Your proudest single-player achievement
Your proudest single-player achievement
>le SAM face
>being proud you spend ur time playing video games
>mfw my greatest single-player achievement is fucking your mom
masturbating for 3 hours in a row
the fuck is wrong with you boy
>he says while posting on arguably the worst board on Sup Forums
This was the first one I ever went nuts over. Felt good to 100% this game.
Runners up are both 100% Hotline Miami / HM2 achievements.
I'm not proud of it though.
My chevos of Batman, platinumed Arkham Knight in PS4 and got them all in Arkham Asylum in Steam.
Fuck Arkham City and Origins chevos, they ask to much tedious shit to get the medals in the predators challenges.
I tought that was Sup Forums
nah, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are worse
>Sup Forums users are now unironically proud of CoD4 achievements
I remember us laughing at the thought of this kind of future for the board but its not as funny when you're living in it.
>proudest single player achievement is in an easy platformer for children
lmao try beating i wanna be the boshy on rape mode without getting hit, that game doesn't even have achievements because it's not for kids
Achievements killed cheat codes. Including the fun ones.
Fuck Achievements. And you know what? Fuck this thread to.
I beat la-mulana without any sort of help. Well, almost.
>Proud of a thing you probably SAMed
No one cares about steam achievements, show it on ps4.
>fucked mom
>single player
Have fun with your hand.
I remember when you didn't post here and don't know what you're talking about. Modern Warfare was a good game and that achievement is no "Press X to pay respects".
Pic related. My big Sup Forums achievement. 100% time on this board.
fuck you leather man
I have 1001%, eat this
Plat on dead space 2
Hardcore mode is a bitch
Yeah OP show it on your Playstation 4™ among the other many exclusive achievements for many amazing games it has to offer!
It's actual scientifically verifiable that this is the worst board, followed by Sup Forums , Sup Forums , and /r9k/
>single-player achievements
>meaning anything
WOW! You beat up a CPU that can't do shit, always does the same things, can't adapt to your playstyle, can't learn from its mistakes, good for you. That's surely is very impressive.
kill yourself
So, let's see your impressive shit.
funny, 3 of those 4 boards are the best boards on Sup Forums
let me give you a hint on which one sucks: It's /r9k/
I was the cpu.
Checkmate nu-male.
Sup Forums is alright because they make no pretense of being better than they are, Sup Forums on the other hand, wew
pretty impressive tbqh
Loremaster in WoW pre cataclysm
Loremaster in WoW pre and post cataclysm on both factions
this place is definitely better than all the boards you just listed, and shit like /cgl/ too
/his/ is new best board
Golden God from Meatboy, Valhalla in XCOM 2 and clearing all the campaigns in Expert in L4D2. At least those are the ones I remember.
Why more than once tho?
I wanted to see all the questlines for both factions
Multiplayer is the same thing. If you can't win, then you're trying to copy other players.
>Tripfag has been here for 12 years
How does it feel?
40 hours of grinding
>implying you are the real mrspooky
any true oldfag like myself knows that mrspooky was permabanned, you just used tripcode explorer to datamine his tripcode like the fake RED Sniper did.
i was in #raspberryheaven irc with goons before Sup Forums was even a thing, and it's super funny to me when you pretenders show up
>No Eternal God
My proudest single-player achievement is not caring about achievements.
Whoops. My bad.
I was playing on Hard (second playthrough after Normal) and didn't savescum, either.
Oh damn the new Dennis spec is out this patch?
They unlock if you do something impressive in a game. I don't care about them too, but I look at your achievements to see what things I've missed or can do for a subsequent run or whatever.
How did you manage that without shitting your pants?
Not bad.
I was demodded, not permabanned. Even if I was permabanned, you know that doesn't stop someone from posting. My trip would have to be banned. Why is it such a huge stretch that someone has been here as long as you? I'm still over on FYAD as well. It's not like I died.
This game kicked my ass
not sure which of these would be more impressive than the others
Insane coop Battleblock was a lot of work to get done, but Isaac definetely took more time
Nah, never got back to it. I haven't played the Original TBoI in a long time.
Who says I didn't?
I played the challenge maps for some time after my first playthrough and I think AI is cranked to the max in those. In campaign I conserved flamethrower solely for the few segments in the later part of the game. Funnily enough the closest I came to failing was due to surprise facehugger in the vents - I panicked and started spraying flamethrower without seeing where he was.
it's incredibly autistic and embarrassing that you are trying this hard to pretend to be a permabanned ex-mod
another red flag, the actual MrSpooky was from YCS and YOSPOS, any other giveaways that you are a fraud you want to throw my way?
Getting every max payne 3 chieve
My showcase is now entirely Dungeon of the Endless achievements because no one plays it. Wish they had a "coolest achievements" option somehow.
being a faggot isn't an achievement
Spanish Hero in FM13 and 1001% in TBoI:A
Were you playing back when multiplayer was alive? Multiplayer exclusive achievements are such a bullshit. Doubly so if they're behind dlc paywall (looking at you, Uncharted).
>claims to be on the internet since the very start like the elitist person ever
>uses w10
>plays league of losers
Jesus pretending to be someone else is even more pathetic than making your own trip and dicking around with it.
yeah day 1 buy. Back when they had that one rifle which was incredibly overpowered and made people feel like a pro
Even if you did it with a guide
You can showcase specific achievements
I've got The Dark Soul achievement on all 3 Dark Souls games. Never got as deep into Demon's or Bloodborne, unfortunately.
Now you're just trying to bait me. YCS and YOSPOS didn't exist when I joined. Guess there is no proof on this planet that would convince you and honestly no good reason to do so.
>getting this BTFO
>twice in a row
This might be the best thread on Sup Forums right now. If only we had the same people to BTFO out the tripfags on /r9k/ then life would be complete.
not even close. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are equally bad for discussion, but Sup Forums makes quality memes. all of Sup Forums's good memes are imported these days.
I hate myself for playing Cave Story so much
>YCS and YOSPOS didn't exist when I joined
lol there's another one
remember that the real mrspooky was a huge asshole to everyone, banned people for no reason (since it was Sup Forums and you could do that), and constantly begged for donations from the Sup Forums userbase after being sent to court.
I have a lot of old tripfags on Steam, including the guy you are pretending to be :)
>add user to your buddy list
I guess I just post this. I've also 100%'d a few games on a couple of systems, but this is probably the most tangible thing to post in one image.
>tfw nobody played Miasmata
>tfw like nobody has used the wooden sword in Revengeance
>YCS and YOSPOS existing
Come on, man. You can doubt me all you want but that is flat out wrong.
Send me a message on Steam, then. The only Sup Forums people I still have left on there are Allyson, ABIB, ALTERNATIVE, Snacks, Xenon, tyam and Quin.
Also, yeah I was an asshole to everyone. That was forever ago. People did pay for my court fees. Before that, I made a sticky to buy a skateboard. People bought it for me. The bans for no reason was in Sup Forums, because that was the rules. Most people thought it was Snacks though.
I'd be my own buddy if I could.
I lost my account since then, but my proudest achievement was 7 day survivor on dead rising
>Send me a message on Steam
i've been talking to you for the past half hour, which you would know if you were actually MrSpooky. No, I'm not taking a screenshot and giving any of my Steam info to people on Sup Forums.
I also never said that YCS and YOSPOS existed in 2003, I said those were the boards MrSpooky frequented the most, because he vocally expressed his distaste for FYAD. You're now taking things out of context and stretching what I said in a feeble attempt to appear legitimate.
Just stop now, before you give me enough screenshots to make a full size collage of your autistic "i swear i'm an oldfag mod guys" posts, just for you.
just censor that shit you fucking dumbass
>Sup Forums liked modern warfare
>tripfags knowing anything
Every time a new game has been released a bunch of naive underage fags shilled for it. Sorry you fell for the meme.
I don't need a screenshot to know you're lying. That is the final nail in the "I'm trying my best to disprove you for no reason" coffin.
Why can't people just talk about old times instead of acting like total assholes?
I sure as hell hope that's with 106%, fag.
It's mine too, I'll be honest. But i've done it 4 times.
>Sup Forums
>not being assholes for no real reason
Good one famicom.
>online cheevos
end my life
Hey, I've had some lovely walks down memory lane by flipping my trip on. Barely use it but it always brings out someone I haven't spoken to in a long ass time, even if they doubt at first. Maybe I need to be a piece of shit and trip 100% of the time. Maybe not because I don't blow goats for quarters.
>Why can't people just talk about old times instead of acting like total assholes?
yet another thing proving you are a fraud
pic related is from 2005, you clearly don't fit in, especially not by trying to be an ancient user that most of the userbase hated about as much as Lanced Jack.
give me a day with a dummy network running TE and I could suss out that tripcode and do the same retarded shit you are doing right now. Do us all a favor and just post as Anonymous from now on, and stop trying to piggyback on the infamy someone else created.
Pic related does describe your attitude perfectly. Give me about two posts ago to not care. Do us all a favor and don't sperg out because I'm barely a has-been and you've always been a never-was.
Anyone who knew about Sup Forums before 2005 would be as far away from windows 10 as humanely possible
When you get older, you stop caring about plenty of things.
this is coming from the guy who said on Sup Forums in 2005 during the DONATE OR DIE fisaco "If Moot sells Sup Forums, I am never coming back"
looks like you'd better do a little more research, pal.
Like not feeling like a pathetic piece of shit impersonating other people?
7 day survivor and saint.
That's funny, I always thought he should monetize Sup Forums from day 1. When I helped sell shirts, I thought he'd finally start making some money. Didn't mind when he sold the place. Hell, /I/ made money from Sup Forums, as you have pointed out.
Where are any of these citations?
Well I certainly don't care if people don't believe that it's really me. I'll still be me and someone still might talk about the most fun portion of my life. There is the pathetic part. My last truly fun year was about 7 years ago.
>he thinks posting shit he saved from knowyourmeme gives him credibility
i'm actually moot, you know what i am saying is true because i posted this image of this post i made over a decade ago.