What's the worst game you've ever played?
What's the worst game you've ever played?
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Is this the thread where we post ok games but pretend they're the worst things ever created?
GTA V was not bad, stop trying to start flamewars
Enjoy your 3-day ban
Definetly not GTA V if you're implying that
Some Robot fighting game for Ps2 when I was younger. It had really good ratings and also probably was very good, I just was too stupid to play it the correct way or even turn the brightness up, 'cos you couldn't see shit in daylight.
Dynamic IP
Enjoy getting ban again
nigga I can literally reset my IP as often as I want
GTA V wasn't one of the worst games I've played, but it WAS one of the most boring. IV beat it by a longshot. Key difference in which word you use.
Dragons Dogma, picked it up on the latest steam sale after hearing its great game and a console port done right just to find a basic bland RPG with awful UI and flashy moves that are pretty much useless long animations.
also worst save system ive ever seen in a game (cant have 2 different characters or multiple saves on the same character)
UI is horrible to navigate with KB/M
Skyrim on PS3
Pokemon GO
It was probably some shovelware for the PS2.
GTAV was without a doubt the most disappointing game I've ever played, though.
You showed HIM !!
Sonic 06
I was doing a bet with my friend that I could beat it without getting mad, like not even cuss when anything bad happened.
I lost when I said that the loading screen took longer than shrek shitting out donkey from his ass while the dragon was giving shrek a blowjob.
Probably alpha protocol shit was just terrible to play and I even like deadly premonition. Of course I didnt get very far before I dropped it so it probably got better as the game went on.
The new star wars battlefront
Call of duty ghosts
Call of duty black ops 3
Terraria probably
or Leo the lion, a shitty polish platformer when i was a child
Worst Game I've ever played....
I have a lot of them but the winner has to be FF XII
because I'm an ADHD fucktard I can't stand bullshit that tricks you into turnbased combat with an active looking interface
License System is fucking garbage, forces you to grind
Bounty system is fucking horrible, makes up 90% of the game
Does not feel it expands on the lore of Ivalice
Does not feel like the true "golden age" of Pre FFT Ivalice
Kill count Ultra Rare drop rate increase system is very fucking evil for a game like this
No jobs, nothing cool like that
Shitty looking and droll summons based on the Lucavi, which weren't FFT's low points already oh no
Naming airships after summons did it in for me.
gta 5
list of bad begins here
3 characters
>because 2 characters wasn't good enough
>so many holy shit like 3
>no seriously, new heists in 2018
online play
>no hacking here
map design
>ok cool everything is already unlocked, not boring compared to the other gtas
single island map design
>wow a whole island with huge gaps that arent filled with nothingness
Gotta love how people defend GTA V because it's technically/graphically state of the art.
Doesn't change the fact that it's a soulless, lifeless, boring piece of shit.
I got Bubsy 3D as a birthday present one year.
Easily Superman 64. My brother and I were so excited to get the game, parents forked out 60 dollars. Was the most disappointing game ever. I tried really hard to like it too. Multiplayer was atrocious. By comparison GTAV would have been a game god created himself or something.
If these are the answers you could come up with, you're either a bunch of dipshits with terrible taste, haven't played enough videogames to be on Sup Forums or are just exaggerating. Why don't you try actually naming a bad game instead of some AAA that you happen to dislike.
The only non meme answer in the thread. I feel sorry for you, bro.
The worst part was having to pretend to like it.
>grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind
>raid someone or get raided
>grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind
Soldier of Fortune Payback
Holy god that game is terrible
This game was a huge piece of shit, I couldn't even force myself to play past an hour.
Fuckin fifth element on ps1. Used to enjoy it as a kid, but replayed it last year and the graphics and hud are literally such an eyesore it is near impossible to see what is actually happening on screen. No idea how i used to be able to play it.
Haha so funny
Heres your (you). Tell me again why the game is actually bad? It has a loading screen?
>>no seriously, new heists in 2018
heists were out a year ago retard
Bf1 beta
huge disappointment
but that credits song: youtube.com
Heists are shit aswell un ironic lol
>It has a loading screen?
Mad Max and Shadows of Mordor take the cake for most recent "nothing about this was good".
I can't think of the absolute worst at the moment.
*Insert universally acclaimed game here*
Starbound. I haven't played it recently though, I played a version from a year or more ago
some random indy game i can't remember the name of and no one has likely heard of
tag team wrestling on the NES - fucking Ricky Fighters
saints row 2 - felt like someone took GTA and tried to make it lol crazy random
well if you want the true, no-fun answer, it's probably some shitty demo I got from that Bulgarian PC magazine I used to buy in the early 2000s
probably this
i fucking hate rockstar games past bully
Fight me faggots
You're already actively fighting yourself.
I'm shitposting at the beach
What a piece of shit.
If we are avoiding total shit and popular games Anarchy Reigns left a sour taste, single player was just multiplayer maps with mini games on them.
Multiplayer had terrible netcode and the matchmaking was a mess for a fighting game so it played like a total clusterfuck. Died in a week or two.
It looked like garbage as well.
Only thing I could complement was some of the character designs and the menu.
Doesn't stop you from being a fuckwad
What is that map representating?
Was this supposed to be funny or cringe?
Halo. My IQ dropped several points after that pile of shit.
it's the map of GTA V of course.
>Terraria probably
i feel that way about shadow the hedgehog, except with the inverted controls instead of the hud
Add ARK on that grind segment too. It's fucking horseshit youneed to spend hoyrs to build a shitty wood house or tame one small ass dinosaur because the gathering system coupled with the bullshit weight is atrocious. If it wasn't for custom modded servers I would have said it was the worst survival game I've ever played.
does anyone else think this map looks like a battletoad?
>lake are eyes/sunglasses
>sandy area looks like face, complete with mouth
>hills road system looks like a fist, with the big roads dividing the fingers
>city could be his pants or something
This and All4one are the worst Ratchet and Clank games in the series.
Alien Isolation
ghost recon future soldier
i stopped playing games altogether for months
was it fightbox
I don't fight retarded children.
Have you played GTAIV?
every time
every time I think that thumb is her nipple
and I am aroused
and then disappointed
every time
Most of you wouldn't know a bad game if it stabbed you in the throat.
It's not a thumb either, it's an index finger.
Tough shit, eh mate.
I hate having to give the crown to a small indie title that didn't even make it big but this was the only game I've played in my 25 years that made me feel exasperated at the game and the developers behind it. It's just horrendously designed. On a similar note I also fucking despise the rebooted XCOMs, especially the second one. They're just broken and the "checkmate!" moment that should be in every strategy game is obfuscated by the myriad of unwarranted bullshit the game throws at you. Outsmarting and outplaying the AI just gets instantly shut down the second you roll a bad dice, but hey just go "it's le xcom baybee!" and rack in the Beaglerush-sponsored dosh.
Played? Probably FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction
Finished? The Witcher 1 or Skyrim