Is this game worth fourteen dollarydoos Sup Forums?
Looks like a fucking flash game
It's pretty fun
The manual is 400 pages long
Ignore this underage.
$14? Absolutely. It does have one motherfucker of a learning curve though, and it's almost incomprehensible even if you do have the manual. The lategame magic has some insane shit.
Dominions 4 for multiplayer
Conquest of Elysium 4 for singleplayer
How would that initial learning curve compare to other games? For example I love dwarf fortress but Aurora was far too much for me.
easier to get into than aurora
Well, it's as good as fantasy wargaming gets. Almost a hundred factions, thousands of units, hundreds of spells and magical items. Top-notch worldbuilding with factions based around historical nations and mythology from all around the world (Spanish Inquisition vs Undead Romans vs Egyptian Lizardmen vs Atlantis vs Biblical Giants vs Zoroastrian birdmen, that kind of stuff). Unique combat system (you can deploy your troops and mages and give them basic scripted orders but have no direct control over the battles which are resolved between turns with replay available afterwards). Superb multiplayer experience.
Above all, it's a multiplayer game (since in typical strategy game fashion the AI plays essentially by random, but Dominions gives it far more rope to hang itself with than most games) and it's very much wargame-y (so don't expect involved basebuilding and that kind of stuff), but I would recommend it just for exploring the setting the authors have created.
Have a look at the /vg/ thread in in case you're interested.
It is.
Are you implying 113 hours is a lot of time for a multiplayer focused game?
I'm saying it's my favorite and well worth a buy. Are you stupid or something.
>he put only 113 hours into his favourite game
like what kind of insane shit?
But harder than DF.
t. DFF
>he is a kissless virgin living in a basement and mooching off his mom
Playing at a basic level of recruiting units and assigning them to your commanders is very basic and intuitive.
Beyond that, one can argue whether or not Dominions is deep but it's certainly extremely broad with more factions than most games have unit types and such like resulting in huge quantity of options, with some of the mechanics being very detailed. It takes a while to understand the core mechanics fully, but that isn't required for getting something out of the game.
Only if you have friends to play MP.
It's an amazingly complex game with the amount of potential strategies it has to offer. Every country is unique, and there are three different eras (early, mid, late) for most countries.
But the SP alone isn't worth it. And it's awkward trying to break into a tightly knit MP community by yourself.
I was extremely hesitant before buying it (at $30), but a friend convinced me--was worth it.
not him but its good
you need friends though
holy shit, casuals PLEASE get the fuck out, jesus
>that hostile response
wow man did I hit a nerve or something?
And for the record I live in the loft:^)
A bit high but nothing too terrible, I'd say the biggest hurdle is the interface and the possibility of losing one of your first fights with no idea why it happened at first glance (and thus requiring you to watch the battle and pay attention to what happened.)
I for one found DF too full of bullshit for the sake of bullshit but really like Dominions.
seriously. that fucking casual with his mere 100 hour in some lame ass bullshit game. i've got like 400 hours in real games like TF2 and gary's mod
>you need friends though
>lame ass bullshit game
Fucking leave.
Jesus fucking Christ, man, I've put twice that into games I hate. You are extremely casual.
Tens of thousands of skeletons. Blot out the fucking sun, be a kingdom full of corpses with night vision so it doesn't affect you. Or birth a second sun and evaporate the world's oceans. Drill to the center of the Earth. Make the oceans rise enough to annihilate coastal factions. Make it rain shit fucking tons of fire.
Aside from the fire rain all of these are permanent.
Poison the source of magic with blood such that anyone casting a non-blood spell will be sensed and attacked by Horrors (spell description and event message in )
Cause everyone in the world to age and die at an accelerated rate (the age of individual units is tracked)
Break undead titans free from Tartarus and bind them to your service
Conjure a second sun to dramatically increase the temperature of the world
Mind control everyone in the battlefield (unless they win the magic resistance roll)
Engulf the entire battlefield in a massive firestorm burning everyone to cinders
That kind of stuff.
Niggas this is nothing to be proud of you know that
>it's your favorite you have to put thousands of hours into it
people don't rewatch their favorite movies adnauseum
Stop shilling your shit game here, /domg/, and send your fucking turns.
Basic gameplay is comparatively simple. Understanding all the ways troop and magic mechanics interact and devising strategies out of that, is the hard part. But even that is mostly reading unitcards.
I'd say it is easier to get behind than DF by a good bit.
Also, get into modding and make some custom civilizations for me to play around with.
The nations are insane in this game. Each nation has a rise and fall over the 3 ages that plays completely different. One civilization might be super strong in the early era where the world is overflowing in magic but shit in the late era. New civs pop up in later eras while older ones disappear.
My favorite is the Chinese based one that starts as empire with monks talented in all elemental magics but descend into mongols in the late age when the magic is gone.
Get on my level senpai
Supposing an average PBEM multiplayer game takes 10 hours real-time (if you survive until the end on larger maps, win or lose, it can be far more than that, but 10h is perhaps a reasonable average), you'd be playing the game for a thousand hours to play each faction once. And the winner of bigger games might spend 100 hours in that one match.
Fucking noob. Go play SP for 6 months.
Haven't touched more than an hour or two of SP. All those hours are from MP games alone, and almost no blitzes.
Played Doms3 for ages and didn't even know about Doms4
Anything changed?
What's new?
Everything. Go to /vg/ general and ask there.
>My favorite is the Chinese based one that starts as empire with monks talented in all elemental magics but descend into mongols in the late age when the magic is gone.
Interface improvements, a lot more balance, some new gameplay mechanics added, some of the more OP ones changed(like luck). More nations, more content in general.
Also supposedly better AI. Supposedly. But mostly the same game as before.
Well, for starters, that's where the multiplayer and modding scene is right now.
The changes in the game aren't completely dramatic (Dominions has always been an evolutionary rather than revolutionary series) but there's a number of new or extensively revamped factions (+a few Dominions 2 themes now appearing as factions, like Carrion Woods Pangaea theme appearing as MA Asphodel and Soul Gates theme for Ermor appearing as LA Lemuria, I think there's something like 20 new factions total after the patches), new spells and items, many of the older sprites are now redrawn, new victory condition (Thrones of Ascension: it's like victory points, but Thrones provide major bonuses), an optional co-op mode (one player in team is the pretender and others are his disciples/prophets), new formations and damage types, new movement rules, removal of reverse communions, rebalancing (for example, site frequency and research costs have been changed such that more time is spent in midgame with national troops and mages), pretty major usability improvements to the UI and that kind of stuff.
It's a direct upgrade more or less.