Not that I'm complaining...

Not that I'm complaining, but why did Square Enix decide to collaborate with Platinum to make a sequel to Nier of all games?

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probably some internal japan politics bullshit

kojima said he met a producer from platinum at a party and that's how rising was made

Because they realized Nier was great in every aspect except for the actual fighting gameplay.

Niers endings are pretty fucking Definite.
It is a surprise in and of itself that the next game is called Nier.

platinum are too poor to say no

>A NieR/DoD game that looks as good as it sounds
My body is pretty fucking ready

Because the main reason the game was so badly received by those outside of the Taro-niche was because of its shitty gameplay.

Yeah, even a Drakengard 4 with Platinum would have been less surprising.

Because Platinum actually knows how to handle combat and good overall game design unlike Cavia.

SE wanted to make a game with platinum to cash in on the plat fags. They had several series up for consideration. Someone over at SE was a fan of Nier/drakengard, made a suggestion and SE agreed.
Or so the rumors go.

The rumor that appeared on a dark stormy night when you passing a mud baby into the Porcelain throne.

Nier is one of the best games I've ever played, and I hated playing it and would never recommend anyone else play it.

It's weird

They wanted to lose money.

Has any Platinum game actually turned a profit?

Believe what you want homolord, plat team that works on the title admitted in an interview that some of them played Nier and they will handle the title with care. Feel free to gewgle.

Never, not even Revengeance did that well with the Metal Gear brand attached on it

>Someone over at SE was a fan of Nier/drakengard

I guess you mean Platinum. That was Takahisa Taura, MGR lead designer. It's not really a rumor, I think he said that himself in an interview if I remember right.

It's really nothing compared to Drakengard 1. That game was so fucking awful to play that my quality threshold is pretty much gone ever since. Still love that fucking game.

I guess that with the exception of the Wii/Wii U releases, most of them must have given some slight benefit.

add another panel writing: "with budget"

is it bad that im reading that in emil's voice?

This could easily have been called YoRHa or something, like the stage play, but it makes a certain sense to call it Nier
- it's deliberately following up on gameplay ideas and style from Nier
- it has relevant themes to Nier e.g. two sides killing each other due to miscommunication and selfishness (Nier also briefly looked at the idea of a robot with feelings, which is back in full force this time)
- despite being set thousands of years later, it might still link back to the events of the first game depending on how insane Taro is going with the twists and the 'long-forgotten truth of this world'
- they want Nier fans to buy it

Shouldof been a prequel

Not really, the side-materials already do everything they can to undermine the ending's finality by introducing shit like the new NieR replicant getting born, Emil specifically noting that humans returned at some point after the game, and the fact they explicitly establish that some Overseers managed to actually get a handful of Replicants and Gestalts to peacefully merge like 80 years before the game.

Plus, the presence of Accord in Automata means Taro can just say its based off an ending to NieR that wasn't in the game pretty easily - like how Drakengard 1 is related to Drakengard 3 via a side-story exclusive branch.

are you new here

NieR had a lot of issues with the writing too desu.

I mean, it's kinda part of the charm of Taro games that he doesn't really give a fuck about the details of the settings he creates so much as the scenarios he's able to play out in them, but it's still sort of an issue - and NieR suffers from it greatly due to the hyper focus on the story of Yonah and the Shadowlord.

It may have to do with the way he approaches story-writing, where he writes with the end in mind already and writing "backwards" that leads to that point. The little miscellaneous details tend to take a backseat as the major events leading to the ending take precedent.

>Yoko Taro game
>with Akihiko Yoshida as a character designer
>by Platinum games
>coming out on PC

I'll never understand the people that think Nier has shitty gameplay. Its not amazing, but it was basically Zelda combat with better magic mechanics and worse melee combat. It wasn't well balanced, but the speed of movement, general freedom, and large selection of actually useful abilities with decently challenging gameplay was pretty fun.

What's wrong with focusing the story on those specific things? The reality of it was that Papa Nier didn't know anything about the overall scope of things. We saw the game through his eyes and to him, the world was its normal self. Everyone already "knew" about the world, so learning more about the world and overarching plot would take a backseat, only coming up through Papa Nier's own learning about the world.

Approaching 10 years, go on.


>but it was basically Zelda combat

Never played the first one.
Is it worth getting? What's it like?

Shit game with shit gameplay. But Sup Forums loves it because they're fucking proto-hipsters when it comes to obscure japanese games.

Press a button to slash and use various equipment/items (or in this case, it would be magic abilities) to give you an edge in certain fights. You explore a mostly free overworld where certain areas are locked off until you complete more of the story, only to then travel to a new area and complete a dungeon/beat whatever boss lies there in order to move on to the next objective.

Granted, the melee aspects of the combat are very limited in comparison to Zelda, but there's clear Zelda comparisons. Taro even mentioned himself that he wanted Automata to retain the Zelda elements Nier had and have an overworld in it.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it, user.

I was just saying that it causes issues when you try to examine the details of the setting or try to figure out the logic behind certain elements of the plot since they're often not given any consideration by Taro until after the fact at best since he deems them irrelevant to whatever message or theme he wants to convey through the events he's come up with.

I personally like it a lot because I can just turn off my over-critical English student brain pretty easily and get invested in the characters and story instead of being a picky autist about the finer intricacies of the writing, but if you step back and look at NieR objectively there are issues within it.
The opening is pretty telling of what the game is like to a degree, really.
Imagine a simpler somewhat poorly balanced 3D Zelda game with gorgeous music playing 100% of the time that has a high emphasis on story that changes with a subsequent playthrough. Its got very strong worldbuilding and a well-written cast of characters (with good voice acting to boot), all while adhering to a show, don't tell policy so that you never have any more information about what's going on than what your character, Nier, knows. Boss fights are somewhat comparable to Shadow of the Colossus in that they incorporate the level design of the area into the boss fights.

>Boss fights are somewhat comparable to Shadow of the Colossus in that they incorporate the level design of the area into the boss fights.
That doesn't really happen very often though.

Probably because people say Taros games are all super amazing but just lacking gameplay.
And platinums games have gameplay so good the rest doesnt matter.
Hence, perfect game.

I guess it would be more accurate to say "when at its best" at the start of that. You're right, it doesn't happen all of the time. I guess the Wendy fight just left a strong impression on me.

>with Akihiko Yoshida as a character designer
Great choice.

A Platinum producer loved Nier 1. When SE approached Platinum for a game, that producer suggested Nier 2.


How can it be called Nier when Nier doesn't even exist anymore?

>not putting Kaine out of her misery
It's a mercy killing at that point.

Apparently it's a curse.

Very interesting.
Maybe the characters are cursed to make the same mistakes as in the first game

Because we're in the good timeline.

A cultured man who knows legs.

Still can't believe the sequel is being developed by Platinum.

Literally the only good part in Nier was the OST and maybe the environment design, that's about it.
Platinum can't write a good story for shit and Taro has proved many times that he lost his touch.

Because they saw MGR have tons of sales, and Activision had made two games with them at the time. DMC team is doing who knows what, Team Ninja was working on nioh, and the rest are dead so went with platinum

In a way it's actually really harmful to the genre that platinum is the only action game maker because on top of their formulas getting stale and games based on established IPs being meh in gameplay, it will make other hopeful studios copy it seeing "oh, that's the formula for success in action games" and it will lead to more terrible action games with no soul.

But hey, it pays the bills, so can't complain I guess. They'll make something that tops Vanquish or W101 eventually...

>They'll make something that tops Vanquish or W101 eventually...

Is it bad that I want a Vanquish sequel?

>Taro has proved many times that he lost his touch.
He has?

Not at all. It's not perfect, and a sequel could touch up a lot of things and add more content, but Mikami is gone so I don't see it happening

No. I don't even like Vanquish that much but it needs a sequel.
The gameplay was great, the presentation was great it only lacked content and variety.

With a bigger budget I really feel like they could've made something incredible, with memorable sequences instead of 'just beat this boss again but this time 2 of them, one blue one red"

Yes. Have you played the first Nier?
Or anything since the first Drakenguard?


What exactly do you mean, Nier is way better than DoD1.

>Platinum actually knows how to handle combat

Nier story is shit, like absolutely shit.
Everything is not only predictable as fuck but feels so on rails it doesn't even tries to hides the feeling of linearity like most games.
Even worse the game is designed so you get pieces of the stories by playing the second hald multiple times, completely ruining the pacing and exposition.

It's full of clichés, it even has that old "twist" that is supposed to make you feel bad yet it's so detached from the gameplay that you don't feel responsible in the slightest.

The setting is nice though, too bad.

That's one thing Drakengard will do for ya, it'll help you lower your standards quite a bit.

Compared to Cavia they sure do.

It's something I used to joke about, in a "that'd never happen" sort of way.

>post yfw you remember early reviews for Nier hated the music

I don't have a image, so...
>Wat da zog?

cause platinum is the cheap slut of third party development

looks like everyone fell for the LETS HAVE PLATINUM MAKE EVERY GAME meme

Because Platinum needed work? SE announced that they needed a studio so Platinum pitched and won the contract. The problems SE can't get marketing help from Sony because they loathe working with Platinum after Plat abandoned Sega when they were asking for help when they were trying to port Bayonetta for the PS3. Platinum tried to mend the ties with Sony by offering vanquish as an exclusive but Sony gave the money to Sega to make more Yakuza games. Hence Bayonetta 2 is offered to Nintendo and Scalebound is offered to Microsoft, Platinum would never pitch an exclusive deal to Sony ever again. Also all of Platinum's PS3 and PS4 dev kits are owned by either SE, Konami or lend by Activision when they making the recent TMNT and Transformer games

At least this one doesn't seem to be another Bayo clone - it's multi-track dodge sliding rather than witch time.

Then again it does seem to borrow the swappable light/heavy weapon sets from Bayo so maybe it is a bit of a clone.

>bayonetta 2 is offered to Nintendo
I seem to remember reading that Nintendo was the only one INTERESTED in a Bayo sequel.