PS4 version incoming this November

PS4 version incoming this November

>Updated textures
>1080p/ rock solid 30 fps
>Digital only
>ferrystones getting ditched for a more traditional fast travel system. eternal ferrystone broke it anyway.
>no Berserk gear
>no Xbone version planned
>if it sells as well as the PC version a sequel could very well happen from the corpse of the Deep Down code

Other urls found in this thread:

>30 fps


>no xbone

That's actually the reason it's digital only. Every physical release has to have a Neo mode once that's out in the wild.

I just want a sequel already.

>30 fps
>when we have PC version

>no wind to push you
>no guts gear

I know sony is pumping money on capcom for some god forsaken reason, but
>if it sells as well as the PC version a sequel could very well happen from the corpse of the Deep Down code

Fuck off with this shit.

Stop it OP this was my fav game from last gen and my ps3 is kill and I can't afford a new PC till next year.

I've been dying for a port and that makes me feel like shit because all the ps4 has is fucking ports

>no Xbone version planned


Proof? A random guy on a Canadian logging club isn't what I would call a reliable source.

>ferrystones getting ditched for a more traditional fast travel system

Don't buy it. That would involve them actually having to do some work on it.

so its a shitty version of the pc port of a shitty console version im seeing a patern here

So s it a good thing I haven't started my playthrough on PS3 yet?

>rock solid 30 fps
I want this game on PS4 so much but come the fuck on.

>Rock solid

Why do people keep shilling this mediocre game?

You'll just have to remain skeptical until it gets announced in the next few weeks. Truth be told the work is practically done. There will probably be a lengthy stream alongside the the announcement trailer.

The ferrystone system was causing new players a lot of confusion. There's no new animations or anything, it's kind of like the Witcher 3s system.

Where is the proof faggot

Your trip isnt proof

>ferrystone system was causing new players a lot of confusion

Have some PC scraps PS4 bros :^)

But really:
>if it sells as well as the PC version a sequel could very well happen from the corpse of the Deep Down code
>"buy a game so we might get another game"
Is so fucking dumb. Fooled me once with the idea of getting FFXII on Vita if there was enough support for FFX/X2. That piece of shit is still in its plastic.

This, the ferrystone system is easy as fuck to use. How ''casual'' can we fucking get?

>30 FPS

Why? Even the PS4 can run this at 60 FPS.


Current Capcom doesn't want to do shit besides their safe franchises like Monster Hunter. Hey guis buy DMC4 for like the third time so we can get DMC5 soon.

Does anyone have a copy of that old cool DD trailer they made back then with the Pushing Me music? For some reason it's been wiped from the internet.

PS4 can't run God Eater 2 (a port of a psp game) at 60 fps. What makes you think it could run DD at 60?

It has been wiped off the American internet due to copyright and shit.

>rock solid 30 fps
>digital only
>no xbone

>no Xbox version planned

Fuck this

nobody has a copy? Make a torrent or throw it on mega please.

I will buy this game 100 times if it means we'll get a proper sequel

Hey Capcom bro if you're legit, are there any plans to fix:

-The broken Fight Money system
-The horrible pricing for costumes and stages
-The netcode
in SFV?

shit pc port of console game

>ferrystones getting ditched for a more traditional fast travel system. eternal ferrystone broke it anyway.

eternal ferrystone fixed their fast travel problem (buying ferrystones in bulk could get rather expensive, at least that was the complaint). The only other complaint was the lack of those fast travel warp crystals (you can actually buy them on the second playthrough and you can place them just about anywhere so that's a fair trade-off) and that you can only have 10 of them placed (I only have 6 of them placed so I'm not seeing the problem).

>1080p/ rock solid 30 fps

LOL, can't capcom do anything right? My godawful PC from 2007 can run this shit 60fps no problem.


>Deep Down code
>ANYthing like DD code
Fuck that.

>1080p 30fps
Why would anyone get this over the 4k 144fps PC version with mods that actually make the game look decent?

>ferrystones getting ditched for a more traditional fast travel system
What a fucking insult

>if it sells as well as the PC version a sequel could very well happen from the corpse of the Deep Down code
I'm not touching this shit and no sane person should after seeing what Capcom did to DMC, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Dead Rising, etc.
How many fucking ruined IP's do you guys need to stop supporting this garbage company?

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who own an Xbone.

I don't want it unless I can transfer my PS3 save to PS4 to save myself 500 hours of grinding to acquire all gear in the game again. Sequel or DDO when?

After all the shit it gets is not a bad system.

Why would they bother to keep using the Ferrystone when the Eternal Ferrystone just lets you keep warping whenever you want?

Setting your own warp points is a cool idea but it'd be way more convenient for the player if there were just warp points in all the major cities and let you branch out from there. Maybe if they gave you something like a horse you could ride around the plains on it'd mitigate it, but it's either an Eternal Ferrystone which is just fast travel or no fast travel at all. And if you're a firm believer that fast travel wasn't in the original game and shouldn't be used, nobody's stopping you from not using it.

>>Updated textures
>>ferrystones getting ditched for a more traditional fast travel system. eternal ferrystone broke it anyway.
>not just porting the pc port
I don't think so, Cap'n

You can transfer your save to PC.

Devil May Cry 5.


Ninja Theory.

Still inferior to the PS4.

Please be real. I need a sequel.

I'd like for them to localize DDO

>can't afford a new PC till next year

give me your specs, because my literal toaster core2duo and gt240 with 2gb of ram can run that shit flawlessly at high, no ENB's tho.

the minimum specs on steam are for 4k

>no Berserk armor
I'll stick with my PS3 copy.

I suppose porting from PC to PS4 was much easier than from 360/PS3 to PC, huh?

I still mad, not funny bro.

I'd like for them to work on a sequel instead. The MMO is lame as shit. The only cool part is the new classes.

You can transfer your rock gen DD save to PC?

>rock solid 30 fps
why are the adjectives necessary
its like saying
>gorgeous period flow

Also LP2 on PS4 please.

halo tmcc is better than any ps4 game
also being able to buy games on one system and then play them on both looks amazing


I don't know what that means but you can transfer your save to PC.

Bloodborne is better than every Xbox1 and Xbox360 game combined.

The fuck is tmcc?

>only some games can do that
>if you own a goty edition, you're probably fucked

Makes it look like a profesionally written piece. Makes your shitty bait more believable you know

Don't make me download this just to find out I can't run it you faggot.

I don't know, user.
I'm so fucking skeptical of shit like "silky smooth X" now.

why is the pc version so difficult to mod?

might buy ps4 version, game feels better at 30fps with the slow animations

The Master Chief Collection so just a port of all games, lol.

I own an Xbone, and a PS4, and you're full of shit.
You could've used at least a good game like Gears of War UE, or Crimson Dragon, though you'd still be wrong.

Why the fuck did you buy a dead console that even Microsoft refuses to support at this point?

It isn't difficult to mod.
>game feels better at 30fps

Gunna get it because I can't be fucked to buy a good enough PC to play it there.

Fuck man, I've bought it twice, do I gotta by it again just for a sequel?
'Cause I'll do it, you've got me by the balls you fuckers

i literally gave you my specs and the game runs on some space magic like the original dmc4, fucking inbred i am giving you happiness and you call me a faggot.

>ports of Halo games are better than any ps4 game

>30 fps
Are you FUCKING serious?

it runs on fucking tablets.

you could literally build a pc for under $100 that runs this game at 1080p 60fps.

>if it sells as well as the PC version a sequel could very well happen from the corpse of the Deep Down code
For one. Deep down is in "Hiatus"
And for two. The same shit was said for the PC version.
They ain't making a sequel no matter how much we want it and at the very best we will get the MMO with is a fucking pipe dream.

>More ports

Just fucking come out with the sequel, god dammit Capcom.

>30fps in an ancient PS3/360 port
get out

Is Deep Down dead?
That's too bad it looked kinda neat. If it came out then PS4 would have had enough exclusives to warrant me actually buying one.

Pc version doesn't have Wind or guts either.

That's cool bullshit you're spouting but it doesn't work on my PC very well at all.
Plus I've already played the living shit out of it on ps3 and have 11 million RC, every single item including the ones from the online Ur Dragon so I don't see why I should pay full price for it on PC.

god fucking no

will that get patched onto PC, or will PC have to buy it like when they had to re-buy Dark Souls 1 because of reasons?


Mt frameworks.
that's how.
Runs DMC4 pretty fucking stellar. why wouldn't the ps4 of DD:DA
Even though this "leak" is fake as shit.

Still better than the original, I'll stay happy with my pc version though.


What did OP mean by this?

>you could literally build a pc for under $100 that runs this game at 1080p 60fps

Not true. Shut the fuck up, you literal retard.

fuck it. I'll play it again.

Quarter Location Open Crates

It means there'll be more loot.

>its like saying>gorgeous period flow

Um, what are you implying? Menstruation is a beautiful, natural thing.

It literally runs on tablets, just like DMC4, Ground Zeroes, and Valkyria Chronicles.

It has never been full price on PC you fucking retard.


>buying an inferior version when you already have the better one
But why?

He's pretty much right, anything low cost you buy today can run it perfectly

if this leak is true, there's going to be a lot of laughs

>Already have PC version for glorious 1080p/60fps or better and mods

I guess it's cool console peasants will get to enjoy this again as long as it doesn't suffer from horrendous drops like the 360/PS3 version.

Will there be cross-platform support for pawns? That would also make these console ports welcome, more pawns to choose from and hire. Capcom is already doing crossplay with SFV.

i-is this real?
you crying yet?

im sure sonycucks are used to 30 fps and inferior ports at this point

Probably not. But I can hope.

I run it on a dual-core G3258, R7 250X 2GB and 4GB of the shittiest RAM available and I get 50fps at 1080p most of the time with settings on max.

I'd be genuinely surprised if you couldn't run it at all, fucking Skyrim ran at 720p on my machine's integrated graphics while I was waiting on a new GPU due to coil whine.

Let's see what happens when people compare this to Horizon now that ps4 gets a port

I'll take it even if it's 30 fps only, what I want the most is more save slots, being limited to 1 save only in a RPG is just wrong.

As fucking shit this port is, it'll still completely rape Horizon as a game.