We've talked a lot about what went wrong, but did anything go right?
We've talked a lot about what went wrong, but did anything go right?
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Can anyone spoonfeed me a list of the things that they supposedly false advertised? multiplayer should not be in that list because I remember from countless interviews that he never confirmed it, even though he never outright said there wasn't any.
he made a lot of money
Its a decent base to start at. It can be saved with updates
I don't understand any of the hate, I love the game. It delivered on every promise the dev guy (don't remember his name) made. It's the people who hyped it up that made most of the lies. Typical of gamer culture.
Yeah that's the impression I got too. People got exactly what was advertised but they were disappointed because they expected more or something?
they had good ideas. the problem is that they lacked the talent to execute. or they lacked the ability to find the right people who could execute. the same problem happened in the late 90s with Jurassic Park Trespasser. the devs were highly ambitious and promised so many features that they just didn't have the talent or technology to deliver on.
Steam refunding the game no matter how long you played it
not really
I can't think of anything about the game that isn't flawed
I would say seamless space to planet surface transition but the pop-in is too awful
He has confirmed it multiple times. "You can run into others, the chances are just so small."
"Can you play with others?"
Is that not confirming multiplayer for you?
>leddit xDDD
>did anything go right
so many players playing right now
>go to church group
>run into somebody else
>go home together and take turns playing No Man's Sky on your PS4
He probably just didn't understand that people meant in-game multiplayer since he's not an autist and is a socially functioning healthy person
>16 minute video with no point in site within the first 2 minutes
Most of the complaints I see are "there is nothing to do in this game". Well no fucking shit, the whole selling point was exploring millions of planets. What the hell else did you expect to find? No sympathy for anyone who wasted money on something when they didn't even know what they were getting into.
>Can you play with others? Yes.
You can play in the same room with other people.
>You can run into others, the chances are just so small."
The chances of anyone coming into your room while you are playing are slim, but possible.
See? He still hasn't lied about anything.
He straight up said that you could meet other players potentially, but the "game world is so big that the odds of that happening are pretty much zero".
So day fucking 1 of release, these 2 niggas meet up at the same fucking spot (even though that's "impossible") and can't see eachother.
Turns out, there wasn't multiplayer all along - if you can even call it that. So yeah, he did lie about the fact that you could potentially meet other players.
>"there is nothing to do in this game"
literally minecraft has more to do
this is a scam
You'd have to be pretty dumb to take an offhand comment like that seriously and buy a $60 game solely on the basis that it would have multiplayer.
Don't get me wrong, the game looks like ass, but the haters are some serious morons.
Nice one
You two don't even deserve (you)s. Please come back with new bait.
I think I like the music and sound effects.
Not that I actually played the game but from what they've shown it sounds pretty good.
If you look close enough, the reason that they could not see each other is because they were
both roleplaying blind characters.
It's an extremely straightforward question, he should be able to answer it honestly.
The box had single player sticker taped over what originally said multiplayer
I think most of the game does what it's supposed to do.
It's a stoner game about looking at weird things and pretty colors while keeping up with a few menial tasks.
I totally get how it was supposed to feel.
How did you get scammed? Where was it advertised that there would be more to do than walk around and gather minerals for minor upgrades? Because that's all I remember seeing from the trailers.
It always looked boring as fuck to me, didn't the .hack games on PS2 potentially have like a million dungeons too? Bro-op would've been nice but I always felt like it was a $30 indie game being pushed to AAA hype levels.
>Can you run into other people in the game?
>You don't know how yourt character looks like so the only way to see what your look like is waiting for another player to see you
>You could encouters other payers but chance of that are low
There's even interview where he gives details about how it works (Multiplayers lobby that opens when other players go near you, and so on). So don't give me that crap about "he was just vague, he didn't lie"
That was a joke someone decided to play at the manufacturing plant in china. Don't worry, he and his family have paid the price.
>giant animals
>giant trees
I only wanted a cool game, not a universe of Nintendo planets.
I had more fun exploring in X3 than this game. Discovering a new sector is like discovering the New World. New trade routes, new materials, new opportunities.
The refound button worked.
>Go to church
>"Jesus, where are you?"
>"I'm at the church, where are you, bro?"
>"I'm at the church too! But I can't see you"
Like pottery.
watch the video
let me post it again
user stop, the retards on here will take you seriously
pretty much this. You're retarded if you expected more.
That's why I didn't buy it.
It's Sup Forumss fault for hyping it like crazy.
No means no but yes doesn't always mean yes. That doesn't make it a lie.
Yeah, vegetation seems... sparse.
They couldn't go full on The Little Prince like Nintendo did with Mario Galaxy, but they couldn't done more in terms of variation.
Did anyone have a success with a refund on steam ?
You do know that on the steam preorder page multiplayer was listed until 1 day before the game released right?
>cool trees
>cool creatures
>giant robots
If that was working in the demo, why removing it in the final game?
>What the hell else did you expect to find?
a game worth 60$
>"The only answer that I can think of for this is a really technical one," Murray says. [...] "You are flying around with an open lobby. People are coming into that lobby and leaving it - like if you play Watch Dogs or something like that.
>"Effectively, we have players joining your discrete space. We're not trying to make an MMO where you can play with literally 60,000 people on screen. We handle the case like where other people can fly past in your game or that you can bump into other players in the game.
>"I guess the whole of the entire community could organise to go to one specific spot and then they would find that they weren't all there at the same time. That would be ridiculous." When asked how many people can be in a lobby at one time, Murray won't give a definitive answer: "The lobby that you carry around with you now can, it's almost like I don't wanna say because people will just test it, it can carry a few people. More than what you will see during the normal course of the game.
Source: Sean Murray interview conducted by Bryan Vore, game informer, December 10, 2014
What do you want more
>players connect to online database
>players connect to online servers
But it's an online game with multiple players.
Oh the sjw rape defense
Everybody hyped it like crazy.
Sony no less than many.
They pulled these guys out of the indie goop, dressed them up and sold their $20 stoner sim for $60, and now they're gonna toss them out in the street again.
They've helped sell PS4s and the promise of giant game worlds so now they can kindly fuck off, and take the fall for controversy.
It's like the shenanigans from Sony Music is now being effectively applied on video games.
that was all scripted, all for the sake of the presentation
I mean the fucking stickers were ABSOLUTELY CRAZY
But I know who's fault... LET'S PLAYERS
No one has yet to show me anything wrong with the game, whats the point in trying to defend it if there is nothing to worry about?
>scripting a procedural world
see this post He's literally explaining how multiplayer work in No Man's Sky. He literally said in interview that they had an open lobby system, and that, although the lobby can't fit a huge population, that allow the game to handle the case where people bump into each other and that it can carry "a few people".
What now, champ? I know you're just trolling for the sake of it, but it doesn't help the bait when Sean was so adamant about it.
>There are people who fell for this
>Even after Peter Molyneux
>Even after Spore
>Even after Todd Howard
>Even after Mass Effect 3
>Even after MGSV
You have no one but yourself to blame at this point
Yes. You can have handmade content in a procedurally generated environment.
Yes, you can place triggers and spawn points in there too.
what they were showing wasn't procedural. It was a vertical slice.
they scripted 3 worlds
still on disk
MGSV was Konamis fault
It's babys first spore :)
They even had to put stickers on the game limited edition physical boxes to cover the lies :
Maybe when he heard Multiplayer, he thought he heard Singleplayer? It could have been an honest mistake.
I thought they were in 2 different timelines or some shit.
Sean Murray, master of trolls
>developers says there will be multiplayer
>expect multiplayer
>buy game, no multiplayer
>lol you shouldn't expect a developer to be honest about the features of his game xD
No, I didn't buy it.
no. I find every element of this video game simply egregiously offensive in the most intimately personal way possible
But Todd Howard did nothing wrong, you dingus.
mgsv is great and exactly what kojima promised
you ''are'' big boss
If you watched every interview this bare footed faggot did in sequential order, you can visibly see him get more and more nervous about the shit bubbling up out of his mouth. He knew, all along, that the things he was saying were misleading and he was only saying them to make sales. But honestly, anyone with half a fucking brain would have steered clear of this dumpster fire the minute they heard "procedurally generated."
literally priceless
oh, let's also not forget about Daikatana
really nigga. They gonna need a deus ex machina to communicate?
everybody knew this was a feature
no excuses
The game is decent.
I'm not going good to pump 15 hours into it every night but like other anons have said, it's a stoner game. You come home from a long day of work, crack open a brew, smoke a bowl, then just relax and explore some planets. At least, that's what I'm doing.
it's cute that reddit still uses trollface
There were 6 gold trophies and a platinum that were pretty easy to get. Other than that, no.
It's a very comfy game and it's beautiful looking at times. Seriously it's like a wallpaper generator at some points.
The controls are easy even if the menu is meh. The narrative is cool if you're getting into it for the first time without spoilers. It's all about your trip into that universe.
Sadly, the universe doesn't hold much for you when reaching a certain point. And the only thing to grind is the Atlas Words for lore, but that's so much grind that is not worth it, as the Atlas message is it's not really that interesting IMO.
it's not what they promised and there will no be more content after this, i'm pretty sure of it.
It's an excellent 15 dollar game with a pricetag of 60.
well done i kekd
Sure it was
please use this image whenever you see someone who bought NMS
Sean didnt like about 3 things:
1. It IS a video game
2. There are nearly infinite planets
3. Some people will never reach the center cus they will quit (and many did quit)
At what point did I say "buy the game"?
Giving an opinion on something does not make one a shill.
only a shill would tell people to waste their time with this
The space dogfights are intense and I had never seen anything like travelling from planet to planet in this game.
After playing the pirated gog version, I might buy if the updates get good.
A bunch of idiots got burned by an incredibly obvious scam. That was pretty entertaining.
more of this
it stimulates my NTR part of the brain
I want to get bullied unto using an onahole by big titty demon girls
5 star post
Oblivion and Fallout 3 say hello
I was never part of the hype and I love the game. I want to get my copy signed by Sean himself.
>if you have a dissenting opinion you are a shill
I have the feeling that you're actually a shill paid to call people shills for shillings
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.