In 10 years from now, this will be looked back on as the best dark souls

In 10 years from now, this will be looked back on as the best dark souls.

Best bosses in the series
Best combat in the series
Fantastic level design
Fantastic enemy design
10\10 sound design
By far the best soundtrack of the series
Fun co op

Unbalanced pvp

An RPG like dark souls is not going to be judged by it's PVP 10 years from now, you're stupid if you think otherwise. From has spoiled us with their consistency and that's why a lot of you are lukewarm on it. If dark souls 3 came out in 2011 and 1 came out this year, you'd all be shitting 1 and praising 3. Was the interconnected world of DaS really that great? No. All that walking is annoying as fuck after a few dozen hours. It's nostalgia fooling you.


Wow you're actually right OP.

>easy bosses
>third best combat
>linear level design
>derivative enemy design
>unremarkable sound design, especially compared to BB
>unremarkable soundtrack compared to BB as well
>fuck up multiplayer

OP's retarded.

>third best combat

Literally how

>unremarkable soundtrack

Hahahahaha no. Fucking pleb.

>Literally how
DaS > BB > DaS3

Honestly, I might even put DeS above DaS3, it has no excuse for being so brainless and mashy.

>Best bosses in the series
>cant remember a single one maybe except dancer

>meanwhile I remember every single boss from bloodborne

You are wrong you faggot

Sounds like this was your first Dark Souls

No one who played another DS earlier would agree, DS3 got nothing new, nothing groundbreaking, sure its balanced and not too frustrating, but its not memorable aswell

OP is completely right.

It hasn't even been 10 months and most people have already forgotten DaS3 exists. I highly doubt people will even look back a year and think anything but "Wow, I forgot this existed!"

>linear level design

Except it's not, retard. World layout isn't level design. Go back to your open world Bethesda games.

I liked the look of the game and bosses but that was pretty much it, level design was pretty simple and combat wasn't all that interesting.
Demons and Dark souls 1 are still the best boi.
Demons has best soundtrack and dark 1 has best level design imo as wel as that humanity system which was kinda cool.

The individual levels in Dark Souls 3 are mostly linear as well, and when they're not they're just open and messy.

Eh. They've yet to make a consistently great game. There's always going to be shit areas, shit enemies/bosses or/and a big dropoff at some point in the game.

Each has its pros and cons. DAS3 is super solid but I hardly enjoyed any of the areas. Glad its over (hopefully)

Don't make me laugh.

In ten years people will look back on Dark Souls II and see where they were wrong. Bored with the latest shitty Souls iteration they will load up their old PS3s and Dark Souls II copies and will actually play it past "WAAHHHH WINDMILL GOES UP TO LAVA CASTLE" and realize the glory. They will find unique weapons, rebuild their characters, and rekindle the PvP with the widest variety of encounters ever seen in a Souls game.

It's only a matter of time.

Nope I started with das. Until a few weeks ago I thought DaS was much better actually. I just started my first dark souls playthrough in ages a few days ago and it dawned on me that it was all nostalgia. Don't get me wrong.. It's a great game.. But I realized that the only reason why people hold it on such high regard is because it was their first souls experience. You think cursed greatwood is easy? Do you remember how fucking easy moonlit butterfly was? Or the Taurus demon? Capra demon? Asylum demon? They're all on the same exact level of difficulty and design as the worst bosses in das3. The only reason Capra can be tough is because of those two fucking dogs. Taurus can be tough at first because you fight him in a narrow hallway.. Also not having a stage two really makes the fights a lot less fun desu. It's hard to go back.

Also.. Das really had some shitty level design. Undead burg is uninspired as fuck. The depths are shit. A ton of the late game areas are shit. But I must say.. No place in das3 can top anor Londo. That place is fucking magical. Das3 is a lot more consistent with its level design though.

>Best combat in the series
Its so easy to detect pvp babbies butthurt about poise.

I, uh.. what?
Will be?

It already is. DaS3 is better than the rest of the series in every arguable aspect, and by far.

>Undead burg is uninspired as fuck.
>Hating on the best level of any Souls game.
Opinion disregarded.

>Best bosses
Agreed. Nameless King, twin princes, Vordt, Dancer, SoC, Aldrich. Just 2 good

>Best combat
It would be the best if we had actual poise. No poise gimps STR builds.

>Level design
Incredible, more connectivity woulf have been GOAT

>Enemy design
Excellent but not better than DaS or BB

>Sound Design
Outstanding. I felt chills down my spine when i, unknowingly, stepped into the Profaned Capital mid Irithyll Dungeon and the wind effects made my sound system howl

It's easier to mention the only tracks that are not god tier, those being cursed tree and wolnir, rest is superlative

The only reason this game is hated by Sup Forums is because of shit pvp.


This is not an opinion.

>best level in any souls game

Please explain.

I tried replaying it recently and what the fuck, there's like half a second delay between my button presses and something happening

Feels even more sluggish than DaS2

Now I remember why I didn't give this another whirl.

I actually could have agreed with you until you said that bit about undead burg.

Parish > Burg

Also, Central Yharnam is the best.

You have good taste. You should post this more.

>people will disagree with this

not him but the song of the firelink shrine in DaS is the most on point song I´ve ever heard in a videogame. You can literally feel the depression through the song.

There is not much that I regret, but playing dark souls 1 with guides (until I killed Smough and Orns) is one of it. But I must admit many things were never explained properly and for beginners dark souls 2 is best, but dark souls 1 would have been on the top five of GOAT´s if I played it without guides

Yeah let me backpedal a bit. Uninspired as fuck is hyperbole (not for the depths though, fuck that place).. I just think it's a lot more average than some people think. I mean just compare it to its equivalent in 3. 3 does it about 10 times better IMO. Undead burg sets the tone for the game well but it's not really that special or visually striking.

ENB said it, so I just parrot his opinion.

My idea when someone says Undeadburg is Upper + Lower + Parish, basically the whole first half of the game, which is a very beautiful and well designed area.

>Best bosses in the series
>Best combat in the series
>Fantastic level design
>Fantastic enemy design
>10\10 sound design

Kek, this game is weak trash.

>Miyzaki-san, how can we improve the game formula after all these iterations of the soul series?
>lmao, just slap some bloodborne assets everywhere and mix them with das1's
>oh also make stamina management irrelevant, free rolls for everyone
>yeah, NG+ cycles are too much work, just put some shitty +1/2 rings here and there
>oh and buff rolls even more than bloodborne, get them iframes through the roof
>oh also make the game linear as fuck, trying to improve on das1 excellent world design is just too much work
>btw every weapon is quality now, don't feel like give them some uniqueness lmao

The magic's gone, the formula depleted. Way to end the series on such a shit note.

DaS3 is a shit tier RPG with no variety in playstyles. DaS1 will always be better for that reason alone.

nigger you try way to hard


I think the road of sacrifices was a shit area in general and took up a significant chunk of the game, most areas had pointless shortcuts and most enemies could just be stun locked to death If you weren't a passive bitch. Agreed with music and bosses.
Overall I still think DaS is better or equal.

>I want max damage output so there's no variety in play style

Wrong. Magic and miracles have been buffed btw and aren't nearly as shit

That is true but then it's also cheating. No one praises a whole world in DeS, or whole sets of areas from the other games. I consider those to be single areas and the only exceptions being 5 minutes things that are only new areas in name like Quelaag's domain

>RPG like dark souls

>ranged attacks means variety in playstyle

every boss is literally nothing but MEMORIZE ALL MY MOVES AND ROLL THROUGH EVERYTHING
no tanking everything with a shield and counterattacking
hell, no tanking everything WITHOUT a shield and just attacking through their attacks
no being over 100% equip load and not even rolling at all
most melee weapons other than regular swords are complete shit, complete opposite of DaS1 where shit weapons were rare

Fuck DaS3. It can't even compete with DaS2, even DaS2 has more variety in playstyles.

In Dark souls you play the role of an undead, just like in Mario you play the role of a plumber

>Das3 is a lot more consistent with its level design though

True, but thats part of the problem, it relys so much on the old places and patterns. Back then I could look over the "clichee areas" because it also blew my mind with other areas and bosses.
Cant even related on the nostalgia part since DaS wasnt the first DS Ive completed, but it still feels fresh and tight when you replay it. DS3 caught me with its bigger presentation and Id like to replay that one aswell, but theres not much Im looking forward to and then I stop the playthrough at some point. Theres no struggle, not much that stands out. Dont know how to explain it otherwise.

also this guy is somewhat right:
Undeadburg had the best athmosphere in every Souls game

>best bosses
>best combat
>best soundtrack
>fantastic level design

>That is true but then it's also cheating.

except dark souls 3 used too much from bloodborne.
>The jailers in ds3 are basically mergos chief attendents
> The undead settlement is basically hemwick charnel lane
>the catacombs of carthus are the chalice dungeons but with a different skin
> sulyvahns beast is the watch dogs of the old lords but not on fire

pic related

>have to sacrifice 3 ring slots to make pyro/magic/faith worth a shit
>even then, physical build are simply better in every case because of better returns with every stat investment and not have to suffer the retarded split damage reduction other damages types have to go through.

Ah yes, they are very good indeed.

Thank you user, if you honestly agree with me i can safely assume you have good taste too.

>Except it's not, retard.
Except it literally is.

Many zones look very multi-linear at the beginning and that's a nice feel, but once you run through them, you realize it really was just a straight line with a couple of small branches for bonus items.

And yes, the world design is literally a straight line, basically zero looping.

fucking djura. i honestly thought that was the highwall of lothric

10 years from now no one will remember this game/series. It'll be in one of those "Games only you played" threads.

Do you really remember which Siphon Filter was the best? Which God of War? How about which Sonic Adventure? In 10 years, you'll be playing "VIVID GAMES PRESENTS: This is not Tomb Raider - the U.R. experience" and any game that DOESN'T suck your dick while sending a low level electric pulse into your joy centers won't even be worth pirating.

>enemy design
do you mean visually?
combat-wise das3 wins, if the guys with a cross on their back or the pontiff beasts were in das1 they would be bosses.

Yeah i was referring to their visual appearance

Those sons of bitches at Carthus are harder than BB as a game in general

undead burg was great, i agree with everything else though, replaying das1 made me realize that 3 really is the best in the series

the only actually bad parts of 3 are the invasions and covenants

Nah, it'll be Bloodborne or DaS1. I can't even find the will to play 3 again after beating it three times.

>played bleed build
>boss fights were nothing deeper than mash R1/L1 and spam roll like a retard
>+10 weapon bleed stagger made NG+/++ bosses even easier than NG
>Nameless King, the "hardest" boss is only difficult because the first half the fight the camera is dogshit and the second half he does huge damage but the fight has no depth

Oh yeah gonna remember this all-star bosses real well :^)

>Sharp Sellswords+5 at 40 Dex
>completely melt Dancer's HP bar in 10 seconds
nice game

Despite the shitposting format, this post is the most truthful on here.

Fanboys in denial will, of course, put their fingers in their ears.

>The magic's gone, the formula depleted. Way to end the series on such a shit note.
i dont agree with all your points but that sentence is way too true. The genre is just done. It was actually quite shallow when you think about it (the combat i mean).

damn you're right

ALL video game combat is shallow when you think about it.

>I've never played Ninja gaiden black/ dmc 3-4

Come on, man.

Dark Souls 3 was a great game.

Dont forget Sup Forums is the audiophile of videogames. We represent less than 1% of the fanbase.