
Why does grass in video games still look like shit?

Grass/foliage thread

because plants are for faggots

That's a damn modern example you're posting.

I can literally take a screenshot from any modern game lol

An example from Ark, which otherwise has pretty good graphics

a game that came out 22 years ago isn't modern

>posts a 20 year old game

Because rendering all those blades is a waste of resources.

That's the point of their comment you muppet

what game is that? it's vaporwave as fuck

He is posting a game where grass and the rest of the game are on the same level.

That's Super MegaKong's Bad Fur Day on Zune

I think it's getting an ouya port.

Because it's a huge resource sink that almost no one actually cares about as long as it's close enough

I always thought of those as shrubs or bushes. You can see actual tall grass to the left.

witcher 3 had GOAT foliage

I also love the grass in wind waker, especially in the HD version

>Chop down grass
>Dig with the shovel
>Do this with every patch of ground

good looking grass for a gb game
good looking grass in this game

Did we play the same game?
I loved the grass in Link's Awakening.
It was extremely satisfying to chop.

because it's a lot of polygons to render, assuming you aren't using static sprites

Here's a secret, user
All the (realistic) videogames use planes for grass
It's not a matter of polycount, but of shading. Grass has SSS, and it requieres good AO to look good