ITT: Games Sup Forums clearly didn't play but for some reason pretends it did

ITT: Games Sup Forums clearly didn't play but for some reason pretends it did

I played it. Scarecrow a best

You wish I didn't.

That's a strange way of saying The Fox.

Scarecrow is high tier though.

Any Neptune game.

Every 3DS and Wii U Mario game besides Kart 7, Kart 8, and 3D Land.

>that one user that keeps making threads about how 3D World isn't a real mario
what the fuck is his problem

Both of you are wrong, Sawyer is best

It boggles me why people pretend to have played 3D World. You see it happen every time someone says the game is easy, they pop up and talk about how the very last level of the game is hard as though that somehow proves them wrong.

A lot of us played 3D World.

What exactly is so "Shit" about the Neptunia games anyway? I played the first one recently, and got a little ways into it. The gameplay was fine, and the writing was funny enough, not awful, but not great. I hardly see how it's "PURE SHIT" like I often hear people say.

It is an easy game, but the amount of postgame content is really huge and moderately challenging, then yes that last level is a beast.

If you have a minimal JRPG experience, you'd know how weak and unimaginative it is.

I bought this game at launch but didn't play it until the beginning of this month for reasons. I loved it. Carter's quotes are my favorites:
>"AN ALIEN! Fascinating."
>"Another specimen lost."
Dorothy is my waifu.

Your first nep game will always seem alright but the series suffers from recycled assets to an extreme level where even the dungeon map layouts are reused in every game even though they're supposed to be different locations the cast has never been to before.

Tom here, got a cool user in my sights.
Man, the quotes from that game are stuck in my mind, if the voice acting wasn't so good I'd be complaining about the repetitive nature of it.

I feel like the game is a lot of wasted potential. The battle system seems neat enough to expand upon, but they reuse maps constantly and from what I can tell they don't take enough advantage of the positioning mechanics.


Musta heard me clankin around

Persona 1

MFW scarecrow lines
>I'm on fire! Wait what am I saying?"

Virtua Fighter

Time to show my steel