Playing multiplayer game

>playing multiplayer game
>"brb going to smoke"

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing singleplayer game

>wife aggro

shut the FUCK up

>playing SP game on steam
>steam friend proceeds to bother you for a half hour, not getting repeated hints to leave you alone, and continues talking to himself for an additional 10 minutes after you stop responding entirely

>reaction image thread

>they do this every fifteen minutes or so

>half the lobby leaves to "chill irl"
what did they mean by this

>multiplayer team game
>guy on your team is idle

Post good Ronnies.

You just did


>stuck on a though boss
>after dozens of attempts, you get him to less than 5% hp
>Damn that was close, brb gonna have to smoke one after that :D
>15 minutes later he hauls his cancer ridden lungs back
>Try to boss again
>Wipe at 50% hp
>Everyone lost all the momentum we had thanks to that one lazy smoker
Fuck people who take smoke breaks.

>multiplayer game
>you have to click ready to start
>people afk 5 seconds later

Can you literally not go 5 seconds without masturbation?

How relatable?

>tfw you and your steam friend synchronize smoke breaks

Can't those faggots smoke inside?
>I need a smoke break
If you have children I can understand you gotta smoke near the window or outside, but for myself I just fucking smoke while playing is it that hard?

>playing a fast paced team shooter
>tell someone to go do x
>types in text chat "sorry got game muted for music can you type plz?"


Some people don't want to smoke near their PCs
I just open a window though

>Playing with pen-pal years ago
>"brb, I think your buddies are here xD Allah ackbar amirite?"
>Last Online 4736 days ago
Ooo say can you see...

>playing multiplayer game
>"brb going to smoke"
>guy comes back
>next guy goes brb need a smoke

>play mmo
>"hey guys I bought some gold at the chinese site, I gave some to the guild" in the chat


>playing multiplayer game

>Bored, doing nothing all fucking day
>Eh, suppose I can play this single player game
>Already looking forward to doing that
>Fire up game
>Steam bloops
>"Oh hey wana play some Payday?"


What kind of shitty VN has an option of ''I love someone else'' after the marriage??

>Friend keeps talking to you
>Just want to relax and play vidya
>Game doesn't pause or its a game you need to concentrate on to enjoy

Sakura Maiden.

the ones with multiple paths and bad ends.
Imagine a VN where you meet this girl that genuinely cares about your character and she really opens up to you and near the end of the opening she gets cursed and the only way to breka the curse is to break the hearts of every single girl in the game, and as you progress through the game the more difficult it becomes when people open up to you and that girl that seemed like a slut had a lot more to her.
Then you have to go to even more drastic ways to break their hearts, like marrying them and then leaving them at the alter at the last minute.
I dunno just spitballing.

Why are people bothered by this? I could just as easily say I'm taking a piss without repercussion. Though 15 minutes is a long time to smoke. I wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes away. I remember one guy I played with in ffxiv would autistically rant on and on calling me a faggot because I like "sucking long cylindrical objects in my mouth."

>Don't need to go outside and smoke
>Friends hear me strike my lighter over Skype
>Now all they want to do is smoke
>It's not a good point to take a smoke break
>"Dammit user"
>Smoke loudly, talking about how satasifying cigarettes are

>That 'anti everything' autist
>Goes on a 40 minute rant about cigarettes, pot, or booze when it comes up
>Flips his shit if someone so much as jokes about coke, heroin, x, acid, all that shit

>"Brb going to smoke"
>Comes back 30 seconds later
>"Wow, how did you smoke a cigarette that fast?"

>not making a point of pretending to do that shit until they go away
>not getting others in the group to do the same

Lots of rentals don't allow smoking inside.

>see you guys

I more or less do anyway. People enjoy hearing my mushroom fueled adventures.

"Hold on, packing a bowl."
>one match later
"Hold on, packing again."

Just fucking kill yourself, no one cares you're a damn druggie.

>not setting auto login to off so you only have to deal with steam friends when you want to


It's just a dumb kid that wants to be cool. Probably never smoked in his life.

I'm totally stealing this shit

So long, sucker.

Because 90% of the time I'm totally down with talking to friends.

Good luck user, make sure to link the game when it's done.

Because it's very fucking easy to smoke and play, so much so that no one I play with even knows I'm a smoker.

could be worse

>shitting on a guy in mkx
>i hear furiously press A to skip score

This is what I imagine it would be like playing games with Ulillilia. And god forbid you curse

I do this too but people living at mommy's home aren't allowed to smoke inside.

What does Sup Forums smoke?

>smoking inside


Marlboro Ice

>inb4 girl cigarrette

It just gets annoying because people assume every smoker is like the ones that ditch their group in the middle of things, so if I ever chat with someone about more than just the game, I feel I can't bring it up lest they elect to discontinue further gameplay.

>not having functioning windows and adequate air flow

why are these anti smoke things so forced? like do they think people just don't know?

Champion Ruby or when smoking tailors, Marlboro or Peter Jackson.

I bought Overwatch for myself and a copy for my girlfriend, lol

B-benis :3c

>he hasn't seen Australian "plain packaging"
It gets forced because people who don't smoke assume people only choose to because they don't know the dangers.

>smoking in your house
Sorry user I don't live in a trailer park. The smoke stains the walls and ceiling and curtains and pretty much everything gets a permanent smoke smell. It's bad enough it being on my clothes.

Same autismo that called me a faggot literally went a solid 20 minutes thinking of as many gay jokes as possible. It's not often I hear something so forced and cringey.
>wtf user's going to go suck more dicks cmon faggot I wanna play
>your breath probably smells like cocks haha faggot
>i bet your mom wants to kill herself for having such a faggot son
>do you wear your sister's clothes when you go suck more dicks, huh fagboy?
I don't even have a sister. These comments read like they come from a 13 year old trying to talk but they in fact came from the mouth of some fat fuck in his late 20's who got winded after talking for 5 minutes.

I've tried smoking inside. Even with it right out the window fans on and all that jazz, it still stunk up my house.

>pretty much everything gets a permanent smoke smell.
So what?
I own the place, why would I intentionally hinder myself just to make my home more pleasant for people who don't live here?

>not just smoking at the computer.
move out of your parents house already

>wanting to smoke in your house

Yeah, just ash it in the piss bottle bro!

>ashtrays don't exist

the smoke smell probably isent as bad as the virgin animeposter smell

If you really want to stop people from smoking, tax it to hell and back. I guarentee smoking will disappear.

>I own the place, why would I intentionally hinder myself just to make my home more pleasant for people who don't live here?

are you fat too?

bitch i mite

I'm saying smoking cigarettes in your house is equally as scummy.

Walking outside and get fresh air with a smoke is better than your off-white walls because of all the stale smoke that gets soaked into it over the years.

>pissbottles don't exist

>wanting all the smoke and discoloration in my clothes, walls, and carpet.

Enjoy living in filth you walking carcinoma.

I'd be embarrassed and ashamed if my home wasn't presentable to a guest. Plus, god forbid you want to quit one day and you just sit there smelling your yellow ass nicotine walls while trying to relax. It looks and feel trashy.

>ruining a house or apartment you pay for with cigarette smoke

Well thankfully I'm not a virgin then.

Nah, bro. It's taxed like a motherfucker in places like the UK.

So people all either roll their own or get a shitload through Duty Free if they leave and come back and stock up for a few months.

People will always find a way to smoke.

>Enslaving yourself to a substance that does absolutely nothing but destroy your lungs.

Why the fuck do people smoke?

That's what the Aussie plain packaging is, essentially.
They go up several dollars a year, despite no money being spent on redesigns.
They're taxed like fucking mad, but the rate of smoking is declining I believe exactly the same amount as beforehand.

Unless you knew this and were making a point in which case excuse me.

>Cigarettes are bullies.

Because it made me feel giddy and relaxed when I was depressed in high school from getting mercilessly bullied.

>giving a shit about what other people do with their lives

fools like you on the b-ball court

I like smoking weed because it makes video games a lot more fun.

When I have to quit smoking I don't really play games as often. Also this minus the bullying

Lowers my anxiety in public

same reason people eat junk food or drink alcohol.

I understand the relaxing effects of nicotine.
But it just seems stupid to smoke when you know your increasing your chances of dying younger.

Because if you smoke you deserve to be reminded how degenerate you are.

I think most people start in highschool when it was cool and then cant put it down.
That's my and everyone I knows story anyway.


>Walking outside and get fresh air with a smoke is better than your off-white walls
And not having to stop what I'm doing just because other people don't like the smell is personally better.

>I'd be embarrassed and ashamed if my home wasn't presentable to a guest
I can understand and respect that, but I tend to keep my house very well ventilated to prevent the stuffiness from persisting smoke and, as a result, I've not had any noticeable issues I've asked thus far.
Hey, even when they do show and I become concerned with it, fresh coats of paint and new carpet can cover it up, along with there being special cleaning products designed specifically to combat cigarette related problems.

Taking two drags and snuffing it

>I smoke because it calms me down
>I get anxious because I need a smoke

>playing afroball

>"going to smoke"

No one says that.

>then cant put it down.
How do people like this function
I smoked a bit in highschool and immediately stopped. It's not like it's controlling my brain or some shit, do people like this masterbate every second too?

Marlboro 27's or Reds


Lack of self-control.
Some people also use it as a crutch when they feel stressed out.

>And not having to stop what I'm doing just because other people don't like the smell is personally better.

This is LITERALLY piss bottle mentality. You're a fucking scumbag.


Fug forgot pic


Apparently I'm some kind of freak. I've been smoking for 9 years now and never gotten through a pack in less than 3-4 weeks.

>making fun people means you actually care

I don't want to make a thread for this

I want to know what this song is

Some user said it's some chiptune for a pirated game installer

So I thought maybe you could help me