Be me

>be me
>download bf1 beta
>boot it up
>load into game
>no bolt action rifle
>select assault class
>German automatic rifle that never saw wide scale production
>switch weapons
>american pistol
>be black
>we wuz trenchs and shiet
>no trenchs
>"but muh colonial soldiers"
>thick British accent
>get killed by russian rifle used by a turk
>spawn in plane
>jump out and deploy chute 5 feet from ground
>pull out German carbine pistol
>still british
>still black
>get ran over by a turk driving an experimental german tank

real authentic game EA, its a shame people are going to "learn" about the bloodiest conflict in human history from this game.

>expecting historical accuracy from a casual go-to shooter
Autistic as fuck.
Also saged.


Not OP here.

Its not that its not historically accurate. Its that it makes absolutely no attempt at resembling World War 1.

I'm fine with tanks moving quickly. I'm fine with super armored trains driving in circles. I'm fine with a little weapon swapping between nations. But why no France? because they can make money off of DLC Why no Bolt-Actions? Why are black colonial soldiers fighting outside of the colonies? Why no trenches? Its not like they took one or two creative liberties for the sake of quick gameplay. This is just some weird Steampunk Battlefield game. I wish they would have made a World War 2 game instead. They clearly have no idea what even happened during World War 1.

Of course it is well within their rights to do all this. I just think its fucking stupid is all. I'm not going to buy it. I don't care if you do. Power to you if you want to throw some money at EA for making a shitty game.

>Being able to get in a server at all
You're full of shit OP

>the "flamethrowers" in the flamethrower tank are just HMGs that set shit on fire
haha what

the US military unit that saw the most action was all African-American which is the unit the cover nig belongs to

also there were troupes coloniales on the western front

Please tell me you are lying.

Why is this game so boring?

>colonials and minorities were a very small fraction of the millions upon millions of guys who fought and died
>better give them feature representation that makes it seem like they did half the work

how respectful

>be me
you have to go back

they know, they just dont care

I liked the part where some official made a statement about WW1 being rocky territory for games because "today's youth doesn't know anything about WW1"

>FPS with solid yet bugy game mechanics(still in beta
>Kick ass graphics and model designs
>Amazing sound effects and top notch music
>'s historically inaccurate??
>Fucking dropped

Get that autism out of here

It's just a setting. They felt like making a """WWI"""" themed game and adapted shit to what they wanted. Obviously put in some extra stuff for bonus SJW points and cut out things for DLC but what can we do? DLCs and pandering make a shit ton of profit (maybe pandering doesn't in the long term but what the hell) and it's obvious it's not going to end soon. I'm not going to even pay attention to the skin color of others in the middle of a firefight, why would it be such a bother? I had fun with the game and will most likely buy it once the price drops a bit because it did the job well, same with other BFs. I enjoy them for the gameplay, I couldn't care less if they made it set on Mars or in the stone age.

People are throwing such a fit over this it's retarded.

there were quite a few colonial troops on the western front

im guessing you are American since you don't seem to know anything about ww1 except stuff you read on Sup Forums

I think after the big explosion of people and EA in particular not wanting to let people play as women in multiplayer because "muh history", we sort of expected some historical accuracy.

If negros are in the war, I wanna play as a QT girl.

I know a ton, I've always been an avid war history buff

You are the one who doesn't know shit about what he's talking about.

>durr hurr le Sup Forums

I'll play too, "go back to tumblr"

If the gameplay is good, I don't really care. These things are never 100% accurate.

Woah you really opened my eyes to the inaccuracies of the battlefield series.

>I kno lots

Great argument, faggot

>Sup Forums gets mad when games don't live up to their expectations and call it "false advertising"
>new game is set in WW1, but has very little historical substances related to WW1 besides rare, experimental and obscure technologies and black people
>Sup Forums says "get over it", autist

Quality thread.

no one uses tumblr in my country lol

fucking americans need to leave their country a few times, they don't know anything

>boot up game
>fucking moron devs put a HUD in the game, last I checked people didn't see their bullet count in real life DICE
>see a black man in a video game
>lunge to my musty, cum slathered laptop to complain on Sup Forums
>unironically blame safe space culture and SJW's for triggering me
>calm myself by holding my soft caterpillar dick in my left hand (feels like my uncle's hand instead of my own which is a nice change of pace)
>why doesn't everyone just have it figured out like me?

this game makes me ashamed for having ever enjoyed the fps genre

boo hoo he's black big fucking deal

>anything in battlefield
>kickass or amazing


Finally some one that gets it
People all of a sudden give a fuck about historical accuracy and get assblasted offended about "muh ancestors weren't niggers".
People don't even look at the gameplay or even give a shit, for some odd reason all they care about now is the theme of the game which is retarded as fuck given that it's an FPS

You're talking like a landwhale with neon purple hair right now

I'm well aware of the Harlem Hellfighters. Thats not an issue with me. I would LOVE to see a game following the Harlem Hellfighters in a game that resembles World War 1. The red flag for me is the Black Colonial German soldiers fighting in France and are common in this game. What bothers me is DICE changing things. I don't care about one or two creative liberties either. If that was one thing they switched up, I wouldn't care. The entire game is just a blatant misrepresentation of World War 1.

Because for the briefest of moments I was excited about a large scale World War 1 FPS with a large player base. The more information I find out about it, the more disappointed I get. Thats why I'm not buying it. Because I think its stupid. If you want this game, go get it. I really don't mind other people think its great. I don't care if everyone on Sup Forums buys it and loves it. Just my thoughts on why DICE and EA are shit.

>be me
>play battlefield 4
>boot it up
>load into game
>get placed on US team
>select Assault class
>Slavic assault rifle not used in any Western armed forces
>switch weapons
>be white
>ignoring my white privilege to suckle combat welfare from the teat of the military industrial complex
>get killed by an American rifle used by a Chinaman
>spawn in plane
>planes swarming around a combat zone no larger than three city blocks
>jump out of plane
>headshot pursuing pilot
>steal his plane

THIS ISN'T THAT HARD, YOU DICE FAGGOTS, where's muh realizm?

Not that guy but the graphics and sound are pretty amazing. It surprised me at least. It's just not the same as gameplay videos, the real thing is impressive.

Maybe you are too old for war games user? Videogames are for kids after all. Why don't you get a girlfriend?

The biggest cocktease of all is that the semi-auto rifle LOOKS like a bolt action at first glance.

The scout literally starts with a bolt action rifle

>tfw love bolt action rifles with iron sights
>tfw devs rarely do this because they are afraid of slow gameplay
>tfw its gotten to the point where Bolt Action Rifles are no longer featured in World War 1

Ok we get it OP you really don't like this game

Oh I enjoy it fine, especially driving the train around, I just wanted a bolt action rifle that doesn't have a scope on it.

Why quote me? I said the there is a bolt action rifle and the op cried that there isnt. Get some reading comprehension faggot

>using a scope on a bolt action rifle
I mean I guess its phallic looking. If you love cock then have at it.

they specifically said they weren't going for history accuracy in this game there senpai

>jk there is really one but but but it has a scope and that's what I don't like

Oh. Excuse me. I didn't realize they said that. Then its okay. That makes this game not complete and total shit.

it ok :)

I undestand you love cock, but I don't see how relevant that is to this thread.

>>boot it up
it doesnt even work

>get btfo
>use the "ironic posting" card
Like pottery.

>make ww2 game
>call it ww1
This is the same situation like No Mans Sky, its just a blatant lie for marketing purposes and its clearly a leftist propaganda

And some of you cucks are ok with it
>buying EA games
Fucking casual

You think the children playing this game know France fought in WWI?

>gets BTFO
>Uh ur gay teehee

>be me
>download bf1 beta
>boot it up
>load into game
>it fucking sucks
>buy pic related

Which of you gross faggots were in my game?

it not a shoe

I'm not bitter enough to care about propaganda.
Too busy to give a shit about corrupt politicians and the retards choosing which bunch of thieves they prefer.

>be me


kill yourself

>Activision shills trying this hard

fucking lol

>cant find a server that isnt full
>see 20 servers with one (1) player in them
>finally get into game
>no guns

>Kill yourself
End thineself


Not in a million fucking years, mate.

the worst thing about the game isnt the historical inaccuracy
it's the shit gameplay
it's basically battlefield 4
other than that
>be me
why do newfags do this

>unironically preordering videogames
>unironically preordering cowadooty
Those $100 could have gone to good games, instead you just chose to support the other side of Battlefield's coin.

You should stick to Reddit.

>buy a shit game instead of a shit game

>every other battlefront comes out
>every CoD comes out
>Stalin vs aliens comes out
>the entire assassin's creed series comes out
>a plethora of other historically inaccurate games come out

>barely a beep complaining about historical accuracy

>battlefield 1 and that assassin's creed with a black female pirate

wew laddy

inb4 posts where everything else being historically accurate is okay because it's just benign fun making but having black people is sjw jewish shillary repeat the media xenoscum liberal jewstication burn the kikes race war new cuck cuck cuckolding bluepill liberal nu-male media nwo reptilian hybrid mind control conspiracy.

>tfw used to dominate BF2/2142
>dominated in BF3 most of the time
>had my moments in BF4
>tfw feel like complete casual now
>all i wanna do is just snipe

see and therein lies your racism. you think black people want to play as white people all the time? jesus christ. playing as an african american soldier makes no difference in the gameplay. you could play as a Russian with a M16A3 and a desert eagle in BF3, no one was complaining about "accuracy" then.

>he bought the Cowadooty with season pass on PC
You do know absolutely no one buys DLCs on PC, right?

>be me
Stopped reading

>be me

Mate we learned all about WW1 in like primary school in Scotland. Fucking yanks.

>that assassin's creed with a black female pirate

People jumped at AC Liberation?

Me on the right.

I give $5 at most for that crap.

>Furfags and weeaboos.

Well, I'm not buying this shit.


Sniping in BF1 is satisfying as fuck. If you can find a good position and your team isn't full of other snipers that is.

Thank fucking god someone else in this shithole is calling out the "be me" faggots. Jesus christ, not 3 or 4 years ago you would be eaten alive for having such an obvious redditshit opening. It's an unnecessary line. You ARE YOU. Fucking christ.

So much extraneous "clever" bullshit.

>solid FPS mechanics
I LOVE eating shit for 4 battlefield games straight and continue to ask for more

>it's not what I was expecting so it's shit

>EA shill is this upset people don't like his shit game

EA's business practices are among the worst in the gaming world, don't go flinging apologetics.

Do you not understand why people say "Be me"
How new are you?

>Playing an FPS for Historical Accuracy.
Making the game fun > Making it realistic.


>eats shit four times in a row
>gets mad when he chooses to eat shit a fifth time
why are you surprised
what are you doing here

>its a shame people are going to "learn" about the bloodiest conflict in human history from this game

More Russian SOLDIERS died during World War 2 than every country involved in World War 1, Soldier and Civilian alike, COMBINED.

Now what's this about people learning history?

Red flag number 1 was a game made by sweden.

>into the trash you go

m8 im not even /k/ but even I kinda feel like they didn't try at all to make it look like a world war 2 game. All the racist shit posting aside.

Like I said in , they changed things to fit in the Battlefield formula. It's not supposed to be a simulator. That's the whole point.

Hes new as fuck, reddit literally took "be me" from Sup Forums copypasta

Based Shark tits!

>no trenches

why does everyone spout this its ONE MAP for a beta test its a WORLD WAR there were multiple theatres stop relying on shitty pop culture, hollywood movies and shit state level education MUH TRENCHES history

i agree that french should be in already,to many WE WUZ involved all the inaccurate shit about weapons etc its a video game you would get bored and tear it apart if it provided you with 100% accuracy just as much as you are about the liberties its taking now


I'm pretty certain I haven't seen a single white player model the entire time I've been playing. What exactly is going on here. This isn't even a meme or an exaggeration. This is just bizarre on so many levels.

Mashiro is cute.

You write like you weren't here three or four years ago.

pic unrelated

I'm not reading all that. Not discrediting the game either. I'm just saying I can see why these autists are getting triggered. .


You'd think Sup Forums would like nigger killing simulator

>game does not attempt at all to be historically accurate