
I'm just using it as an excuse to play it again 2bh.
>mfw midwest
>nothing is wrong but the occasional tornado warning
Oh believe me if I could I'd dump all this water over there
Left 4 Dead 2
Witcher 1
>tornado alarm goes off during college class
>German exchange teacher freaks the fuck out and tells everyone to get down
>everyone just walks out of class early
Your class was fun Herr Hellriegel
Literally one of the best games that was made
>literally nothing bad ever happens
> dat scene when you finally reach the surface, and you jump out of the sea in slowmo and nadja start talking about the feeling of it.
> dat abyss
> dat the body
> when you realise how the intro cutscene is ralated to everything.
> dat final boss
> dat ending
i need to play this shit again
>allahu akbar in the distance
not OP here, but this game mitebcool
added to wishlist, might buy it later this week
thanks for the recommendation
Why do people always say this? I've looked at their menu and it's really basic shit so I assume people must custom order. What's good?
is a metroidvania in the ocean.
not the best graphics or gameplay and the voiceworkwas done by the developers so is pretty shitty. but,
the ost is godtier, the general sense that you are in a bast ocean is magnificent, and the story at first you think is something not out of the ordinary,suddendly all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
What are some games where I can drive a truck?
Eurotruck Simulator