Hey Sup Forums, look what i got

Hey Sup Forums, look what i got

what is it

Quick and easy

Get hype

Its just weeb shit nothing to see here

picture of dragon dildo

Fleshlight for your micropenis?

Power to the players indeed

I didn't know gamestop sold buttplugs

Sadly they dont

Oh shit, ive been waiting a week for this

yup weebshit

Oh boy, Underage Panty Quest XXVIII

Fuck yeah!
Weeb shit!



The fuckers didnt even give me an advertisement

Enjoy it. It's a greta game

Now to pop it in

Put it on the stove :3

Dont know what this accomplished

Terrible thread

The hfuck?
Who plays this gay shit?0


Oh I thought you were joking

You actually have a vita?

In the trash you go

whoa I didn't know people had Vitas

You too, you fuck

Now turn on the stove leaving the game on it faggit.

Hahaha you got me there.

Great job son.


There we go, right where you belong

Can i ask you a question ? Why do you don't you buy the games on the PS store ?

Oh and even more important : WHY DO YOU OWN A FUCKING PS VITA

It's funny how it's always weebshit with these unboxing faggots.

They're so insecure and desperate they come here to show everyone their piece of shit in hopes someone will compliment them.

I work as a postman and I deliver every day shit like this to faggots like you

you can thank me now

Dude weed

>he bought DAN
what the fuck man

Just in time for a nice poop

I can embrace most weaboo games but tales of hearts R is too weaboo for me holy shit

Everyone knows physical copies organized neatly on a shelf are top tier.

Unless you were born past 2004

Is being a postman a comfy job??
I just want a job where I don't have to talk to people much and never get questioned what am I doing.

>all the fags ITT that don't own a Vita

What's wrong with Vitas?

Now set the trash on fire

>Memory cards in general; Price, usability, reliability
>Most of it's exclusives are getting ported elsewhere.

There was more, but I forget.

dump man juices on your vita. Or else this thread fucking sucks

Where'd you get Taiko V from, user

>having a game that has literally ''moe'' in the cover

wew lad


Play-asia, got it along with Puyo-puyo X Tetris.

Quality thread, lots of assravaged westaboos

>Bullet Girls
Prepare to be disappointed

>IA/VT was going to have Gitaroo Man's control scheme, but the Japanese found it too hard so they removed it

>Taiko fans

English localization of the new ones fucking when

I'm a security guard. That is exactly what you are looking for my friend.

you enter at 7:30
classify the mail until 9:30 aprox
then you have to go out and walk a lot
you have to talk to some people, but only a little (sign here, show me your ID, etc)
then at 14:00 you return to do a few things in the office then get out at 15:00
you know a lot of people and a lot of world, I recommend it

>no dragon dildo
why even bother

Jumped into IA/VT without knowing any of her songs. Aside from the first impression of her voice sounding like someone playing badly on a Violin, I had fun.

Bullet Grills is for Platy. Could have been worse.

Licensing would be a bitch to do wouldn't it?