The most loved and cherished character of the metal gear solid series is a globalist shill

>the most loved and cherished character of the metal gear solid series is a globalist shill

>she only wanted peace between nations
>somehow neither snake nor zero could comprehend that

I always feel so sorry for the Boss and Snake as I go through the series.. The Boss simply wanted to eventually reach world peace then her two biggest admirers manage to fuck up everything, Then snakes entire purpose in life is to go clean up those two guys mistakes.

>disliking globalism

The only reason war still exists is because people hang onto culture and exclusive ideologies. I don't care if it's through genocide or unification, but someone really needs to get everyone on the same page.

How is universal unity a bad thing, unobtainable with oure current situation, but the idea is good

they knew. they just used extreme methods

Illuminati pls go.

Pretty much this. It's kind of unfortunate a lot of societies are trying to go backwards in time just to keep their shitty little ideologies "pure".

The CIA guy at the end of the game and your country were the good guys. Even when the game came out this was how I saw things. Big Boss is a low IQ idiot compared to all three of his clones.

>people implying that nationalism and countries having self-determination is a bad thing

get out commies

Big Boss thinks the Boss's ideals are for pussies and actively resents her.

Nationalism and patriotism are stupid, but I'm all for self-satisfying interests.

What's so bad about globalism, OP?

Nah, fuck you. The weak countries should fear the strong ones.

>Nationalism and patriotism are stupid

Only kids or people that live in shitty countries think this.

>people implying that nationalism and countries having self-determination is a bad thing
>get out commies
Only kids or people that live in shitty countries think this.


Solidus did nothing wrong, and The Boss is shit. Accept it, fags.

How come everyone bullied Solid while gargling the balls of Big Boss and The Boss. Seriously even Kojima seemed to hate him.

When we get attacked by aliens you're gonna wish the world is all on the same page just saying.

I don't think the japanese consider clones human. I remember reading something about that. However I think he makes it pretty clear that Solid pretty much always did the right thing when he had the choice.

>M-Merica will be great again
>Patrotism, Lincoln chair Washington's teeth, indipendence Great economy M-M-Masternation
>Mostly wiped from theirselves

Get back in Sup Forums M8

Because he's just a pawn who gets played by everyone. At least Big Boss had the balls to give his country the finger after Operation Snake Eater and go do his own thing. Granted he also got played, but at least it happened while he was working towards his own goals.

Irony is that he was a better man than Big Boss could ever be.

Because a huge goverment means a greater distance between the top and the average citizen.

With multiple governments, different cultures and people can choose different governments to live with. If I want more government and nanny state, I can choose Singapore or the UK. If I want freewheeling capitalisim, I can choose Texas.

It means no competition for ideas in the governmental sphere.

Universal unity is bad for diversity as well. Multiculturalisim requires multiple cultures.

Go back in time to when MGS3 was about to come out.
>Everyone comparing Snake to Big Boss
>Snake is actually legendary. In MGS2 just pointing at his character model with a gun will cause him to know, even with his eyes closed. and aim his M4 at Raiden.
>Snake is man enough to admit the real man is no match for the legend.

Fast forward to MGS3
>Big Boss gets beat up by a woman in metal armor
>Eats instant ramen in the cold hallways of mountain bases
>Starts to believe in the enemy's ideals, even when said enemy is defeated
>Sees ghosts on a river when he has a dream

It's nice too actually get a detailed argument against globalism instead of the usual "get cucked, globalist". I don't quite agree but I totally see your point.

t. underage drumpf cuck

He's the hero we needed, but didn't deserve.

Not sure this is a good argument.

If we imagine America is the entire world and that each state was originally a country you can see that there can be a very big disparity between countries even under the same federal government.

I don't have a strong opinion for or against globalism I'm just not sure your argument holds weight for me.

Yeah, how dare people want to keep their history and heritage. Selfish assholes.