Mine is kresnik and nebiros

mine is kresnik and nebiros

Red Rider
White Rider
Pale Rider
Kamen Rider

desu3 when

Best demons

This counts, right?

Hee ho to you, jack bro

No homo


Never ever.; _ ;

I unironically love this design to death

Kaguya for best Persona though

Find a flaw

He's not Lucifer

So was careersoft involved in making that terrible langrisser game on the 3ds?

never really used her but Mother Harlot's design is dope

He's untrustworthy

>that aspect raidou

He is a jew

hes not dead yet

Setanta & CĂș Chulainn (and by extension, Tam Lin)

best demon/semen demon



Memes aside he is pretty cool in 4

This is actually an improvement.
Thousand-tit Satan was fucking stupid.

That heeho with the guns
Nemissa ;_;

The great of all time, of course.

YHVH final form is pretty awesome too
I think he fuses with Satan

that's the sickest shit, oh my god

Daisoujou and Demoneeho. Also the Demonica demons if only for making a team of space marines.

This fucking guy, even when you can't get him he's an amazing boss

>No life stone button

shes so cute!
along with moh shuuvu!

Why did every other mainline game fail to capture the atmosphere of 2?

Because every other one tried to capture a different atmosphere