Need a 1500$ PC to play it on medium settings

>need a 1500$ PC to play it on medium settings

Thanks Denuvo

>not having a medium range pc in 2016

I highly doubt that. Wouldn't it run well on a 1060 and an i5 6600? Those aren't that expensive atm

>running on high, close to 60fps
>fx 8350 r9 290

no excuses.


It literally runs fine on high settings on a $200 card. Just turn MSAA off, fucking mong.

Bought GTX 970 and seeing how I can barely play on medium at 1440p makes me depressed.


There's your problem, retard.

980ti and I got all settings maxed ;^)

My $1000 PC from 2013 runs it on mostly high settings with a few ultra at 1080p 55-60fps.

>having vsync and msaa on

>PC game looks bad
>PC game looks good and actually uses effects that stress even top of the line hardware, and will probably continue to do so for years

Can i play it with gtx 760 ?

>bought a 970 for 1440p
Maybe do some reasearch before you buy something.

you can also play it on low and low mid. your ps4 can't even order pizza

I have a gtx 260 and it runs on highest settings at 60 fps. You guys are all morons.
I also play on a crt monitor

GTX 960 here. Vsync and MSAA off,everything on high and I get 35-60 for the most time. Rarely dropped below.

>PS4 cant even order Pizza

Xbox wins again

the difference is that they made no effort to optimize it and just came up with some bullshit about the higher settings being for "future hardware"

better looking games have been less resource intensive and even ignoring the graphics the game very obviously had no QA work done on it whatsoever or they would have caught blatant issues such as the running speed or firing range crashes

the game being a poorly made and unoptimized mess is an objective fact

and for the sake of completion
>Sup Forums is one person

the web browser nigga, i wouldn't eat dominos even if it were free

1080p on medium should be no trouble.

4gb edition?

I'm playing it on a 970 with a 7 year old i7 and motherboard. I have no problems with mostly high settings.

Who the fuck would spend $1500 on a PC, prebuilt or otherwise?

>shit port
wow... so... this... is... the... power... of... square... enix...

PC tards le btfo XDD

Isn't it all relative? What does it matter if medium looks better than other games on high?

Idk about you guys but I can't afford to not run at a consistent 60 fps. Any dips in the 50s and 40s just feels like lag. Unfortunately I'm a graphics whore as well.

Yep. Running a i5-2500k at 4.7 and a rx 480. I built this PC 5years ago, and just upgraded to a rx 480, runs this shit fine at 1080@60fps, obviously the wack ass AA off, so 1060 is A=Ok

If you dont have titan x in a sli you should simply give up on life.

>You need not to be a poorfag to play this on medium settings

fixed it for you OP

>2014 vga
>2016 game

nice smoke screen post to cover up the fact its a single player game that has a cash shop.

you shouldn't play this turd on any platform

dude epic

I get medium on this with a 580 though

i7 4770k, 16gb ram, 970, ssd - I play on high and get 60-90fps. don't think it has ever dipped below 60. initial loading is around 15-20 seconds, after that it's

Running it on high with the important stuff on ultra (textures, details) with a 390


"Not optimized" are meme words for "my hardware is just medium/medium-high tier and I can't turn up all settings to ultra without getting 25fps". Just stop.

You're focusing on the wrong thing, it's a 60 dollar game with microtransactions shoehorned in. I'll never play it.

980ti maxed out just didn't turn on MSAA

You really don't need it, the Temporal anti-aliasing they've used is just fine

>$800 enthusiast gpu
>medium range pc

Kids say the darndest things.