>"Just one final question before we wrap things up here. Do you prefer passive or active abilities in role playing games, and why?
"Just one final question before we wrap things up here. Do you prefer passive or active abilities in role playing games...
is this a real question?
both you nimfuck
Active abilities
Pasive a shit
active because they actually make the gameplay more diverse
passive can be effective but are boring
I prefer passives with specific triggers or conditions like sneak attack damage when I have combat advantage or using my movement to teleport when in shadow etc.
I prefer dicks in my mouth.
haha gay
I prefer passive abilities supplied by equipment and trinkets, so I can use active abilities alongside them
I prefer active abilities but I believe that a good balance of choices is what makes a good skill system. Having too many active skills can be overwhelming for some players, while passive skills only can feel rather, well, "passive" in a medium that is supposed to be interactive.
Keep a balance and offer choices that make sense in the game.
Depends. Active is more fun to use 95% of the time, but I'm also the kind of autist who enjoys building passive in some games just to watch enemies melt to my auras and/or counterattack damage.
I prefer active traps
I legitimately don't know if you mean like hunter traps or girly traps. The internet has ruined me
I prefer skub.
Passive. Abilities that change the conditions under which the game operates are neat.
Passive is good in turn based
Passive is shit in real time action cuz RNG is a bullshit mechanic.
Active is generally better, but passives can be good if they incentivize being active.
I prefer passive hairlines over actively receding ones lmao fuck you cunt
Trick question, role playing games are for gross nerds.
Active, shits much flashier.
Always fight in style.
Passive because I'm really lazy
Active offense and passive defense
I greatly prefer active abilities, especially when it comes to survivability, so I usually play damage dealing classes that are made of paper and have to dodge, parry, or otherwise actively avoid incoming hits to stay alive.
Amazon being my favorite example.
Both serve a purpose and should be included. Even in NES era RPGs, you have options of special attacks and magic spells, which could be considered active, and static buffs that could be considered passive.
In the modern day, it's a good idea to have both, maybe leaning one way or another based on the style of game you're going for. In action RPGs based more in skill than levels and stats, active abilities allow the player to expand upon their selection of choices for tackling objectives.
For games that are more traditionally RPG-like, passive skills are constant additions that can make or break a player that only has access to a few attacks.
In either case, the best of either world is a passive buff that massively boosts damage if you you almost no health remaining.
Why not passives that modify your active abilities?
Is Dragon's Crown online still alive at all?
I have a sudden urge to play it again.
No, not really. I can still find a couple people playing on lower floors on the highest difficulty whenever I feel like going back to it, though.
Damn shame.
Would be nice if it got ported to PS4 or PC. Great game.
I dunno about the higher difficulties but it's still somewhat alive on Normal and Hard at least.
Passive. I like to keep my fighting style the same and tack on ability bonuses as I get stronger.
"Fuck you buttons" are nice, but I also like stacking a million passives.
Maybe we'll get a shiny new port one day. At least it was supported really well after release, those patches and fixes were great.
It doesn't matter to me
What matters is the ability in it of itself, i don't care if i have to press a button every 5 seconds, if it's useful, i'll use it