Post mock ups of fake games

Post mock ups of fake games.

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My favorite fake fightan game concept



>there are people who backed mighty no 9



I don't understand why this person wouldn't just make a real game. Art is really the hard part with games like these.

And honestly, these slides are almost enough to by with getting a well-funded kickstarter.

There is actually a bear game.

oh. . . wasn't expecting that


Me neither

Last one.


as someone actually making a game?

Art is great if you want to scam people out of money. ESPECIALLY if it's porn. Niggers get stupid with their cash for porn.

But making a real game?

You need:
At least 1 Project manager, ideally a back up as well.

At least 1 coder, preferably 2.

Multiple artists.

Multiple writers.

Ideas and art aren't enough you need to invest time, money, and effort as well.

This is a real game though.

>thread is nothing but weebshit


>This game will never exist
Why live?

So, aside from having abilities clearly inspired by DIO, what exactly is Sakuya doing on the roster if it (as far as I can tell) is mostly composed of vampires and vampire killers?

Well that escalated quickly.

it's a big game

What the fuck are you babbling about retard?



I'm glad zero turned out to be shit or I might have had some hope left in man


You need someone who knows code and someone who knows art at minimum, you do need 10 people to make a small game like an indie srpg

I would play the fuck out of this.


She's the head maid for 2 vampires, close enough

She's a vampire's servant and she's supernatural in nature, I guess.

I love the reasons given for fucking up 0 too. "We could've made a good game but decided that wouldn't introduce enough new concepts into gameplay."

because apparently introducing dumb crap that your QA testers are telling you ruins the fucking game is okay even though it's 'new' and 'innovative'

from a different thread:

why is she jumping
should she not be using touhou mechanics like shooting lots of easy to avoid glowing testicles

Why do they keep taking what could be gorgeous 2D games like this mock up and make them 3D shit, Sup Forums? At least Bloodstained's 3D looks passable. Still would be better 2D.

I don't play 2hu but that's pretty fucking amazing

In Canon it's pretty popular for Sakuya to have been a vampire hunter that got defeated/persuaded by Remilia.

Nintendo pls

This was before 3U was announced


3D models are cheaper to work with than having to draw up a several frames of animation.

Woops *fanon

That image was advertisement on their kickstarter.

would play



Ah, the unwinnable game.

Yeah but these fuckers are getting millions! They could afford it.


oh and I forgot the composer and sound designer.

so yeah you need a small team for a decent indie game.

Art and code helps but it's not enough.



Demon's Souls RTS when?

Yeah that shit is actually important, if you don't know sound design no amount of bullshitting is going to save that


whoops, meant for

no I'm a grunt writer on a towergirls game.

I'd play it. I'd love another Battle for Middle-Earth game. Even another DUNE RTS.

does this count?

>He doesnt know sakuya was a vampire hunter

>trying to ruin a good thread


christ tell me about it. Our head coder used a redeath scream from one of the Zelda titles as the noise that flashes when you initiate battle.

Had to bitch at him for months to get him to ditch it because it made him laugh.

I mean it was never gonna make it into the final build but still.


i'm contributing, better than trollish complaining. it actually ended up being a decent game.

Bloodstaineds screenshots and demo look outright better than that flash-game looking mockup they originally showed.

They're going with 3D because they don't have a decades worth of sprites to recycle like Castlevania had and the games scale is going to be the biggest of Igarashi's projects yet. It'd take way longer to come out if they had to hand animate a couple million sprites well.


this hurts more than mighty no 9

Too weeeeeeeeaaaaaaaablooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Ragyo... you've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for quite longer at least..
Clothing... will continue on as an institution... as an industry... People will continue to wear clothes for reasons... they don't understand... causes they don't believe in...
But at least I leave a worthy successor...


Yeah luckily we got a sound designer who knew wwise to help us out, knew his shit and everything, really got our game sounding good.

Thanks for reminding me asshole.

Thank god I was ignorant enough and didn't know about Lily Bergamo/Let it Die until now.

Fuck you.

Why can't this be real?



umm, that language isnt ok


where do you think you are, fuccboi?

*raises paw*
but surely if people stopped getting offended at words people would stop using those words due to no reaction from sissies?

Don't give shitposters attention you stupid namefag



HAHAHAHAHAHAH get fucked shitskin.

>Art is great if you want to scam people out of money. ESPECIALLY if it's porn. Niggers get stupid with their cash for porn.

How is porn scamming? Let's face it, you know what you're paying for, and assuming they make the porn, it means they deliver.


Why do you use a name?

Oh my fucking god,that's it Im learning game design to make this a reality

*grabs you by the throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF?!?!

how did those faggots fuck up a flash game when they had hundreds of thousands of dollars

remember when people did these sim date games competently for free on Newgrounds?

>assuming they make the porn

Thanks for reminding me that chanX saved my namefagging from an older thread.

>player casually walks forward in a stance completely unprepared for any sort of actually fight and just blind flails his sword with no form whatsoever inflicting dozens of casualties

the image sums up pretty much every musuo game ever made, shit like this is just as easily solved with a character creator rather than having a full game devoted to what is essentially a reskin


it is