Reminder this game is average at best and not even a real DMC game like 3 and 4

Reminder this game is average at best and not even a real DMC game like 3 and 4.

Nostalgiafags please off yourselves.

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Agreed honestly. Even DmC is better than this.

Delusions aside only DMC 3 and 4 are truly worth playing from this series. Maybe DmC if you want a fun little side romp and you get it one sale.

4 was shit

i only played 4 last year, then went got the hd collection in may 2016... i enjoyed 1 a lot more than 4, they were both great though.

Best combat in the series, get fucked

It is a real DMC game and has set the standard for the series.
You got to appreciate the founder before thinking you know the franchise.

Fuck you.

It's a "faggot who started playing Devil May Cry with DMC4 thinks his retarded opinions matter" episode.

If you don't appreciate all the DMC games for what they bring to the franchise you can literally go jump off a fucking cliff because someone with your mental deficiencies shouldn't be allowed to play them.

>real dmc game
>literally was supposed to be RE4

DMC is known for its cruazzzzy combat which only took off at 3

>First one isn't a real one

How can that be.

>its a indecisive fag who sucks off to his Nostalgia and thinks every game in the series can't be judged and all should be appreciated


>"im too much of an underage faggot to have played DMC1 when it released"

This is all I get out of you OP. DMC1 was a collosal success on every front imaginable and literally created a niche sub-genre of video games. I can guarantee you haven't beaten the game on DMD, let alone tried to S Rank it to unlock Super Dante, and just mashed through Normal.

The fact that people like you exist in the fanbase just makes me sad.

>S rank it to unlock super dante
What? You have to S-Rank it? You telling me I did an S-Rank run when I wasn't even trying to?

Here's the last (You) you're going to get from me. It seriously makes me sick that I share a game series in common with idiots like you. Enjoy your dead thread and your shit opinions.

but the combat is pretty much the only thing to support it. Level design is mediocre to DMC 3 and level variety is obviously terrible

1 has

>the best music
>the best art design
>the best level design
>the best atmosphere

Sure 3 and 4 have better combat, but 1 is still a great game. Are you seriously telling me you didn't enjoy playing it back when it first came out? I mean you did play it when it first came out, right?

Really low b8 thread, enjoy your one and only (you) from me friendo.

DMC1's combat is still very enjoyable for what it is and is still more reaction oriented than the later games. Still has the best level design, music and atmosphere of the series. Every move is a tool, not merely a utility to prolong your weak-ass hittingcombos. DMC3 split the combat of the series into a technical combo sim. I appreciate both styles of play, but there is a special place in hell for DMC3 babbys.

kill yourself

>Appreciating DMC2 ever

>Still has the best level design, music and atmosphere of the series.
Enemy design as well.

Friendly reminder that DMC1 was originally planned as a Resident Evil game with note of an action element, which explains its (superior) pacing and level design and why it actually lets players explore without ramming fights down their throats every 10 seconds

Fuck me those things are still scary

>Not at the very least appreciating that OST and Dante design

Plenty more.


The underage in this thread is fucking amazing.

DMC 1 was damn near perfect, and still holds up to this day.

>Great pacing
>Threatening enemy design that actually made you go "OH SHIT!"
>Puzzles that actually required you use your brain to solve
>Fitting music
>Sick ass boss battles (They do repeat though)
>Great story

Like, I'm just gonna stop now, shut the fuck up, DMC 1 isn't for the ADD kids who can't play a game without their HUD flashing in rainbow colors

>sick ass boss battles
>great story

Hahahahha yeah those 3 good bosses in the entire game and the most shounenshit like story in the entire franchise is amazing huh?

>3 good bosses

>out of 5

As someone that just started playing the DMC games after buying the HD collection, I gotta say you're full of shit, OP

How old are you OP?

>prop shredder
>enemy gets completely obliterated and your rank instantly jumps to SSS
>best combat
inb4 "b-b-but that's not how you're supposed to play!!!! you're supposed to be cuhrazee!"


Get to 3 before you talk user, you'll see how forgettable 1 is and why 3 is the defining point of the franchise.

Even if I end up liking the other games more, that doesn't stop 1 from being a good game you stupid faggot

>the most inspirational character action game in existence
>average at best

Kek sure you will and go fit in with the delusional rest.

>judges a game on what influence it has made and not judging the actual game itself

Nostalgiafags truly the worst

Same here.
Also, 2 has been really fucking boring, does it get harder?


We all know you started with DMC4 then went back and played DMC3 and maybe played DMC1 for an hour before making this thread.

It gets harder to continue playing, yes.

I find it weird that puzzles are praised so much in DMC1. Bosses and action in general were fun, but I thought puzzle solving and platforming were tedious because of the stiff jumps and lack of camera control. I get that it's there to break up some of the action so shit doesn't get too crazy, but I really don't see it as one of the game's major strengths.
I also feel like having time factor into your grade really discourages exploration.

I'm not at 2 yet, I'm about to fight Mundus in DMC1. The game's been pretty great so far, I'm not looking forward to 2 from what I hear about it.

More like DMC3 and onward aren't real DMC games because they strayed from the focus.

I'm almost considering dropping it since it's the last game in the series chronologically. It sucks because visual and animation wise, it's way ahead of 1, plus Dante just feels like he handles better, but the enemies are such a joke.

Yeah. That's 2's big problem.

>You can literally just shoot everything to death with the pistols.

Yeah, not trying to be half baked Resident evil games